"puter slow as molasses...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

kwillia said:
:lalala: :happythoughtshappythoughtshappythoughts: :lalala:

...I slipped into something more comfortable...the bed.

Then I strapped on my...latex and...plastic...apnea mask and fell asleep like a log.

I don't even remember her coming to bed.
Larry Gude said:
...I slipped into something more comfortable...the bed.

Then I strapped on my...latex and...plastic...apnea mask and fell asleep like a log.

I don't even remember her coming to bed.
Pic of Larry in jammies for the imagination impaired...:coffee:


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Plus, :drool: the spahgetti is ALREADY gone. BY your reasoning, how long should it be before we need more?
In the freezer, you will find three pint jars of sauce, just waiting to be heated up and thrown on some noodles.

I daresay it will last MUCH longer than any fire. :kiss:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My flame...

vraiblonde said:
In the freezer, you will find three pint jars of sauce, just waiting to be heated up and thrown on some noodles.

I daresay it will last MUCH longer than any fire. :kiss:

...is eternal. Or is that infernal?