Local bus route. No. They are extending it to Ridge (or is this what Elaine already posted?).sleuth said:What's STS and what are its current routes? Does it go all the way up to DC?
huntr1 said:They are extending it to Ridge (or is this what Elaine already posted?).
sleuth said:What's STS and what are its current routes? Does it go all the way up to DC?
Cletus_Vandam said:Isn't STS the transportation that is pretty much in place for the mennoites and amish to get around when their buggy's "in the shop"?
Oz said:And so folks can get to the bank to cash their welfare checks and buy liquor.
Now, they're extending the line to the nice college students in St. Mary's City, so they can reach the metropolis of Lexington Park to flip burgers and empty trash cans.
Stay tuned - it should make for some interesting newsprint in coming months...
(Did I leave out any stereotypes?)
elaine said:Beginning Jan 17, STS will extend it's route south on 235 to 5, north on 5 for a SMC stop, then Mattapany back out to 235, returning to town.