Question on Kerry/McCain '04


I think the ramifications of it is that it will vindicate the view of all Reform Party, Independant Party and Green party people.

In that there will be officially no difference between Republicans and Democrats.


McCain is a spotlight guy, and by saying he would consider this he's back in the spotlight. The purpose of a VP is to support the President and help win the election. No President wants a VP who's going to be out trying to get attention for himself. SO I see no way that Kerry would ever tap McCain or Clinton to be his VP. His ego would never let him do it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm starting to think there... no such thing as 'Democrats' anymore.


The left was mad at Clinton because he 'triangulated'

Then, they were mad at Gore because he didn't run left enough, nevermind the election was stolen.

Then, they were mad at Gephardt in the House because he wasn't partisan enough.

Then they were mad (I have no idea how) at Daschle in the Senate for 'rolling' to easy.

Then, they get all excited about Dean because he calls Bush 'the enemy'.

But the whole time, even in polls on the DU site, after making the term "ABB" part of the popular lexicon, there was never any definitive support for anyone but a 'mainstream', 'electability' candidate: Edwards, Clark and Kerry.

So here we are with a Senator, the epitome of 'electable' in his own state, a DC insider, a piece of the system and who get's them excited about VP? Why, a Republican of course because of

So now, Kerry wins, McCain is VP, and for four or eight years of GOP lite, just like Clinton/Gore, they're gonna ##### and pewl about voting NEXT TIME for who you REALLY want, voting for the person with THEIR values.

Or, more likely, Kerry get's blown away by a landslide and the lament will be the same: Vote for who really stands for you, not some practical choice.

Why do they constantly think they are going to get what they want, any of it, voting for people who do not represent them???


Originally posted by darkriver4362

I'll admit I am stupid when it comes to politics, but if this were to happen...which it probably won't...what would be the rammifications of it???

Quite frankly I think its a trap to get Mr. Kerry to flip flop again. He has stated 4 times unequivacally (sp?) no that he will not endorse McCain as his running mate. Now, if he were to do that, it would be just one more thing to dangle in front of Kerry. I don't trust McCain. JMO


Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by dems4me
Quite frankly I think its a trap to get Mr. Kerry to flip flop again.

How is it a trap?

Originally posted by dems4me
He has stated 4 times unequivacally (sp?) no that he will not endorse McCain as his running mate. Now, if he were to do that, it would be just one more thing to dangle in front of Kerry. I don't trust McCain. JMO

It sounds to me like the scenario you describe here is not a trap, but a bonafide back-peddle. How can that possibly be McCain's fault if Kerry himself pulls a 180 like that?


Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by Toxick
How is it a trap?

It sounds to me like the scenario you describe here is not a trap, but a bonafide back-peddle. How can that possibly be McCain's fault if Kerry himself pulls a 180 like that?

McCain is a Republican -- Bush probably put him up to it or something. I don't like McCain any more than I like Bush. They are just setting up a "flip flop" trap... jmo


Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by dems4me
McCain is a Republican -- Bush probably put him up to it or something. I don't like McCain any more than I like Bush. They are just setting up a "flip flop" trap... jmo

I understand that its jyo - but I want to understand your thinking.

I know that McCain in a Republican, but he has no love lost for Bush, and he's just about as moderate/liberal as you can get while still being right of center. And besides, even if Bush and McCain swap spit on a daily basis, it's not like somebody can bully their way onto a presidential ticket.

All McCain said was that he'd consider it. If Kerry says no - it's over - done ..... unless Kerry himself does something to change that.

I really am trying but cannot see this as any sort of a trap in any way shape or form.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by Toxick
I understand that its jyo - but I want to understand your thinking.

I know that McCain in a Republican, but he has no love lost for Bush, and he's just about as moderate/liberal as you can get while still being right of center. And besides, even if Bush and McCain swap spit on a daily basis, it's not like somebody can bully their way onto a presidential ticket.

All McCain said was that he'd consider it. If Kerry says no - it's over - done ..... unless Kerry himself does something to change that.

I really am trying but cannot see this as any sort of a trap in any way shape or form.

