R or D mindset...

Is it good to make bad drivers pay heavy for roads?

  • I'm well to the right and think it's a good idea

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • I'm well to the right and think it's a bad idea

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I'm a moderate to right and think it's a good idea

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • I'm a moderate to right and think it's a bad idea

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • I'm a moderate to left and think it's a good idea

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • I'm a moderate to left and think it's a bad idea

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • I'm well to the left and think it's a good idea

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I'm well to the left and think it's a bad idea

    Votes: 3 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Wht I hat is ppl who post on the fourm wit ther pda while drving.

u can tel who they r bcuse they hav a lot of typo in thr posts and
use a lot of abbrs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And how much...

Nucklesack said:
You misrepresented/misunderstood the Post's position, EVERYONE that uses Virginia's roadways would pay a portion to repair the roads (through the purchase of Gasoline).

Where as the Republicans only want Virginian's to pay the additional burden to maintain the roads. Even though out of staters also use the Roads.

THe point is, since (supposedly) the additional Fines and Fees, are neccessary to maintain the road system. Because the new additional Fines/Fees are only imposed on Virignians, only Virginia Residents will pay the additional burden to maintain the road systems, that EVERYONE uses.

...of a fine will Virginians pay for driving safely?

The point; Make gross violators pay a lot more or tax everyone?

One, you have an option; drive safer. Two, you don't.

Maybe it won't work. Maybe Virginians will start driving better and people will be safer?

Then again, maybe that means it works anyway?


Nucklesack said:
The point is, since (supposedly) the additional Fines and Fees, are neccessary to maintain the road system. Because the new additional Fines/Fees are only imposed on Virignians, only Virginia Residents will pay the additional burden to maintain the road systems, that EVERYONE uses.

I'm not totally sure... but I would be willing to bet hard earned money that EVERY state in the union has visitors.

I would be willing to bet even further that these visitors use the road system during their stay.

I would also be willing to bet even further that all states have regular visitors that use the roads a lot, and that this phenomenon is not specific to Virgina.

Only thing, I don't hear anyone else whining about it.

Maybe they should just put up a tolled turnpike and STFU.

Or even better... where all the other states have a "WELCOME TO X" sign, Virginia can put up a sign that says,

"This is Virginia.
We'd appreciate it if you went AROUND.
Thank you."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Change your own poll...

Nucklesack said:
Then change the polling or reasoning for your post.

Is it about maintaining the roads that EVERYONE uses, or is it to clamp down on ONLY Virginia Residents who drive unsafe? While ignoring the Maryland and DC residents involved in the same violations

...my point stands; Is it good to make bad drivers pay heavy for roads?

I think, yes.

And not everyone stops to get gas, resident or not. So go off on that tangent if you like. I seriously doubt VA ignores DC and Maryland violators.

Make a poll that you are totally happy about and I'll find some argument to make that it's worded wrong.

How's that?


Main Streeter
Larry Gude said:
...Read the article then weigh in. I'm just interested, as always, in how we all think.

I don't have a problem wit it. Even if I was a VA resident it would have no impact on me. Let the bad drivers pay.


Good survey Larry

what I found interesting in the article was:

This history renders the fees open to the criticism that they are calibrated to raise money rather than to deter bad driving.

And I suppose raising taxes is a viable solution to deter bad driving? But, not surprising this is the left's answer for everything: RAISE TAXES! Well, nothing gets a person running straight more than hitting them hard in the wallet for their bad behavior.


Main Streeter
PsyOps said:
what I found interesting in the article was: And I suppose raising taxes is a viable solution to deter bad driving? But, not surprising this is the left's answer for everything: RAISE TAXES! Well, nothing gets a person running straight more than hitting them hard in the wallet for their bad behavior.
Not the left this time. The sponsor of the legislation is a republican.


awpitt said:
Not the left this time. The sponsor of the legislation is a republican.
Yes, the Republicans are against raising taxes (AGAIN) in order to fund road maintenance. They are in support of these heavy fines in order to raise the money AND deter bad driving:

The article stated:

Republicans in the General Assembly refused in doctrinaire fashion to raise taxes this year to pay for desperately needed road maintenance and improvement. Instead they scrounged for other revenue sources, including these new fees.

I support this. I think people have had enough of their taxes raised just to find out the money gets wasted.

Then the article stated:

This history renders the fees open to the criticism that they are calibrated to raise money rather than to deter bad driving.

My point is, the democrats want to raise taxes in order to fund road maintenance. It’s their typical answer to everything; and my question is, how in the world does raising taxes on EVERYONE deter bad driving? You want to deter bad driving hit THEM in the wallet, not EVERYONE. Kill two birds...


Well-Known Member
This doesn't really accomplish much except make people feel good, because they think that bad drivers will get punished and roads will get fixed. In reality it's a selective tax, and the way things work, *maybe* some of it might actually fix the road.

What kind of makes sense is that whoever is most culpable for ruining the actual road should be paying for it. My guess is that's related to vehicle tonnage and mileage. So the fairest "tax" would be a small graduated toll. If you drive a lot, you pay a little more. If you drive a huge tank, you pay a little more. The people who contribute to the deteriorationg of the road should pay for it.

