Professional wrester, wife, son found dead in Georgia home


Common sense ain't common

Professional wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their 9-year-old son Daniel were found dead in the family's Georgia home Monday, the Fayette County Sheriff's Office confirmed to

Authorities are on the scene and, "an investigation is ongoing," a spokesperson told reporters for the site.

Officials were said to not be commenting to the press on the case, but the Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported cops saying the deaths were not gun-related.


I wish this was a work, a joke. I really do. But it's real, and it's incredibly sad.

Gone far too soon, he just turned 40 last month. My prayers are with the family, friends, and fellow wrestlers in this difficult time.


This Space for Rent
rescueman said:
this is very sad. i have been watching him for years.

What is sad is the wife and child.

What is also sad is they throw a memorial for this guy and that people feel sympathy for him. This jacked up steroid monkey doesn't deserve a memorial or a pittance of sympathy for what he did. He deserves to be spit on and thrown in an unmarked grave to be eaten away by the worms and forgotten forever.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
What is also sad is they throw a memorial for this guy and that people feel sympathy for him. This jacked up steroid monkey doesn't deserve a memorial or a pittance of sympathy for what he did. He deserves to be spit on and thrown in an unmarked grave to be eaten away by the worms and forgotten forever.
Thank you.

All the memorializing is disturbing to me, considering he apparently killed his wife and child.


FromTexas said:
What is sad is the wife and child.

What is also sad is they throw a memorial for this guy and that people feel sympathy for him. This jacked up steroid monkey doesn't deserve a memorial or a pittance of sympathy for what he did. He deserves to be spit on and thrown in an unmarked grave to be eaten away by the worms and forgotten forever.

Tell us how you really feel


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

All the memorializing is disturbing to me, considering he apparently killed his wife and child.

:yeahthat: If this is what happened, he is no better than any other murder, very sad for the WIFE and SON and the 2 children left.


All Up In Your Grill
Tina2001aniT said:
:yeahthat: If this is what happened, he is no better than any other murder, very sad for the WIFE and SON and the 2 children left.

:yeahthat: Like I said in the other thread, he commanded respect in life as a wrestler but lost so much respect in death.


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

All the memorializing is disturbing to me, considering he apparently killed his wife and child.
Your selective morals disturb me, it is not a proven FACT yet and like i said to your post last night in the other thread, WWE only had minimal info at the time the show had to air. They have sponsers to pay, the show must go on. These finding were coming across after the show had started. You of all people,sheesh, he only killed them ONE TIME! C'mon if he only did it ONE time should it ruin his life? Sound familiar,Vrai?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
You of all people,sheesh, he only killed them ONE TIME! C'mon if he only did it ONE time should it ruin his life? Sound familiar,Vrai?
That was ignorant.

What's disturbing is that you're so ate up with a fake sports figure who killed his wife and child. Consider getting a real life.


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
That was ignorant.

What's disturbing is that you're so ate up with a fake sports figure who killed his wife and child. Consider getting a real life.
I'm sorry I think it is tragic when people die. I am ignorant? Right, because I like to defend child molesters and throw around my pretend power on a chat site when people disagree with me. I am ignorant for feeling bad for a man that in all other aspects was a great athelete. This from a woman who's hero is a drunk and stoned woman from british television. Yeah that means alot from you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
I'm sorry I think it is tragic when people die. I am ignorant? Right, because I like to defend child molesters and throw around my pretend power on a chat site when people disagree with me. I am ignorant for feeling bad for a man that in all other aspects was a great athelete. This from a woman who's hero is a drunk and stoned woman from british television. Yeah that means alot from you.
Forget getting a real life. You should consider therapy first.

Where's my :meltdown: smilie....? Oh...there it is.....


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I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

All the memorializing is disturbing to me, considering he apparently killed his wife and child.
I was just going to say.. A THREE hour special commemoration for a person that KILLED his wife and seven year old..

You have to wonder how this tracks in the minds of the 12 and 13 year olds that watch this drivel...

He's a HERO??


My Sweetest Boy
Spudtrooper said:
I'm sorry I think it is tragic when people die. I am ignorant? Right, because I like to defend child molesters and throw around my pretend power on a chat site when people disagree with me. I am ignorant for feeling bad for a man that in all other aspects was a great athelete. This from a woman who's hero is a drunk and stoned woman from british television. Yeah that means alot from you.

You personally knew Chris Benoit?


I bowl overhand
Spudtrooper said:
I'm sorry I think it is tragic when people die. I am ignorant? Right, because I like to defend child molesters and throw around my pretend power on a chat site when people disagree with me. I am ignorant for feeling bad for a man that in all other aspects was a great athelete. This from a woman who's hero is a drunk and stoned woman from british television. Yeah that means alot from you.
I don't see the tragedy of the a-hole taking his life, I see the tragedy in him taking the life of his wife and their innocent 7 year old son.. I couldn't give less than a rats ass what he did prior to killing that child.. all he is now is a murderer, and worse than that, a CHILD murderer.

If you feel the need to take the life of an innocent child, then you yourself commit suicide you need to eat your gun.. FIRST. the proper sequence should be.. 1. Kill Myself... 2. Kill my kids..

This man was a coward in the worst sense.

As Dennis Miller said.. "You need to lean in and take one for the team!!"


I bowl overhand
Spudtrooper said:
I'm sorry I think it is tragic when people die. I am ignorant? Right, because I like to defend child molesters and throw around my pretend power on a chat site when people disagree with me. I am ignorant for feeling bad for a man that in all other aspects was a great actor. This from a woman who's hero is a drunk and stoned woman from british television. Yeah that means alot from you.


how many people did the drunk and stoned woman kill??