Questions for Hillary

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Interesting reading...

Hillary Clinton Describes President's Confession Of Lewinsky Affair

Washington (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton, acknowledging tirades and tears over her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky, says former President Clinton lied to her about the relationship until the weekend before he admitted as much to a grand jury.

The New York senator vividly describes her pain over the betrayal in "Living History," her new memoir covering her eight years in the White House. A copy of the book, which goes on sale Tuesday, was obtained by The Associated Press.

"The most difficult decisions I have made in my life were to stay married to Bill and to run for the Senate from New York," she writes.

She says she accepted her husband's story at first - that he had befriended the White House intern when she asked for job-hunting help, "had talked to her a few times" - and that the relationship had been horribly misconstrued.

"For me, the Lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vicious scandal manufactured by political opponents."

More than six months later, with the president preparing to testify before a grand jury, Mrs. Clinton was still adamant that her husband had done nothing wrong and was the was the victim of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Then, on the morning of Saturday, Aug. 15, 1998, he woke her up, paced at the bedside, and "told me for the first time that the situation was much more serious than he had previously acknowledged."

"He now realized he would have to testify that there had been an inappropriate intimacy. He told me that what happened between them had been brief and sporadic."

He was ashamed and knew she would be angry, she recounts.

"I could hardly breathe. Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him, 'What do you mean? What are you saying? Why did you lie to me? I was furious and getting more so by the second. He just stood there saying over and over again, 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was trying to protect you and Chelsea.'

Mrs. Clinton's 562-page book has been highly anticipated. Simon & Schuster, expecting large sales, ordered an extraordinary first printing of 1 million copies.

The first lady-turned-senator was paid a $2.85 million advance toward the $8 million book deal. Foreign rights have already been sold in 16 countries. List price is $28.

The publisher billed the book as a complete, candid accounting of her years in the White House.

Mrs. Clinton said that up until that August morning when her husband confessed, she believed he was being railroaded and had merely been foolish by paying any attention to Lewinsky. She was incredulous that he would endanger their marriage and family.

"I was dumbfounded, heartbroken and outraged that I'd believed him at all."

She said the president's eyes filled with tears when she told him he would have to confess to their teenage daughter as well.

She ultimately decided she still loved her husband, although "as a wife, I wanted to wring Bill's neck."

She describes in bitter terms the months of chill between them, never more painful than when they went to Martha's Vineyard for vacation right after his testimony.

"Buddy, the dog, came along to keep Bill company. He was the only member of our family who was still willing to."

While on the island, she felt "nothing but profound sadness, disappointment and unresolved anger. I could barely speak to Bill, and when I did, it was a tirade. I read. I walked on the beach. He slept downstairs. I slept upstairs."

She said her decision to run for a Senate seat from New York provided a healing bridge for them. "Bill and I were talking again about matters other than the future of our relationship. Over time we both began to relax."

She was the first first lady to run for elected office, defeating the Republican candidate, former Rep. Rick Lazio, in 2000. She was sworn into the Senate the same month her husband left office in January 2001. She recounted their last day at the White House, waltzing down a long hallway in her husband's arms.

She concludes that what her husband did was morally wrong but not a betrayal of the public. :really:

Mrs. Clinton's political stock is on the rise, although she insists she will not consider entering the race for president this year. She has not ruled out a run in 2008.

She is among the Democrats' top fund-raisers. She has raised more than $3 million for her political action committee, HILLPAC, which she uses to support other Democrats running for office.


If y'all believe all that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Poor little rich girl. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
she believed he was being railroaded and had merely been foolish by paying any attention to Lewinsky. She was incredulous that he would endanger their marriage and family.
That is complete and total bullsh*t. Bill Clinton's affairs were legendary when he was Governor of Arkansas. This woman's brass is incredible.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
another day, another post about clinton...
What should a thread about Clinton contain, comments about a Pottery Barn?


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
What should a thread about Clinton contain, comments about a Pottery Barn?

Wow, you get an A+ for originality on that one!

Just funny how people complain that dems or myself mention the clinton name, yet the very people who complain about it are always talking about the clintons. Some logic.


Sorry about that chief.
I just find it amusing the the religious right wingers have such a problem with Clinton's dalliances. Hey, guess what republicans...democrats have sex. And who they have it with ain't nobodys business but their own.

If the republicans can get the taxpayers to spend over $6 million to investigate his hound dogging (but those same republicans have spent less than $1 million investigating 9/11) there is certainly a misguided approach to their logic.

Now if you think that Bills indiscretions are more dangerous to this country than the threat of another large scale terrorist attack, as the republican party certainly does, than brother you've got not a clue.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by jlabsher
"...the religious right wingers..."

Uuuh, hello? We're not all 'religious', and the religious types are only a vocal fraction of the group. Demographically, more atheists and non-religious tend to be Democrats though (exit polls in 2000). Shall we just refer to you all as heathens?

Of course, if you just happen to hate religion, it's not a big step to allow religious hatred to cloud your reasoning.

"...the religious right wingers..."

If the republicans can get the taxpayers to spend over $6 million to investigate his hound dogging (but those same republicans have spent less than $1 million investigating 9/11) there is certainly a misguided approach to their logic.

Now if you think that Bills indiscretions are more dangerous to this country than the threat of another large scale terrorist attack, as the republican party certainly does, than brother you've got not a clue. [/B][/QUOTE]

Lots of Michael Moore type logic --- "those SAME republicans" and the dollar comparison - republicans and special prosecutors notwithstanding, they're not all clones. It's like wondering why the NFC wins so much (or not enough). Just because they are the OPPONENTS doesn't mean they're all the same people, or even have anything in common.

Listen, people spent money investigating a President who had a roomful of illegal activities going on in the White House, too mumerous to list here - and THAT kind of President IS a threat to the nation. The fact that they got a fistful of perjuries to stick to produce impeachment is itself practically a miracle, were it not for a stained dress. Go on and keep telling yourself "it was just about sex" - it wasn't, but that kind of focus will make it impossible for Democrats to ever field a Presidential candidate of any great stature.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I just find it amusing the the religious right wingers have such a problem with Clinton's dalliances. Hey, guess what republicans...democrats have sex. And who they have it with ain't nobodys business but their own.

If the republicans can get the taxpayers to spend over $6 million to investigate his hound dogging (but those same republicans have spent less than $1 million investigating 9/11) there is certainly a misguided approach to their logic.

Now if you think that Bills indiscretions are more dangerous to this country than the threat of another large scale terrorist attack, as the republican party certainly does, than brother you've got not a clue.
The only one without a clue is you. It was never about sex for most of us, though your ilk and the media continuously tried to say it was. The issue was about giving sworn testimony to a grand jury and the fact that your hero lied during such testimony, aka perjury. Perjury is a misdemeanor serious enough to have warranted his removal from office, but the Senate (under Democratic control) failed to do their obligated duty and played partisan politics.

Maybe if Bill and his cohorts hadn’t been so busy fighting the fires within the Whitehouse they could have paid more attention to the threats from abroad and thwarted the attack that came about within months of his departure from office.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by Ken King
The only one without a clue is you. It was never about sex for most of us, though your ilk and the media continuously tried to say it was. The issue was about giving sworn testimony to a grand jury and the fact that your hero lied during such testimony, aka perjury. Perjury is a misdemeanor serious enough to have warranted his removal from office, but the Senate (under Democratic control) failed to do their obligated duty and played partisan politics.

Maybe if Bill and his cohorts hadn’t been so busy fighting the fires within the Whitehouse they could have paid more attention to the threats from abroad and thwarted the attack that came about within months of his departure from office.

The only thing he was brought up on "trial" was his adultery, glad they didn't look into VP Rockefeller's office. The only reason Bill was fighting fires was the repuglicans were after him from day 1. Over $80 million tax dollars spent investigating him and no results. (Kind of like the current administrations results in finding the "true terrorist", like OJ)

Of course, all the terrorist stuff started during Clinton's watch, daddy Bush didn't have a thing to do with it.

I think all the vitriol against Clinton must be due to jealosy.

Let's beat this dead horse some more, shall we?


