Problems writing letters and numbers


You're a LOON :)
:huggy: I won't worry about it. I just need to get the teachers outta my hiney about it. :lol:

Another option would be to go to the school and talk to one of the K teachers. I can't remember who your other kiddo had in K but the one mine had was really good and on top of things with my son. He might be able to give you some ideas on different ways to work with him.


Throwing the deuces
:yeahthat: It is completely normal for children, at that age, to write backwards and show signs of 'dyslexia.' I would keep a very close eye on it, at this point, and I would not dismiss that parental instinct just yet.

There is a fabulous book out titled “The Mislabeled Child” by the Founders of the Eide Neurolearning Clinic that might be worth the read for you. If anything, it will give you cues on what exactly to look for and hints on how to work with the writing difficulty.

I'll look into it. Thanks!


Throwing the deuces
Another option would be to go to the school and talk to one of the K teachers. I can't remember who your other kiddo had in K but the one mine had was really good and on top of things with my son. He might be able to give you some ideas on different ways to work with him.

He had Mr McClure. That's a good idea too.


New Member
My preschooler is struggling with his writing skills. There are some letters and numbers that he does fine with and others that he doesn't seem to have a clue on, especially lower case letters. So far, they have practiced A-K. I have tried workbooks, worksheets, tracing letters/numbers, and "free-hand". He has no problems recognizing his letters and numbers.

It's almost like he's trying to write things backwards. He is left-handed which I don't find as an excuse as I too am a lefty and my mom says that I never struggled this badly with writing. I am getting worried and don't want him falling behind. Any ideas of what I can do to help him? Any great websites out there that may offer better worksheets to try with him? With Kindergarten being so much more advanced than it was when I was 5, I want to get this problem resolved before he starts.

Also, I know this is jumping the gun but would I be able to "hold him back" for another year of preschool or does he legally have to enter Kindergaten when he is 5? I'd rather him repeat pre-K than Kindergarten and see all his friends advance into 1st. Any advice/ideas would be appreciated. I am trying to not over-react as there's still 6 more months of school but worry has really set in.

my son is left handed and he has his own way of writing his letters and numbers, although they still come out looking the same. I watched him write while he was home (he is 22 now) and he goes backwards in making the loops, always has. I never worried too much about it because i am left handed and somethings just can't be done the same as right. They can be done but just not in the same way. Give him some time and see what he comes up with by himself, instead of having him do it the right handed way. He may surprise you.:howdy: Keep in mind he is not even 5 yet the hands are just learning to hold a pencil or pen, there is no reason to hold him back because of it.


Active Member
With NCLB all our schools have become obsessed with test scores and fail to acknowledge individual differences in learning. Teachers react to this climate and can alarm parents. While it is true that many of our kids are probably being rushed and are mislabeled with learning problems, there are children who do need a boost. A competent pediatric occupational therapist works successfully on the kinds of problems you describe. If this really bothers you and you think that your son needs help, contact a pediatric occupational therapist for an evaluation as well as ChildFind. Most insurance covers it.