Question about ebay....


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I have sold some large items on ebay. I packaged and weighed the item and put the shipping weight in the ebay ad. My ad stated that the actual shipping and packaging costs would be added. My first communication with the winner was to get shipping info and my reply had the shipping cost. That way you don't get stuck and neither does the buyer.

The bids I have sold for have always exceeded my expectations. A few bids even went higher that my purchase price; something about competition. That is a good lesson when buying. Know what the item is worth and set and keep your limit.


New Member
I do not buy that ....... comes out of the price of selling the object ........ packing materials ok ............ but if a seller wants to insure X price than put on a minimum and let it go ........ don't auction something than charge me a $ 25 dollar " Handling Fee " ( only fell for that once ) FYVM :smack:

(not you personally Slaphappy)..............

IMHO ........... my case anyways its only about $ shipping comes out between $4-7 most of the time. Except internationally. International orders do have to pay very high shipping rates. Minimum for that is usually $15.


I sold a guitar and need a box to fit it. Any suggestions as to where I can find one?


Call Hot Licks and see what they would recommend? They might have something in the back... :shrug:

Driving all the way to Waldorf and paying Ebay and Paypal fees? Good suggestion, but I would end up losing money :lol: It's Christmas time, someone has to have a big box that would fit a guitar and case (locally). :tap: