Q Drop (PJay - need help) Tucker interview


Well-Known Member
im old.... what the h e double matchsticks is a Q Drop?



Well-Known Member
So many conspiracies...so many things that never, ever, not once, come to actually pass.

I'm with you, though they did call the Epstein arrest and "suicide" before either happened. They were publishing pictures of his island with the giant owl statues and weird buildings and stuff. After he was arrested they kept tabs on the fact that no police were going to his island to lock down the evidence, lots of private person traffic to and from though.

So not zero for 100, more like 2 for 100.


Well-Known Member
It all happened. You just didn't see it happening...for a good reason.

Q says "it had to be this way"

If you take the time to watch the videos I post, plus research, read laws and orders, all the EOs CIC Trump put in place, etc., etc. You would know what is taking place.

I have posted info in many threads..everyone ignores it..fine. Stay in the dark.


Well-Known Member
I don't have the time to explain everything.. follow Derek Johnson..he's close with Trump and he's good at explaining what is going on.



Well-Known Member
or keep waiting for the corrupt MSM to tell you...

They've been lying to us for years...

What is actually taking place..I prayed for years to come. It's happening. Very thankful to be alive to witness.