Question for the Moms

Did you breastfeed :baby: ? If so, does it actually help the weight come off as fast as some people have told me? Does it hurt as bad as everyone says? :jameo:

Thanks in advance. :huggy:


Dream Stealer
Did you breastfeed :baby: ? If so, does it actually help the weight come off as fast as some people have told me? Does it hurt as bad as everyone says? :jameo:

Thanks in advance. :huggy:

:killingme Thats the first thing out of everyone's mouth when I mention I am going to breastfeed.."it hurts like hell" ...very comforting.

I know several people who did for at least a couple months, and my one friend got skeletal...but another didn't really lose a pound..but she kept up her preggo eating that was likely the It burns something like 500 calories or more a if you cut down your calories to a reasnable level..theres no reason why you shouldn't..I don't think it is magic though..unfortunately :cds:

I like the le leche league website..tons of info, personal stories, hints, tips..and best (and weirdest) of all..videos that show the process. i was weirded out watching a few of them, but it really helped. Here in the US we don't have the benefit of watching older generations breastfeed their children..its kept so hush hush we go into it completely blind. watching the videos and stuff made me feel way more comfortable about giving it a try. showing SO was neat too, that way he gets a chance to see the problems and such that they he can be more supportive if I run into difficulties.


Active Member
Didn't have any pain bf my two kids (except when my daughter bit me a few times as she got older). Weight, dunno since I don't have anything to compare to but I lost most of it. I'm about 8 lbs heavier than I was before I had the two kids but I'm over 40 and I have a wicked sweet tooth.


New Member
Did you breastfeed :baby: ? If so, does it actually help the weight come off as fast as some people have told me? Does it hurt as bad as everyone says? :jameo:

Thanks in advance. :huggy:

I did with both of my girls. Yes it helped the weight come off. It was not comfortable at first but after a couple of days it no longer hurt. The major plus for me was that it was free. I barely had to buy formula prior to 6 months of age.


Well-Known Member
Breastfed all three of mine. IMO, the breastfeeding itsself does not hurt. You have to make sure the baby latches on properly. Make sure you have some lanolin cream to keep your nipples moist so they don't dry out and crack, that hurts! If you go into it with a preconceived notion that it is going to hurt, I think you will set yourself up for failure by not being able to relax and assist the baby. They WILL feel your tention. Remember, nursing is work. You have to learn how to do it in order to teach your baby how to do it. You will be sleep deprived, frustrated, hungry, sore and on the roller coaster of emotions from your hormones. It will all be worth it when you look down at that precious life you've created and the special bonding time only you can give your child. I wouldn't change it one bit, it was all worth every minute!


Salt Life
I did not, as the thought of it made me gag (and still does). The weight came right off -- I walked out of the hospital wearing my size 5/6 jeans.


Well-Known Member
I did not, as the thought of it made me gag (and still does). The weight came right off -- I walked out of the hospital wearing my size 5/6 jeans.

I want to shoot you right now :mad:

I breastfed w/ 3 of mine. The first one was nearly 10 lbs when he was born so that lasted all of 3 or 4 days because he wanted to eat around the clock. My 4th one was smaller so I was able to breastfeed a little longer about a month. Then my 5th one the little princess only breastfeed for a month also.

You will be incredibly thirsty while breastfeeding so make sure that you always have water around. LOTS OF WATER! Also the hospital gave me these things called Soothies, OMG they are amazing for when your boobs get sore and cracked. Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads | Lansinoh


New Member
I breastfed twins for 4 months... Never experienced the pain or cracking, but they did give me Lanolin just in case and made sure that the kids had a good grasp of breast feeding before we all went home. I can't attest to the weight loss either, walked in weighing 160, walked out weighing 117. Which was below my pre-pregnancy weight.

I agree with SoMDGirl42, it is a once in a lifetime experience. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but all that went out the window when I had the one on one time with each child and the bond we were able to create.
I breastfed twins for 4 months... Never experienced the pain or cracking, but they did give me Lanolin just in case and made sure that the kids had a good grasp of breast feeding before we all went home. I can't attest to the weight loss either, walked in weighing 160, walked out weighing 117. Which was below my pre-pregnancy weight.

I agree with SoMDGirl42, it is a once in a lifetime experience. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but all that went out the window when I had the one on one time with each child and the bond we were able to create.

