This isn't arguable...
If you honestly think that all of the anti-war statements, be they based on a hatred of war or politically motivated against Bush, aren't having a direct impact on casualty figures, you're living in denial.
Cindy Sheehan is not pulling a trigger. She is not shooting US troops on the battlefield. If she was, that would be a direct impact.
She has an indirect effect. She affects our enemies, which I've already covered. She is delusional and hurting US moral. I've already covered that. But thsoe are indirect impacts.
Now, I don't want to turn this into a English lesson, but, lets go over this one more time;
An insurgent who has been sent out by his boss to shoot a Marine in the head or set off an IED to kill troopers that might be Cindy Sheehans son in order to make Americans think we are losing because it will cause someone like Cindy to do what she is doing, that guy is having a direct impact. His boss and his tactical plans are having a direct impact.
Cindy half way around the world is not having a direct impact. The news is influencing people here. That is an indirect impact. Peopls reaction to the news is an indirect impact. How I react in writing my Congressman to get him to support increasing the violence against our enemies is an indirect impact.
Cindy and Jane motivating people to protest is an indirect impact. The protestors have an indirect impact. The President and how he responds to critisism has an indirect impact.
You can argue all day long to have Cindy shot or locked up, newspapers shut down or silenced and even have me sent off to get my reality check and THAT will have an indirect impact on a battlefield casualty.
It will not, however, change the meaning of words and you're not going to willingly get me to live in a police state. You'll have to force me and the only way that is going to happen is if we have weak leaders and people willing to give over every and all of their rights.
And if that happens, oh well. I am willing to be engaged and fight civically for our rights AND accept the responsibilities for those rights but I am not willing to destroy it in order to save it.