Quality Horse Shoeing


New Member
Farrier in red

DQ2B said:
Ok, you say you're not against going barefoot and that you've seen improvement with some that have gone to barefoot but then you say that it's also B.S. Why?
I don't see where working a sore footed horse on black top or gravel 15 min. a day is benifical to thoughen thier feet up. This methhod is recomended by many bare footers and in my opinion is crule not to mention the fact it could road founder the horse.

I would never propose all horses go barefoot. That would surely be a catastrophe. It's not a simple matter of just removing the shoes. But the thing with shoes that will never change is that they DO change the physical response in the hoof, that is a fact. Shoes simply do not allow the hoof to work as nature intended.
The foot still can still expaned and absorb concusion with a properly applied shoe.

And that's okay for many. They do just fine. Yes, horses are individuals and each should have what is right for that horse.
Could'nt have said it better.
For mine, going barefoot was obviously the right move.
I am glad it worked for you and yours.

The barefoot info. was definely not B.S. to one of my horses. I think it's great that you bring up the fact that owners need to be more informed about what constitutes proper hoof care and for pete's sake what a proper hoof should look like otherwise how do we even know if the shoeing was good or bad. It just seems to me that owners simply go along with tradition and have their horses shod without really giving it any thought about WHY they are having shoes put on. Because that's what everyone does?
Maybe they just depend on the the professional they employ to make that decison for them because that is what they hired them to do.
Look, I was guilty of that for many years. I have no idea why I was continuing to shoe my horse, I never even bothered to try him barefoot, until I had a problem. That problem opened my eyes to lot of stuff. I'll never look at another hoof the same way. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not dismissing your profession. On the contrary, I'm hoping farriers will continue bring ALL available options to owners and not just shoe a horse a particular way because that's what an owner wants but to also help owners understand more about what the hoof needs, what it needs to look like and why. As far as the fractured P3 question, I'm sure a specialized shoe would be the protcol for treatment but I'm no vet. Hey thanks for joining the board, hope you'll stick around.

Oh, disregard the karma crap. Now that really is some B.S.
The karma was not what bothered me. It was the comments left next to it.


New Member
persimmoncf said:
The crack between the heel bulbs has gotten deep, sometimes crispy, and very sesitive when probed. I have recently started dripping penicillin deep into the crack............what is your theory on this?
Sounds like thrush. I have never used penicillin in this but It could'nt hurt.
The cattel section of southen states, or American live stock should have a product called Today. It is a antibiotic that kills 17 types of bateria and it is considerably cheper than penicillin.


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Farrier said:
Married with children thank you. I think you need all the facts when making any changes to a horse's foot. What more do want to know.( be specific) I have nothing to hide.

Hello! No one was talking about marrying anyone here. :jameo: All I wanted to know was do you look good enough to make me want to change farriers! :smack: But, with that attitude, I'm going to have to say no! :razz:


New Member
persimmoncf said:
A friend farrier recommended the penicillin for her and she swears it worked. The crack grew shallow...no sesitivity. So, Im trying it. I pull the med out with the needle - then remove the needle from syringe - then use the long tip of syringe to blast it into deep crack.

There is NO odor, even thou you are correct it is a form of fungus that has eaten the tissue in the most dark crack very deep. I will keep you updated.

I would like to know how the Farrier feels about this symptom and treatment. :popcorn:

Please could you post me some pics I maybe able to better identify what you are talking about.


New Member
Unbelievable said:
Hello! No one was talking about marrying anyone here. :jameo: All I wanted to know was do you look good enough to make me want to change farriers! :smack: But, with that attitude, I'm going to have to say no! :razz:
I am sorry I thought you asked if I was single. Oh you did.


New Member
Farrier said:
I am sorry I thought you asked if I was single. Oh you did.

I think all she really wanted to know was whether or not she would enjoy looking at your backside for the time it would take you to do her 24 horses. :lmao: Isn't that right unbelievable :howdy: :killingme Come on everyone isn't that what we all wanted to know? :whistle: Tim's the one we really love :razz:


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Farrier said:
I am sorry I thought you asked if I was single. Oh you did.

Well, I did, but that doesn't mean I wanted to marry you. :razz: I ask everyone I meet or communicate with if they're married, it's my gauge as to their level of intelligence. :howdy:


New Member
Unbelievable said:
Well, I did, but that doesn't mean I wanted to marry you. :razz: I ask everyone I meet or communicate with if they're married, it's my gauge as to their level of intelligence. :howdy:

I am sorry did I imply you wanted to marrie me or anybody else?
The thank you in that post was in regards to your comment that I appear to be good looking.

I have uploaded pics but can not get them on the post. HELP


  • Blue unit 2006 0014.jpg
    Blue unit 2006 0014.jpg
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  • Blue unit 2006 0012.jpg
    Blue unit 2006 0012.jpg
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Does my butt look big?
Cute butt shot can you maybe post another one where the pole is not in the way..oh and a little larger so I dont have to pull out the bifocals..


Does my butt look big?
Farrier said:
Sorry the best I have got don't take to many but shots.

Ok, I showed you mine now where is yours? :whistle:

Here you go..Its not really that big (my butt) its just my horse makes my butt look big...
