Progs Lose HATE Speech Case


New Member
So is it not true you were adjacent what Kathy griffin did and outraged?

is it not true that you conservatives are picketing a play at this moment that features Trump being killed?

Seems like you want it both ways.

You want protection so you don't have to be offended but don't care about offending others

See... Again you get the buzzer.

See that's it. She has a right to do any tasteless act she can conceive. Likewise, the reaction of those bearing witness is completely permitted as well.

Now we'll see if Trump turns the SS on her like Obama did to his detractors.

That's what the proglodytes are upset about... That the power to act upon those acts is not in their mortal enemies hands.

That was my post from the Kathy Griffin ####.

She has a right to do whatever stupid thing she wants, just like you. I don't care. :shrug:

Run Sappy, the shortbus is honking for you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Are you brain damaged?

Did you even read the case?

The band that brought the case are all liberals and using the "slants" to reclaim the word for asians. This is exactly the type of thing you spend half your time crying about. Now you are going to try to change the narrative and say it was a win for your side? Ha. You really must be a confused old man

Honest question... do you believe this is a 'narrow' decision by SCOTUS that only affects this particular case?


Well-Known Member
Honest question... do you believe this is a 'narrow' decision by SCOTUS that only affects this particular case?

Of course not.

All i said was the Redskins case has yet to be decided and the argument the lawyers use for that may be different and therefore the outcome could be different or it could be the same. We just don't know yet.

I was pointing out that in fact the people who brought this case were liberals and that it cuts both ways. Why you think free speech is a partisan issue is baffling. You people are so brainwashed its really no longer funny.

You can't on one hand be outraged by Kathy Griffins photoshoot and on the other hand cheer for the Redskins


New Member
I was pointing out that in fact the people who brought this case were liberals and that it cuts both ways. Why you think free speech is a partisan issue is baffling. You people are so brainwashed its really no longer funny.

You can't on one hand be outraged by Kathy Griffins photoshoot and on the other hand cheer for the Redskins

Sure we can, shrimpy. Freedom of speech does NOT mean YOU tell ME what I can be outraged at, or cheer for. KG absolutely exercised her right to free speech. Once she did, we exercised ours. Just like you here in the forum - you can, and do say whatever you want. We then respond. We're sure as hell not gonna figuratively pat you on the head and tell you what a good job you did saying what you wanted to say. If we don't like it, we tell you. We do that with each other, too - just in case you are starting to work up a good blubber over being 'picked on'.

Freedom of speech comes with freedom of choice. One is free to express him/herself and the other is free to "be outraged" or "cheer them on".


Well-Known Member
You can't on one hand be outraged by Kathy Griffins photoshoot and on the other hand cheer for the Redskins

Of course we can.

Should I explain it to him?

MY voice is as free as anyone's. I have a right to say what I think about offensive behavior. I can oppose vulgar treatment of others.
I can refuse to go to movies or in any way support an entertainer or sports team if I find them offensive.

What I *CAN'T* do - and what conservatives DON'T do, nor do they call for it -

Is for the government to intervene and punish or outlaw this kind of thing.

Kathy Griffin is free to be just the ignoramus she has always been. No one is stopping her from doing it.
Kaepernick is free to be an a**hole about the national anthem. People are free to pretend to kill the President on stage.
And people are free to protest them.

Get it?

Now - I *suspect* you don't. Because the first thing you're going to say is, why are all these conservatives so outraged about this stuff.
BECAUSE THEY CAN. It's a free country. What they don't have to do is roll over and take it.


Now - that said ....

There are SOME forms of expression that are not protected by law. I'll leave it to you to tell us all about it.