Provocateur Ray Epps Demands Retraction From Fox


Well-Known Member
Oh, the web we weave when first we practice to deceive... So, maybe a few of the "at least 40 undercover informants" became a little overzealous and decided to help agitate things along. Makes their contribution to their employers all the more valuable.

So what they could ahve been anyone of the people of claim was just there "like tourists"

Do you have any proof they incited the mob or forced anyone to commit violence against police officers? Stole things or defecated and urinated in the building?

You really love pointing the finger at anyone rather than accepting responsibility.


Well-Known Member
The whole thing was a democrat planned sham from beginning to end.
The one who really belongs in jail is Nancy Pelosi.


the poor dad
Ray Epps sentenced today. A pitiful 1 year probation and 100 hours of community service. And he didn't even appear in court for the sentencing - was allowed to phone it in! Biden's DOJ has really screwed over America.
