Purple Hair


Well-Known Member
Okay I need some advice/help. My daughters, who I thought loved me dearly, dyed and highlighted my hair. It came out bright orangish/red and snow white where they put the highlights. I couldnt take that, I bought Loreal Feria, Light golden brown, the bright red turned into a nice auburn color which is very close to my natural color, however, the white bleached parts turned out.... PURPLE. I am afraind to put anything else on it without knowing whats going to happen. Any recommendations that can help would be appreciated.:elaine:


Having Fun!
Okay I need some advice/help. My daughters, who I thought loved me dearly, dyed and highlighted my hair. It came out bright orangish/red and snow white where they put the highlights. I couldnt take that, I bought Loreal Feria, Light golden brown, the bright red turned into a nice auburn color which is very close to my natural color, however, the white bleached parts turned out.... PURPLE. I am afraind to put anything else on it without knowing whats going to happen. Any recommendations that can help would be appreciated.:elaine:

I know that you probably don't want to hear this but I'm going to say it anyway --- get yourself to a professional colorist and stop trying to do it yourself. At this point, you need a professional.

Good luck! And they do love you dearly. They're just not color experts!


Active Member
OMG...you poor thing! I had it happen once, and I had to keep getting it trimmed until the color was gone. I heard that over processing can make your hair disappear. I haven't colored my hair in many years because of that, only my hair was the color of BoZo the Clown's!! Good luck. Years from now..you will laugh at this.:faint:


I know that you probably don't want to hear this but I'm going to say it anyway --- get yourself to a professional colorist and stop trying to do it yourself. At this point, you need a professional.

Good luck! And they do love you dearly. They're just not color experts!



New Member
Do not try to put anything else on it............it could get worse. I see this a lot in this line of work. The more you try to fix it the more it will cost you at a salon to fix it plus you are putting your hair at risk to be over-processed and to break off. A salon visit is your best solution. Any questions you have feel free to pm me.


Well-Known Member
Not when you 56!! :faint:

If it makes you feel any better it could be worse.

My friend dyed her hair and it turned barney purple. Come to find out, she was pregnant and didn't know it yet and had a reaction from all the hormones.

So, it could be worse, you could be pregnant with purple hair! :killingme


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel any better it could be worse.

My friend dyed her hair and it turned barney purple. Come to find out, she was pregnant and didn't know it yet and had a reaction from all the hormones.

So, it could be worse, you could be pregnant with purple hair! :killingme

:smack: shut your mouth!!!:killingme