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
Perjury is a misdemeanor serious enough to have warranted his removal from office, but the Senate (under Democratic control) failed to do their obligated duty and played partisan politics.

On the perjury vote, it was a 55-45 split for not guilty, with 10 republicans noting not guilty. The obstruction charge was 50-50, with 5 republicans voting not guilty. So it wasn't just a democrat thing. republicans had their chance to fry him, but didn't.


Originally posted by SmallTown
On the perjury vote, it was a 55-45 split for not guilty, with 10 republicans noting not guilty. The obstruction charge was 50-50, with 5 republicans voting not guilty. So it wasn't just a democrat thing. republicans had their chance to fry him, but didn't.

I am glad they didn't. He needed to stay in office. Lets say for a moment that he resigned office. VP Gore would have then taken office and had a year to act Presidential. Given the rate at which incumbents get re-elected, and that VP Gore would have had a couple years being called President Gore. This would have allowed people to see VP Gore as President instead of trying to imagine what kind of President he would be. This might have tipped the scales in many peoples minds and might have won the election for him.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
So it wasn't just a democrat thing. republicans had their chance to fry him, but didn't.
Not when you need two-thirds to get the conviction, besides I said the Senate failed to do their job and I still say the reason was due to partisan politics. Many Democrats simply weren't going to agree with the charges no matter if they were true and many Republicans saw that there was no way in hell they were going to get the required votes and were looking out for their own interest and voted with that in mind and not the interest of our country.


I don't think Gore would have done any better on a re-election bid if he acquired office from an impeachment. His office would have been tainted just as the Ford administration was tainted when he was handed the job by Nixon.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
many Republicans saw that there was no way in hell they were going to get the required votes and were looking out for their own interest and voted with that in mind and not the interest of our country.

Wow, politicians would actually do something like that???

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Wow, politicians would actually do something like that???
Yeah, it's like most of them lived in NOVA or something the way they acted.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
Yeah, it's like most of them lived in NOVA or something the way they acted.

Yea, something like that.

And we have it again. Two things people seem to really hate around here : Clinton and NoVa, and the ones who hate are still talking about it... I think somd needs a group counseling session to overcome this.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Ken King

I don't think Gore would have done any better on a re-election bid if he acquired office from an impeachment. His office would have been tainted just as the Ford administration was tainted when he was handed the job by Nixon.
Even if it was a remote chance that it would help Gore, we are better off leaving Clinton in office. It all worked out in the end.


Originally posted by Ken King

I don't think Gore would have done any better on a re-election bid if he acquired office from an impeachment. His office would have been tainted just as the Ford administration was tainted when he was handed the job by Nixon.

I disagree but respect your opinion. The Nixon situation was more serious with many players and a vast conspiracy. VP Ford was brought in because he was the most milk toast, non-offensive person they could find to replace VP Agnew. Problem with the Ford administration is that they were in office at the absolute worst time, the end of Vietnam, gas crisis begining, total lack of trust for the Whitehouse, he had no charisma at all, and Chevy Chase did a great SNL goof about him falling down all the time.

Gore would have inhereted only the legacy of being #2 behind a "hound dog". What was VP Gores defeat was not conservatives who would not have voted for him anyway, it was the left of the left Democrats who went for the third party and some moderate Democrats who doubted his ability. If he had the opportunity to be President and give them a more warm fuzzy feeling about him being in office he would have gotten more of the fringe vote and possibly a victory in the electoral college.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, something like that.

And we have it again. Two things people seem to really hate around here : Clinton and NoVa, and the ones who hate are still talking about it... I think somd needs a group counseling session to overcome this.
I don't hate NOVA, just some of the people that live there, how crowded it is, and the nasty traffic. Counseling should be held for those that move out of an area because they claim that they hate it but keep coming back to the community forums all the time as if they still lived there.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
I don't hate NOVA, just some of the people that live there, how crowded it is, and the nasty traffic. Counseling should be held for those that move out of an area because they claim that they hate it but keep coming back to the community forums all the time as if they still lived there.

Funny, I sat in traffic more on 235 and chanellors run road than I do here. Maybe I'm just lucky here.