Primanti Bros


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So JD Vance shows up and a crowd shows up to greet him. The manager freaks and says Vance has to leave and if he even gets out of his car she's calling the cops.

Yeah, big faux pas.

So Vance is nice about it, even though the crowd is livid. Everyone started canceling their orders so Vance paid for the meals and told everyone to chill, PB was a fine small business, etc etc. PB issues a sort of apology, says the manager was overwhelmed, didn't know he was coming, blah blah blah. Which was probably a lie because it wasn't that big of a crowd and she is on camera telling him he can't do a campaign stop at "her" restaurant. But anyway....

After a couple of days the calls for boycott and rage subsides.

Until Kamala had to jump in and stir it back up.

On Sunday, Harris’ campaign posted a video on X showing Harris being welcomed as a hero in Primanti Bros. back in August.

"Well they let ME do a campaign stop there :razz: "

What a ****ing bitch she is. That doesn't hurt Vance but it nails PB right between the eyes.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
So JD Vance shows up and a crowd shows up to greet him. The manager freaks and says Vance has to leave and if he even gets out of his car she's calling the cops.

Yeah, big faux pas.

So Vance is nice about it, even though the crowd is livid. Everyone started canceling their orders so Vance paid for the meals and told everyone to chill, PB was a fine small business, etc etc. PB issues a sort of apology, says the manager was overwhelmed, didn't know he was coming, blah blah blah. Which was probably a lie because it wasn't that big of a crowd and she is on camera telling him he can't do a campaign stop at "her" restaurant. But anyway....

After a couple of days the calls for boycott and rage subsides.

Until Kamala had to jump in and stir it back up.

"Well they let ME do a campaign stop there :razz: "

What a ****ing bitch she is. That doesn't hurt Vance but it nails PB right between the eyes.

She's a gutter snipe. People /employees don't quit left & right on you (and repeatedly!) when you're a nice person. Employees quit because you're an *******.

Especially campaigns, and she probably has a lot of young people working for her because they're idealistic & still naive. Her campaign is probably running on elastic bands and wound pretty tight right now. As the stress builds in the last month, I think it will get worse. Look at her face. She is even beginning to LOOK meaner. Trying to look tough...but it's coming through to me as BITCH.

She is the type of woman who (did) will step on every single person in her way to the top She has no female friends, because she is a straight up C-word. Oh sure...she looked oh, so cozy with Oprah, and the audience was cooing and fawning all over her. It's sickening to watch as she goes into this fake, sweet, coy delivery just lapping up all the adoration like a beauty queen. The cringe factor is 1000%. 🤣


Well-Known Member
So JD Vance shows up and a crowd shows up to greet him. The manager freaks and says Vance has to leave and if he even gets out of his car she's calling the cops.

Yeah, big faux pas.

So Vance is nice about it, even though the crowd is livid. Everyone started canceling their orders so Vance paid for the meals and told everyone to chill, PB was a fine small business, etc etc. PB issues a sort of apology, says the manager was overwhelmed, didn't know he was coming, blah blah blah. Which was probably a lie because it wasn't that big of a crowd and she is on camera telling him he can't do a campaign stop at "her" restaurant. But anyway....

After a couple of days the calls for boycott and rage subsides.

Until Kamala had to jump in and stir it back up.

"Well they let ME do a campaign stop there :razz: "

What a ****ing bitch she is. That doesn't hurt Vance but it nails PB right between the eyes.

And Vance and others are doing the smart thing - NOT showing vindictiveness, but making their opponents look like fools by being human beings and not whiny little bitches. This is a case where returning with a smackdown would have confirmed what the owners felt.

It may not have swayed anyone, but it made the OWNERS look stupid.

On a similar note, I saw a bit where Vivek decided to go to Springfield OH - have a town hall - and invited everyone, especially Haitians to come and talk about what they believe is going on. Damn. Why didn't I think of that? Instead of trying to fight over words, he asks them to come and talk about it and figure out what to do.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So JD Vance shows up and a crowd shows up to greet him. The manager freaks and says Vance has to leave and if he even gets out of his car she's calling the cops.

Yeah, big faux pas.

