General Electric is now dead (full movie to follow soon).
You only think that was a good idea. It probably wasn't.
You only think that was a good idea. It probably wasn't.
no kidding. seriously, if he was my neighbor, I'd report him for littering. and I'm willing to bet there's something in the HOA bylaws too.
I bet you would even call the State Police on me.
Looks like the General was spared the paint ball gun?
Anyone have the number to the HOA so we can call and complain, and suggest they fine him daily until he removes the unsightly trash from his yard?
Looks like the General was spared the paint ball gun?
They don't kidnap people and force them to join. Clementine put his own siggy on the line; they may have done crappy construction, but his perpetual whining is not making anything better.HOAs are the devil and anyone who tweaks them is A-OK in my book.
Anyone have the number to the HOA so we can call and complain, and suggest they fine him daily until he removes the unsightly trash from his yard?
Going to laugh my ass off, if QBHI shows up with the new/ upgraded dishwasher and asks for old one in return..
I know if I was going to replace a dishwasher at my cost, I'd want the old one in return.