Psssst don't tell the dems . . . but . . .


Active Member
Larry Gude said:
...who would be the first person to spin this little tidbit.

All this does is bring W's shortcomings as CIC screaming back to the fore;

It took nearly 4 years, 25,000 wounded and 3,000 KIA to figure out this is how it's done? Four years of ignoring pro war critics screaming for more force? Four years of laying the ground work for anti-administration and anti US foes?

There's resolve and there's stubborn. Resolve is a man keeps climbing a mountain and gets to the top. Stubborn, a man stops beating his head against the wall and uses the door.

Resolve would be to increase troop levels even more. Right now. And to declare to the Iraqi's we are leaving in 12 months so, get ready.

Makes one ill thinking of where their country would be, right now, had it not taken so long to re-learn the lessons of war.

I'll be the first to admit we needed more troops there from the jump.

But none the less if this allows us to exit gracefully then so be it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Better late...

Thor said:
I'll be the first to admit we needed more troops there from the jump.

But none the less if this allows us to exit gracefully then so be it.

...than never doesn't always apply. Sometimes the horse has left the barn. Sometimes the milk is already spoiled.

I hope this does work. I hope they get enough public support, in Iraq, to see that if everyone, most everyone, stands up that they don't have to kill each other if they'll just kill the bad guys. My fear is that everyone, most everyone, is no more interested in the rights of anyone different than themselves than we were our first 4 score and seven years as a nation. Maybe they, as we did, have to pay rivers of blood to move on.

And that's all it is; hope.