So Vance is nice about it, even though the crowd is livid. Everyone started canceling their orders so Vance paid for the meals and told everyone to chill, PB was a fine small business, etc etc. PB issues a sort of apology, says the manager was overwhelmed, didn't know he was coming, blah blah blah. Which was probably a lie because it wasn't that big of a crowd and she is on camera telling him he can't do a campaign stop at "her" restaurant. But anyway....

After a couple of days the calls for boycott and rage subsides.

Until Kamala had to jump in and stir it back up.

"Well they let ME do a campaign stop there :razz: "

What a ****ing bitch she is. That doesn't hurt Vance but it nails PB right between the eyes.

I don't feel sorry for them in the least.

A good business owner would have accepted both, or none.

Any business issues here forward are on themselves.


Well-Known Member
I don't feel sorry for them in the least.

A good business owner would have accepted both, or none.

Any business issues here forward are on themselves.
Well, Pittsburgh may be blue - but it's more - purple. Unlike Northern Virginia and the Red Hen.

When you draw the line for who can be a customer based on their political beliefs, you run the risk of not just pissing off like-minded people - but others who realize that THEY might be next.


Well-Known Member

In a week, not one single person is going to remember anything about this. All they will remember is that they can get their rotund behinds a big fat Primanti Bros sandwich.


Power with Control
I don't feel sorry for them in the least.

A good business owner would have accepted both, or none.

Any business issues here forward are on themselves.

Well, it sounds like it wasnt the owners, but that manager letting her politics run the show. Now they are stuck dealing with her choice


Well-Known Member

In a week, not one single person is going to remember anything about this. All they will remember is that they can get their rotund behinds a big fat Primanti Bros sandwich.
Eh since they built franchises all over the place they have really gone downhill. Not the same sandwich I first had 30 years ago.


Well-Known Member

In a week, not one single person is going to remember anything about this. All they will remember is that they can get their rotund behinds a big fat Primanti Bros sandwich.
That's what kind of gets me about these election season litte news stories. They're here - and gone - and even some really BIG stuff just vanishes like a fart in the wind (sorry Shawshank).

Although - as little stories go -

I'm still kind of interested about Kamala portraying herself as "middle class" and that somehow, SOMEWHERE, she worked at a McDonald's - which I would bet good money she hasn't. A lot of people have learned a LOT about her childhood - every home she lived in, pics of just about every grade school class pictures, and so on. No one can name which McD's she worked at, and not one person who worked at one in the area can say oh yeah, *I* worked next to the VP when she was at McD's!

So yeah, calling BS on that one.

The way things are, if it comes up as a bare-faced lie, everyone will still shrug, call Trump a liar and vote for her anyway.


Power with Control
That's what kind of gets me about these election season litte news stories. They're here - and gone - and even some really BIG stuff just vanishes like a fart in the wind (sorry Shawshank).

Although - as little stories go -

I'm still kind of interested about Kamala portraying herself as "middle class" and that somehow, SOMEWHERE, she worked at a McDonald's - which I would bet good money she hasn't. A lot of people have learned a LOT about her childhood - every home she lived in, pics of just about every grade school class pictures, and so on. No one can name which McD's she worked at, and not one person who worked at one in the area can say oh yeah, *I* worked next to the VP when she was at McD's!

So yeah, calling BS on that one.

The way things are, if it comes up as a bare-faced lie, everyone will still shrug, call Trump a liar and vote for her anyway.

Been a few people asking for records of any trial she actually stood as a lawyer to prosecute. With cash awards even. Nothing has surfaced.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No one can name which McD's she worked at, and not one person who worked at one in the area can say oh yeah, *I* worked next to the VP when she was at McD's!

And that's the dumbest lie. Nobody gives a rat's ass where she worked in college and the fact that she felt compelled to tell an unnecessary lie makes me think she either lies reflexively or where she *did* work would raise some eyebrows.

It's like Tim Wolz's lie about his military rank. He didn't need to lie about that, the truth would have been fine. Better, since it wouldn't bust him out as a compulsive liar. Dembots are puling about, "Well what does it matter what rank he was??" and yeah, Dembot, that would be the point. :dork:

Joe Biden, same. He can't open his mouth without lies spilling out.