Wow... I am hoping the baby boy does well with it. I definitely dont think I will walk out at pre-prego weight... I am only 32 weeks and have already put on close to 50 pounds :blushing:


Does my butt look big?
I did not, as the thought of it made me gag (and still does). The weight came right off -- I walked out of the hospital wearing my size 5/6 jeans.

Good thing Chasey you were not having kids in the stone age...:killingme :starvetodeath:

I breast fed both of problems..I sure think the kids are healthier that are breast fed ....


New Member
Wow... I am hoping the baby boy does well with it. I definitely dont think I will walk out at pre-prego weight... I am only 32 weeks and have already put on close to 50 pounds :blushing:

I put on 35lbs (was 125lb before I got pregnant) which is so low for twins, but did all the nutritional counseling and that fun stuff. Just couldn't gain weight to save my life, and I eat like a freaking pig both during pregnancy and not pregnant...I also delivered 6 weeks early due to complications. It's just a matter of waiting to see what is going to happen. I wouldn't worry about dieting (if you aren't losing the weight like you want) until after you are done breast feeding, BUT that is my personal opinion. You and your son are going to need all the nutrients that you can get.
I put on 35lbs (was 125lb before I got pregnant) which is so low for twins, but did all the nutritional counseling and that fun stuff. Just couldn't gain weight to save my life, and I eat like a freaking pig both during pregnancy and not pregnant...I also delivered 6 weeks early due to complications. It's just a matter of waiting to see what is going to happen. I wouldn't worry about dieting (if you aren't losing the weight like you want) until after you are done breast feeding, BUT that is my personal opinion. You and your son are going to need all the nutrients that you can get.

:eyebrow: beeotch

:killingme I think I cam out of the womb at 140... and stayed there most of my life... until I got preggers


New Member
:eyebrow: beeotch

:killingme I think I cam out of the womb at 140... and stayed there most of my life... until I got preggers

Haha!!!! my mom is 5'1" MAYBE 100lbs soaking wet, and dad is 5'11", averages 170... our whole family has a fast metabolism. The kids are stick skinny too, and they eat non stop... I was a small baby. Now, the extra skin from ballooning all at once in my belly is another story... I keep asking for a tummy tuck for mothers day.. I was all belly. Couldn't tell from front or behind, but the second I turned sideways, you couldn't miss it. Carried high too and could still wear normal clothes until the last few weeks.

I am shutting up now....:lmao:
Haha!!!! my mom is 5'1" MAYBE 100lbs soaking wet, and dad is 5'11", averages 170... our whole family has a fast metabolism. The kids are stick skinny too, and they eat non stop... I was a small baby. Now, the extra skin from ballooning all at once in my belly is another story... I keep asking for a tummy tuck for mothers day.. I was all belly. Couldn't tell from front or behind, but the second I turned sideways, you couldn't miss it. Carried high too and could still wear normal clothes until the last few weeks.

I am shutting up now....:lmao:

:tantrum: I have been in these maternity clothes since about 18 weeks...


Dream Stealer
Wow... I am hoping the baby boy does well with it. I definitely dont think I will walk out at pre-prego weight... I am only 32 weeks and have already put on close to 50 pounds :blushing:

me too :bawl: only now at 35 weeks..its closer to 60. I will be wearing maternity pants a year from now :killingme


Hot Flash
me too :bawl: only now at 35 weeks..its closer to 60. I will be wearing maternity pants a year from now :killingme

Leggings are in again. Black leggings, a black tank, nice blazer or overshirt (whatever color) and killer shoes will get you through the post-pregnancy time.

When at home or out with the baby, make sure you have a button front shirt, or something which gives the baby easy access and you privacy.

You will catch on in no time. :lol:

Receiving blankets are a Godsend for so many things.

Breast feeding did hurt the first few days (for me) It got much easier and I never cracked. THAT would have been painful.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Leggings are in again. Black leggings, a black tank, nice blazer or overshirt (whatever color) and killer shoes will get you through the post-pregnancy time.

When at home or out with the baby, make sure you have a button front shirt, or something which gives the baby easy access and you privacy.

You will catch on in no time. :lol:

Receiving blankets are a Godsend for so many things.

Breast feeding did hurt the first few days (for me) It got much easier and I never cracked. THAT would have been painful.

:confused: Killer shoes with feet like stuffed sausages? :lol: