question about my horse


New Member
i went over to feed her this morning and she was laying down in the paddock. she wasnt rolling or anything she was curled up and then she layed flat out with her head on the ground. she didnt get up when i walked up to her and i had to put her halter on her for her to get up. since we just moved her last night to a new farm i dont know if she ate too much or she was just tired and trying to sleep. she wasnt rolling violently and she was very relaxed. so i put her in the stall for the day to keep an eye on her, i gave her a flake of hay but i didnt give her morning grain to her. is there anything i should watch for? i havnt had anything like this happen before so im worried about her:( thanks for your help in advance
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PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
It sounds like she may possibly be colicking. Make sure she stays on her feet, and keep her walking. Listen to make sure you can hear bowel movements in her tummy. If not I would call the vet.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
bhoffman said:
i went over to feed her this morning and she was laying down in the paddock. she wasnt rolling or anything she was curled up and then she layed flat out with her head on the ground. she didnt get up when i walked up to her and i had to put her halter on her for her to get up. since we just moved her last night to a new farm i dont know if she ate too much or she was just tired and trying to sleep. she was rolling violently and she was very relaxed. so i put her in the stall for the day to keep an eye on her, i gave her a flake of hay but i didnt give her morning grain to her. is there anything i should watch for? i havnt had anything like this happen before so im worried about her:( thanks for your help in advance

:confused: A little confused...was she rolling violently or was she relaxed?

If she is relaxed then she was probably just sleepy, and not a morning mare (especially after last nights weather). But if she was rolling violently she may have stomache discomfort and beginning colic. If that were the case then you need to watch her for roling, pawing, stretching out while standing, and curling of the upper lip. If she is agitated like that then a knowledgable person needs to give her an appropriate dose of Banamine, and a vet needs to be called. I don't call a vet for much, but colic always makes me pick up the phone and get them out. Good job not giving her grain!

Good luck, and let me know how things progress! Hopefully she is just sleepy :yawn:


PIP ~ My Baby Boy!
That's good. Have you noticed if she has passed gas or any stools. That's also a good sign. But be sure to keep her up and moving. This will help if she had a little tummy ache to keep things moving.

Giddy up!

New Member
appendixqh said:
:confused: A little confused...was she rolling violently or was she relaxed?

If she is relaxed then she was probably just sleepy, and not a morning mare (especially after last nights weather). But if she was rolling violently she may have stomache discomfort and beginning colic. If that were the case then you need to watch her for roling, pawing, stretching out while standing, and curling of the upper lip. If she is agitated like that then a knowledgable person needs to give her an appropriate dose of Banamine, and a vet needs to be called. I don't call a vet for much, but colic always makes me pick up the phone and get them out. Good job not giving her grain!

Good luck, and let me know how things progress! Hopefully she is just sleepy :yawn:
think she is possibly sleepy also..its been hot as a biotch this week and the weather finally cooled down after the storm last nite...she is prob just enjoying the decrease in the heat!


New Member
no she hasnt been rolling and i just went over there and she was standing up so thats a good sign i guess. there was a flake of hay in the rack and she started munching on that, one of the signs online was a lack of appetite, i think she will pull through it, she is very relaxed and she doesnt seem to be in any pain. i can still hear gut sounds in her belly, but she hasnt had any bowel (sp*) movements yet, but ill go back over in an hour or so and just check up on her.


Does my butt look big?
What is she acting like in the her for eatting, drinking and make sure she poops..keep us updated..


Cowgirl Up
:howdy: B... Use caution and keep an eye on her. Because of the draught and dry dusty conditions there is alot of sand colic going around and the local vet's have had alot of calls. The horse starts showing signs as laziness with the horse laying out flat and then later will act as if nothing ever happened. The horse doesn't show signs of being in severe pain like colic caused by other means. I would suggest though if she does this again DO NOT hesitate to call your vet.


New Member

i checked on her shes acting normal in her stall. she hasnt drank much should i put molasses in one bucket to see if she would drink some more? she munching on some hay but she hasnt pooped yet:/


Cowgirl Up
bhoffman said:
should i buy that stuff that prevents sand colic?

Have you taken her temperature? I would do that ASAP before you do anything else. And than if things don't improve instead of doing this or your Vet and ask their opinion. I use Tidewater, Dr Lisas and Dr Tacey. They are very good at listening to the symptoms and letting you know whether they should see your horse.


New Member
bhoffman said:
she munching on some hay but she hasnt pooped yet:/

A good way to get a horse to poo is to load it in a horse trailer (if you have one)....I know as soon as my horses are in there thats the first thing they do....good luck :huggy:


New Member
Get your vet's approval first, but electrolytes (salt) will encourage drinking. I add it to the grain ration.

Good luck, hope all turns out well!


New Member
keep an eye on her, with the hot weather we have had some horses are having some issues, tying up and colic keep us informed good luck


I would give her electrolytes which encourages her to drink. It goes right in their food in the AM.