And then they have the nerve to bitch and cry about *Trump's* lies, which 9x out of 10 aren't lies, it's the media lying.


PREMO Member
Been a few people asking for records of any trial she actually stood as a lawyer to prosecute. With cash awards even. Nothing has surfaced.

She did not prosecute most anyone, all pre-trial negations and plea agreements are her ' wins '

KH would not stand up in court with that word salad ... the one trial she was actually in the court room, the other guy did all the talking she just sat their


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden, same. He can't open his mouth without lies spilling out.

He's told just an enormous amount of tales about his personal life - it's actually legendary on the level of Munchausen, Grandpa Simson or Commander McBragg.

Drving an 18-wheeler - arrested marching in civil rights - talking with a conductor who had been dead for years - travel thousands of miles with Xi Jinping - going to the Tree of Life synagogue - Gold Meir inviting him during the Six Day War to meet - that she wanted him to liase between Israel and Egypt - watching a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh - the cannibal story -

And I can't begin the mention the ones he's told in office referring to the economy, inflation when he took office, the debt, Afghanistan and so on. They're not "nuanced" or opinions - they're stuff even the NYT and WaPo gives a million Pinocchios to. Flat out wrong.

And people who voted for him are JUST FINE with them.


Well-Known Member
She did not prosecute most anyone, all pre-trial negations and plea agreements are her ' wins '

KH would not stand up in court with that word salad ... the one trial she was actually in the court room, the other guy did all the talking she just sat their

But - to be fair to DA's and prosecutors - they can still do a decent job without actually ever standing before a judge.

However, she tries to paint a picture of herself vigorously fighitng for the rights of the people, when she put innocent men behind bars and prosecuted cases for marijuana possession, which even she believes personally should be legal.

You will however notice that she ONLY talks about her time as a prosecutor - and a DA.

Well she was SENATOR for four years and IS the VIce President. You know, she's applying for the top job - when I look at interviewees - I want to know what they've done LATELY.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
He's told just an enormous amount of tales about his personal life - it's actually legendary on the level of Munchausen, Grandpa Simson or Commander McBragg.

Drving an 18-wheeler - arrested marching in civil rights - talking with a conductor who had been dead for years - travel thousands of miles with Xi Jinping - going to the Tree of Life synagogue - Gold Meir inviting him during the Six Day War to meet - that she wanted him to liase between Israel and Egypt - watching a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh - the cannibal story -

And I can't begin the mention the ones he's told in office referring to the economy, inflation when he took office, the debt, Afghanistan and so on. They're not "nuanced" or opinions - they're stuff even the NYT and WaPo gives a million Pinocchios to. Flat out wrong.

And people who voted for him are JUST FINE with them.
Just think how bad America would be if he hadn't been driving his Rig in the Civil Rights March and given Rosa Parks a ride after she got thrown off the bus by that Uncle Tom Corn-Pop. He barely made his delivery in time, after jumping his Kenworth when the bridge was out and caught the plane to the Six Day War and fight off the Cannibal Taliban.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Drving an 18-wheeler - arrested marching in civil rights - talking with a conductor who had been dead for years - travel thousands of miles with Xi Jinping - going to the Tree of Life synagogue - Gold Meir inviting him during the Six Day War to meet - that she wanted him to liase between Israel and Egypt - watching a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh - the cannibal story -

"No joke! I'm being serious!"



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Well, Pittsburgh may be blue - but it's more - purple. Unlike Northern Virginia and the Red Hen.

When you draw the line for who can be a customer based on their political beliefs, you run the risk of not just pissing off like-minded people - but others who realize that THEY might be next.
Michael Jordan had the best reply when he was asked in his early years why he doesn't take a political stance. He replied because republicans buy sneakers too. And now today, MJ is a multi billionaire, mostly due to sneaker sales.


Just sneakin' around....
Michael Jordan had the best reply when he was asked in his early years why he doesn't take a political stance. He replied because republicans buy sneakers too. And now today, MJ is a multi billionaire, mostly due to sneaker sales.
Hollywood should take a lesson here too.