question about new homes


New Member
we're looking at the new homes at the Mariner's Cove in Lexington Park? Does anyone live there or around there or know of anyone? Not sure if it's a nice place to. Any advantages and disadvantages?

In addition, I notice the houses there don't have basements, is that the norm or just something for the builders to reduce cost.

Is that area likely to flood??? just wondering. Any comment would be helpful.

thanks a bunch.


Originally posted by mollee
In addition, I notice the houses there don't have basements, is that the norm or just something for the builders to reduce cost.

Is that area likely to flood??? just wondering. Any comment would be helpful.

Southern MD in general has a real problem with drainage, and flooding is a common problem, especially during a hurricane. This is true even if you don't live on the water. That being said, some homes do have basements, and not all of them get flooded. But I would look into this VERY carefully before buying a house here.


New Member

these are Curtis Showcase Homes and the builder is Harbor Homes owned by this guy by the name of Thomas Williams (all from the brochure).


"Fill your hands you SOB!
I came REAL close to buying a house there a few months ago. Nice house, quality work. What turned me off was...after a hard rain a couple days in a row, you needed a row boat to get around your yard in most of the yards there. Being so close to the Bay, and low ground to boot - drainage isn't really good. Water table there is very high (that's why no basements). If you don't mind your yard turning into Lake Obikanobee, go for it!


I live real close in the Landings. I personally don't have any drainage problems. Any standing water would be the fault of the builder for not properly grading the yard.

As far as basements in that subdivision, no way. Too flat and high water table.


New Member
Thank you all

Thanks so much for the information. We're decided to go with Leonardtown. This place called Academy Hills. Fingers crossed!! It's a bit pricy too, but I figure for pretty much the same price, I get a basement too.

I know Mariner's Cove is near the water, but I don't think my family will really take advantage of it.

Thanks again for all the replies. It's hard to do the research without actually being there.

I would rent for a longer period so I can do more research when we move there, but the rent in southern maryland is SOOO expensive.


New Member

we were looking at new homes, the builder informed us that a basement would add about $15,000 to the cost of the house. But of course that depends on the size of the house. The house I am referring to was about 3000 sq. ft. This included the basement. So approx. 1000 sq. ft.


New Member
All the houses at Academy Hills have basements already, but it costs about $30000 to have it finished. Otherwise, it comes with no windows - nothing. We're trying to cut cost by just having it partially finished since they charge per sq ft. My husband and I are not very handy people, so it's better to leave it to the professionals.


New Member
Originally posted by mollee
we're looking at the new homes at the Mariner's Cove in Lexington Park? Does anyone live there or around there or know of anyone? Not sure if it's a nice place to. Any advantages and disadvantages?

In addition, I notice the houses there don't have basements, is that the norm or just something for the builders to reduce cost.

Is that area likely to flood??? just wondering. Any comment would be helpful.

thanks a bunch.


I happen to be a homeowner in Mariners Cove and I don't happen to have an issue with flooding, nor did my cul-de-sac have problems with falling trees during Isabel, although some of my neighbors on Oxford did.

We have a crawlspace, and all the homes do come with sump pumps, and in two years our crawlspace has been dry as Arabia. When USAA came out to assess us for Flood Insurance, we were told we didn't need it, and that came from an independent source.

When I walk my dog I see 4 whitetails every morning...and we occasionally see a bald eagle flying overhead. I've got the best neighbors in southern Maryland, and the community is pretty close and are there for each other.

As fate would have it, I am being forced to relocate, and my house will be going on the market shortly. I've got a 5 bedroom Chesapeake, wood floors and a lot of extras. Interested?