Private Detective


New Member
Drama for the day. :eyeroll:

A friend of mine suspects her boyfriend may be cheating. They don't live together, he's a big drinker, when they're not together, he's often not accessible on his cell and/or home phones. She's thinking about hiring someone to camp out and watch his house to see his comings and goings and to see if there's anyone coming and going with him. Anyone ever used one or know someone who did? How expensive was it?


New Member
If she is that insecure and has the feeling he is, he probably is, so maybe she needs to dump his ass and save her money. :crazy:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
:lmao: Why? He's just her b/f and they're not living together.
Ya got me, that's why I can't stop rolling my eyes every time she talks about it but I told her I'd try to find out some info on a private I. :rolleyes:


curiouser and curiouser
Chasey_Lane said:
:lmao: Why? He's just her b/f and they're not living together.
:yeahthat: Is he really worth it? I imagine it's not cheap, if you don't trust someone, you don't trust them. She should take him on Dr. Phil. Let us know what day they'll be on. :howdy:


New Member
CandyRain said:
Drama for the day. :eyeroll:

A friend of mine suspects her boyfriend may be cheating. They don't live together, he's a big drinker, when they're not together, he's often not accessible on his cell and/or home phones. She's thinking about hiring someone to camp out and watch his house to see his comings and goings and to see if there's anyone coming and going with him. Anyone ever used one or know someone who did? How expensive was it?

Why waste her money? Really? If she has all these concerns, and he drinks alot and doesn't answer her calls, why the heck is she still with him to begin with? They are not married, she needs to cut her losses JMO


New Member
Nickel said:
:yeahthat: Is he really worth it? I imagine it's not cheap, if you don't trust someone, you don't trust them. She should take him on Dr. Phil. Let us know what day they'll be on. :howdy:
:lmao: Jerry Springer


Working for the weekend
Give her this advice........anytime you have feel that you need a private PI to investigate a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, they are sooo not worth it. It is time to move on.


New Member
harleygirl said:
Give her this advice........anytime you have feel that you need a private PI to investigate a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, they are sooo not worth it. It is time to move on.
I have and she knows it but she feels to make the break, she needs solid proof. :shrug:

Some people just make you want to :banghead:


New Member
migtig said:
Why doesn't she just borrow a friend's car and stalk him herself?
Because, unlike her, her friends have sense and don't want any part of enabling her to be a psycho stalker. :jameo:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
CandyRain said:
Because, unlike her, her friends have sense and don't want any part of enabling her to be a psycho stalker. :jameo:
IMHO, add to your sensibilities and suggest to your friend that a drunken cheat and a codependant relationship this early on will likely to progress to greater depths of dishonesty. Her best bet would to be to work on herself and "walk on by". If she loves herself, even a little, someone will love her like she should be. :yay:

:gossip: p.s. If I were her therapist, she couldn't afford me.... :roflmao: