R.I.P. Cecil the lion


Lawful neutral

A US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe has apologised to his patients in Minnesota for the disruption caused by the anger directed at him.

Walter Palmer's dental practice in Minneapolis has been closed since he was named as the tourist who shot Cecil, Zimbabwe's most famous lion.

Two Zimbabwean men have been charged over the death and local police say Mr Palmer may also face poaching charges.

He says he thought the hunt was legal and was unaware Cecil was protected. The lion was later skinned and beheaded, according to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), a local charity.

The animal had a GPS collar fitted for a research project by UK-based Oxford University that allowed authorities to track its movements. The hunters had tried to destroy it but failed, according to the ZCTF.

Mr Palmer's dental practice has closed its website and social media accounts since his identity was revealed after thousands of people flooded them with angry comments.

A protest was held outside the building on Wednesday.


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New Member
He paid a high fee to hunt big game, if this lion was in the hunting area it was not the dr's fault. Read on Drudge that in Zimbabwe they don't see the fuss. Lions and Elephants kill people there all the time. Said it is a Western problem.

Why the fuss ocer the Lion and not aq peep on LSM over Planned Parenthood selling baby organs? A felony.


Well-Known Member
He paid a high fee to hunt big game, if this lion was in the hunting area it was not the dr's fault. Read on Drudge that in Zimbabwe they don't see the fuss. Lions and Elephants kill people there all the time. Said it is a Western problem.

Why the fuss ocer the Lion and not aq peep on LSM over Planned Parenthood selling baby organs? A felony.

According to reports the lion was lured off the game preserve. The PH and guide should have known it was unethical. In any case, the dentist can't claim ignorance. If the lion was killed illegally, he is also a party to the act. In any case, the skin, etc. will not be allowed to enter the US.

I hunted Zimbabwe in 2000. I got a Cape Buffalo, kudu, impala, warthog, and others. The trophy fees are high, especially for the Big Five, which lion is one. The government gets some and the concession holder gets the rest. The concession holder also gets the meat.

About this time the despot Mugabe was taking over the white farmers and giving it to his cronies. Of course they couldn't farm and the country fell into economic despair. Hyper-inflation hit. The only reliable currency was the US dollar. Both the whites and blacks rely on safaris.


Active Member
That Dentist is a good candidate for a face transplant. He will never live this down, and some whacko will remember his face years from now.


Well-Known Member
The initial shot was with a crossbow, and not a accurate shot. The wounded animal had to be tracked for some time, then shot with a rifle...


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
People big game hunt in Africa all the time. Lots of outdoor magazines advertise these services. It's a slow summer so people need something to get up in arms about. The police are acting particularly pleasant to the law breakers, so no need to protest or riot.

Good job to who ever gave that lion a name. Imagine if super markets started labeling meats like Elsie or Wilbur or Henny Penny.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A buddy of mine laid this bare by posting pic after pic of people in Africa starving, suffering disease, children little more than skin and bones, political violence, war.

And what are the Americans up in arms about?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
A buddy of mine laid this bare by posting pic after pic of people in Africa starving, suffering disease, children little more than skin and bones, political violence, war.

And what are the Americans up in arms about?

I'm sure the fees paid to hunting guides go to feed families.

At 1 time many African countries were net exporters of food. But politicians thought it best to take productive farms and give them to their cronies. In a continent where people feel more inclined to align themselves with their tribe rather than with their nation, you will often find chaos & strife. Which leads to wars, refugees, famines, corruption, etc.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Dentist Who Killed Prized Lion Returns To Work

Time to come out of hiding...


For the record, I think ALL of these trophy hunters are sick puppies, and I really hate to insult puppies here. If you don't need it for food, don't kill it. If you want to prove what a real man you are, how about you and the lion in a cage match, and we'll even let you have a knife.

Kinda makes me wish there really were Predator aliens who would come to earth and hunt our trophy hunters.
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Time to come out of hiding...


For the record, I think ALL of these trophy hunters are sick puppies, and I really hate to insult puppies here. If you don't need it for food, don't kill it. If you want to prove what a real man you are, how about you and the lion in a cage match, and we'll even let you have a knife.

Kinda makes me wish there really were Predator aliens who would come to earth and hunt our trophy hunters.

I think he has a tiny penis syndrome. :ohwell:

I find it completely nuts to blow a wad of cash just to shoot a lion like that. I would feel completely ripped off going to him as a dentist. He would give you an estimate on a root canal and you'd wonder how much markup is on his bill for his hunting trips.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I think he has a tiny penis syndrome. :ohwell:

I find it completely nuts to blow a wad of cash just to shoot a lion like that. I would feel completely ripped off going to him as a dentist. He would give you an estimate on a root canal and you'd wonder how much markup is on his bill for his hunting trips.

I find it completely nuts that people are all up in arms about this. There are more important things going on in this country to worry about than a lion that most people in the country it's from didn't even know about. For the record, I'm not a fan of trophy hunting, I just think this is so much of a non issue.


God bless the USA
I find it completely nuts that people are all up in arms about this. There are more important things going on in this country to worry about than a lion that most people in the country it's from didn't even know about. For the record, I'm not a fan of trophy hunting, I just think this is so much of a non issue.

Yes, you are right that we need to concentrate on what is going on in our country. But, the hunting of lions, elephants, rhinos, etc. for trophies and profit is out of control as to a possibility these animals will become extinct. National Geographic has just done a special on the killing of elephants. The dentist is a jerk. No question. I hope his practice tanks. Then, Cecil will have a trophy, too. As always, jmo.

Edit: And, furthermore, why did he have to go into hiding if what he did was ok? Our world has become extremely sick and needs a medic pronto.
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Raisin cane
Yes, you are right that we need to concentrate on what is going on in our country. But, the hunting of lions, elephants, rhinos, etc. for trophies and profit is out of control as to a possibility these animals will become extinct. National Geographic has just done a special on the killing of elephants. The dentist is a jerk. No question. I hope his practice tanks. Then, Cecil will have a trophy, too. As always, jmo.

Edit: And, furthermore, why did he have to go into hiding if what he did was ok? Our world has become extremely sick and needs a medic pronto.

Just a couple thoughts. I might be wrong....but I thought that poachers were the big reason that elephants and the like were endangered. I have heard that legal, so called 'trophy hunts' usually are organized and actually put money into saving and preserving the wild animals that they are hunting. I'm not sure this is always the case.

Also, this man went into hiding because of the backlash and public outcry against him. People actually threatened to kill him. Now, has he been convicted of a crime yet? I don't recall hearing that he has had a trial and been convicted. He has admitted to killing the lion, but supposedly thought it was a legal hunt. Personally I think that is debatable, but this is why there should be a trial and I should not convict him in the court of public opinion. I wonder if people that picket outside his office and disrupt his business can be charged with harassment?


Lawful neutral
Just a couple thoughts. I might be wrong....but I thought that poachers were the big reason that elephants and the like were endangered. I have heard that legal, so called 'trophy hunts' usually are organized and actually put money into saving and preserving the wild animals that they are hunting. I'm not sure this is always the case.

Also, this man went into hiding because of the backlash and public outcry against him. People actually threatened to kill him. Now, has he been convicted of a crime yet? I don't recall hearing that he has had a trial and been convicted. He has admitted to killing the lion, but supposedly thought it was a legal hunt. Personally I think that is debatable, but this is why there should be a trial and I should not convict him in the court of public opinion. I wonder if people that picket outside his office and disrupt his business can be charged with harassment?

I hope he gives his lawyer a retainer.

Dentists have fillings too and I’m sure he has his own flossify on 'trophy hunts'.
I think he has a tiny penis syndrome.



But I think the clinical term for the diagnosis is: I Think I Have a Small Penis Syndrome (ITIHSPS) or, as more recent researchers prefer to refer to it, I Need to Prove That I Don't Have a Small Penis Syndrome (INPTIDHSPS).

Almost all males suffer from it to some extent or have suffered from it at some point in their life. It's the root cause of most of the foolish and the vast majority of the evil / harmful actions that males take. Put simply: Almost all of the bad behavior that men have ever engaged in can, with enough scrutiny or honest introspection, be linked to INPTIDHSPS or the widespread denial that is almost always associated with the condition.

It is the most typical form of male insecurity. There's surely a female equivalent, but I'm not aware that researchers have identified a focus of or come up with a name for it yet.


Just a couple thoughts. I might be wrong....but I thought that poachers were the big reason that elephants and the like were endangered. I have heard that legal, so called 'trophy hunts' usually are organized and actually put money into saving and preserving the wild animals that they are hunting. I'm not sure this is always the case.

I think this isn't a particularly newsworthy event, but since it is in the news and we are discussing it; the facts of this case kind of shine a light on how much BS the party line for big game hunting is.

You hear it all the time, the funds for these hunts go to pay for game wardens (who guard against poaching). That they only take weak or extraneous animals (like a male kicked out of a pride). But the fact that the land-owner didn't have the permits, that they killed a lion that obviously wasn't extraneous, that they illegally baited that lion, and despite catching this guy they let him go just proves how bologna it all is. Next year you will have twice the trophy hunters because they all will now know explicitly that they can do whatever the hell they want as long as they have the cash.


Raisin cane
I think this isn't a particularly newsworthy event, but since it is in the news and we are discussing it; the facts of this case kind of shine a light on how much BS the party line for big game hunting is.

You hear it all the time, the funds for these hunts go to pay for game wardens (who guard against poaching). That they only take weak or extraneous animals (like a male kicked out of a pride). But the fact that the land-owner didn't have the permits, that they killed a lion that obviously wasn't extraneous, that they illegally baited that lion, and despite catching this guy they let him go just proves how bologna it all is. Next year you will have twice the trophy hunters because they all will now know explicitly that they can do whatever the hell they want as long as they have the cash.

Hence, why I prefaced part of my comment with - "I might be wrong" and ended that part of the comment with, "I'm not sure this is always the case."