Tox -- don't try to figure out how I think. I've been there and done that -- total waste of time.... :lol:
The point you are missing is Kerry said No McCain on his ticket 4 times in the past few weeks. Then if he turns around and puts McCain on it due to McCain trying to pressure Kerry into it -- it will be huge flip flop. He also doesn't plan on putting edwards on it -- I was thinking Ted Kennedy personall or hillary or that governor in New Mexico.:biggrin:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by dems4me
if he turns around and puts McCain on it due to McCain trying to pressure Kerry into it

This is the thing - How can McCain pressure Kerry into anything. All Kerry has to say is "F### you, go away."


And Done.

Frankly, if Kerry has already said no 4 times, I wonder why this is even an issue.

Originally posted by dems4me
I was thinking Ted Kennedy personall or hillary



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by Toxick
This is the thing - How can McCain pressure Kerry into anything. All Kerry has to say is "F### you, go away."


And Done.

Frankly, if Kerry has already said no 4 times, I wonder why this is even an issue.


Because McCain is making it an issue. Kerry has said NO to McCain.:smile:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by Toxick
Doesn't sound like pressure to me .

But that's jmo.

It sounds like he's the one flip flopping. He wasn't even asked and yet he's entertaining the idea?? Get real, I can entertain that thought too -- Where's ABC -- why havn't they asked me if Kerry would put me on the ticket would I accept -- he's just a media WHO%RE -- no one has asked him -- McCain is just keeping everyone guessing or at least hopes to keep everyone guessing. Kerry gets to choose who his running mate is - not the media or mcCain.
They sent up a "test balloon" to see how McCain would react. No one ever outright ASKS in Washington politics without the idea already having been explored greatly beforehand.

McCain has said, in response to the hypotheticals, that he'd never consider it.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by dems4me
Kerry gets to choose who his running mate is - not the media or mcCain.

This is my point.

I think the media made quite a mountain out of a very small molehill.

How unusual.


Football addict
I for one would vote for a Kerry/McCain ticket. I do not like Kerry or Bush but a Kerry/McCain ticket would be justified to my liking. Let the Dems and the Pubs intermingle a bit and maybe they will eventually disappear. Then hopefully with luck and the theory of natural selection and 'survival of the fittest' all will go well. Its a longshot but maybe we can get the majority of the corrupt politicians out and get some integrity in.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on Kerry/McCain '04

Originally posted by Toxick
This is my point.

I think the media made quite a mountain out of a very small molehill.

How unusual.

That is correct -- no one is asking no one but yet there's a even a political thread started on this nonsense!!!!:cheesy: :cheesy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The whole thing is retarded and a desperate act on the part of the liberal media. It all started with a question to John McCain, a throw-away question like everyone else gets asked, whether it's a feasible possiblity or not. It tickles the libs to think maybe John Kerry would go bi-partisan for a VP but it's not gonna happen. Kerry is one of the biggest partisans in the Senate and you can be damn sure he's not going to get ANYONE - not a cabinet member, not a judge, and especially not a VP - from outside his party.

That 'D' is their brand name. It would be like Coca Cola advertising for Pepsi. Not gonna happen.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This balloon...

...was not trialed to see how McCain would react. It was thrown up to to see how WE would react.

As Tox said, McCain is a rather moderate Republican and people in New Hampshire have been saying for three years that he should have won. No one else agreed but, it's not TOTALLY crazy therefore it makes for discusion and THAT is free publicity and keeps Kerry in the news now that the race is over.

Kerry is in a tough spot. The VP nomination is said to 'not win elections with a good choice but will lose the election with a bad choice'.

Who's gonna be willing to take the rap?

Not Gephardt. You could see it in him in Iowa. He's done. The last thing he want's now is to be blamed for Kerry's loss.

Edwards will look too weak next to Chenney.

Clark? Maybe.

Dean? Again, the Chenney factor.

Hillary? She can't if she hopes to get to the White House in '08. If Rudi goes for her seat in '06 and she ran and lost with Kerry now then he probably wins her seat and she is out for '08.

If she doesn't run now it is because she feels she would beat Rudi and then the door is open.

If her camp is worried about '06 being near sure for Guilliani, then maybe she HAS to go with Kerry now???

The problem is that the Duke got killed in '88 even though his Veep, Benson, slaughtered Dan Q.

Hillary and Clark may be the only people who can stand on a stage with Dick and come out perhaps even.

Kerry has no margin in this race, Bush does. If Kerry sends out some lamb chop to face Chenney, game over.

All of a sudden you can see why the McCain balloon wasn't so far fetched after all.