Like when they write "dinning" rather than "dining" or "lead" instead of "led"; language change by repeated mistake. In 5 years we'll all be gauging out our eyes to aboyd the cite of Lizzy on stauge in a b'kini!
The past tense of lead (to lead someone, a verb) IS led - the metal which is a homophone, is lead - a noun.
(EDIT - I just realized I read that backward - you were correcting the misuse of "lead" as past tense of lead).
Not sure where I saw this, but it was
- how do you rate Lizzo? Oh, she's a 10, definitely a 10!
Really? you remind me of her.
(Slap) I can't believe you said that.
The very definition of doublethink - the ability to rate Lizzo a 10 and still be greatly offended that a person you just declared a
perfect beauty, you find it grossly offended to be compared to.
I titled this thread gauging precisely for the same reason people shouted Let's Go Brandon - because the left can excuse repeatedly that which they clearly know otherwise - that it is price GOUGING and "gauging" doesn't even make sense.
I originally thought she simply misread the teleprompter. But when she repeated it, I realized,
for a talking point she surely had rehearsed, - she's just seriously stupid.