Larry Gude
Strung Out
This has been said:
There are public questions, raised by the opposition party, as to the constitutionality AND the justice of the war.
It seems legislation is to be introduced that states that the war had been 'unnecessarily and unconstitutionally' initiated by the President.
One pol said he would happily reverse his position if the President could prove otherwise but he (the President) 'can not or will not...' prove otherwise. This same politician stating '...from beginning to end, it (the initiation of the war) the sheerest deception..."
More from this guy: "The President hoped to escape scrutiny by fixing the public gaze upon the exceeding brightness of military a serpent, charming to destroy..."
As regards the Presidents defense of the war; " is the half insane mumblings of a fevered dream..."
Now, it's not all bad. In defense of the President, these accusations were called, in the paper; "a treasonable assault..." and labeled the accuser a 'Benedict Arnold...'
The argument back?
"To accept the Presidents position without question is to allow the President to invade a nation whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary..."
Now, I don't know about you but, this stuff is getting old. The twist here is that the outraged politician in question is some freshman congressman from Illinois but he is a Republican!
The thing I find really interesting about this is that his words could have been lifted from the Congressional record...
...of 1848, when he spoke them, and put in todays headlines.
The President was James K. Polk and the war in question was the Mexican/American War adding another modern day flavor to todays headlines for another reason, our immigration struggles.
And the politician trying to make a name for himself with heated rhetoric?
Abraham Lincoln.
So, do not despair my fellow Americans, we've been questioning each others integrity and motivation for an awful long time and seem to have done OK over the years! Next time you hear people or the press trying stir up visions of unprecedented public acrimony as regards our civic life, tell them to read a history book to calm their fever.
Kudos to Doris Kearns Goodwin and her FABULOUS book (given to me by the lovely and gracious Vrail as a Christmas present)
Team of Rivals; The political genius of Abraham Lincoln.
There are public questions, raised by the opposition party, as to the constitutionality AND the justice of the war.
It seems legislation is to be introduced that states that the war had been 'unnecessarily and unconstitutionally' initiated by the President.
One pol said he would happily reverse his position if the President could prove otherwise but he (the President) 'can not or will not...' prove otherwise. This same politician stating '...from beginning to end, it (the initiation of the war) the sheerest deception..."
More from this guy: "The President hoped to escape scrutiny by fixing the public gaze upon the exceeding brightness of military a serpent, charming to destroy..."
As regards the Presidents defense of the war; " is the half insane mumblings of a fevered dream..."
Now, it's not all bad. In defense of the President, these accusations were called, in the paper; "a treasonable assault..." and labeled the accuser a 'Benedict Arnold...'
The argument back?
"To accept the Presidents position without question is to allow the President to invade a nation whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary..."
Now, I don't know about you but, this stuff is getting old. The twist here is that the outraged politician in question is some freshman congressman from Illinois but he is a Republican!
The thing I find really interesting about this is that his words could have been lifted from the Congressional record...
...of 1848, when he spoke them, and put in todays headlines.
The President was James K. Polk and the war in question was the Mexican/American War adding another modern day flavor to todays headlines for another reason, our immigration struggles.
And the politician trying to make a name for himself with heated rhetoric?
Abraham Lincoln.
So, do not despair my fellow Americans, we've been questioning each others integrity and motivation for an awful long time and seem to have done OK over the years! Next time you hear people or the press trying stir up visions of unprecedented public acrimony as regards our civic life, tell them to read a history book to calm their fever.
Kudos to Doris Kearns Goodwin and her FABULOUS book (given to me by the lovely and gracious Vrail as a Christmas present)
Team of Rivals; The political genius of Abraham Lincoln.