Having drunken Mario Daredevil pay for it doesn't make sense because it doesn't raise enough revenue and it doesn't meet the problem unless all reckless drivers have very deep pockets and continue to drive on the roads AFTER they've been nailed for bad driving.


SamSpade said:
This doesn't really accomplish much except make people feel good, because they think that bad drivers will get punished and roads will get fixed. In reality it's a selective tax, and the way things work, *maybe* some of it might actually fix the road.

What kind of makes sense is that whoever is most culpable for ruining the actual road should be paying for it. My guess is that's related to vehicle tonnage and mileage. So the fairest "tax" would be a small graduated toll. If you drive a lot, you pay a little more. If you drive a huge tank, you pay a little more. The people who contribute to the deteriorationg of the road should pay for it.

Having drunken Mario Daredevil pay for it doesn't make sense because it doesn't raise enough revenue and it doesn't meet the problem unless all reckless drivers have very deep pockets and continue to drive on the roads AFTER they've been nailed for bad driving.
I agree with your second paragraph, but I think the higher fines would be easier for the state to logistically "figure out". Easier to avoid the grey areas.


SamSpade said:
What kind of makes sense is that whoever is most culpable for ruining the actual road should be paying for it. My guess is that's related to vehicle tonnage and mileage. So the fairest "tax" would be a small graduated toll. If you drive a lot, you pay a little more. If you drive a huge tank, you pay a little more. The people who contribute to the deteriorationg of the road should pay for it.

The problem with this is most of those that fit into this category are those that deliver the goods we buy. Hike up their taxes and it will cost us more to buy things.

Again, I expect our government to stop wasting. When I can actually see this I might support a tax increase; when I know it will be spent wisely. Until then, the only thing raising our taxes will do is give them more money to blow on things it wasn’t intended for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nucklesack said:
You can seriously doubt all you want, but i'll go with the facts. the additional fees and fines are ONLY paid by Virginia Residents. There is no increase in Violations Fees paid for current Traffic Violations.

...you're illustrating my point; the different mindsets about any given idea and that it can be a drop dead, easy to understand and reasonable idea or solution to a problem to one person or group and to another, well, they will find all sorts of things wrong with it no matter how far they have to go to do it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No it's not...

Nucklesack said:
Plus the Republican plan IS A TAX,

...it's a increase in fines for bad drivers. A tax is compulsory. A fine is optional. You get to choose if you owe it or not.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you ever think...

Nucklesack said:
, they should pay more, isnt justification nor a defense, since the law doesnt apply equally. THE ONLY way this "law" would be justified is if it applied EQUALLY to Virginia Residents and Out of Staters, which would be REALLY interesting.

...or just 'feel'?

Have you given any thought to why Virginia chose to do it this way? Hmm, why would they do it that way?

An out of stater is more likely to come back and contest a $1,000 ticket, right? They are more likely to just pay a $100 one. If they contest it, it is a burden and expense to Virginia courts; they'll likely pull less revenue.

Also, other states attorney's general might get into the act and go to federal court arguing Virginia is excessive in their fines. More cost.

Maybe you can think of some ideas of your own? Maybe Virgina GOP'ers said "Hey! How can we treat people unfairly, or at least create the impression thereof, and get under Nuckelsacks skin in the process?'

It fascinates me to see someone so concerned for the welfare, impact and fair treatment of people who choose, willfully, to break traffic laws rather excessively.


Main Streeter
Larry Gude said:
Also, other states attorney's general might get into the act and go to federal court arguing Virginia is excessive in their fines. More cost.

There might be interstate commerce issues as well which would bring up constitutional questions with regard to non-VA residents.


New Member
I recently received a citation for reckless driving in Caroline County, VA. I was clocked in right at 20 mph over the speed limit. Yes, I was speeding but I didn't even know the speed limit. I should have paid attention. I was in hurry which is a bad excuse.

I was dressed in a suit and tie because I was going somewhere important. The officer was straight, I guess. He asked me where I was going, what I do and blah. He told me I have to appear in court, it he was confident that all I have to do is appear at this date, go in front of the judge dressed like I was and they'll reduced the charge to even possibility dismissing it. He said most likely a day of driving correction class. That's what am most likely go to do. Although the court is about what 70 miles away from here (Lexington Park). Am still debating about getting a attorney because it is a serious crime accordingly to VA :rolleyes:.

For now on anywhere I go am driving dirt slow even if it irritates people. Right at speed limit on the right hand lane. If you see a Maxima/Light Brownish please don't get mad if am in front of you. :D

Larry Gude

Strung Out
After giving this much thought...

TruPeace said:
I was speeding but I didn't even know the speed limit. I should have paid attention. I was in hurry which is a bad excuse.

...I have chainged my mind about VA's new reckless rules.

I think, from now on, that I should be able to choose how fast I go based on how fast I happen to want to go at the time. I don't want to have to go to court, pay big fines or otherwise be inconvenienced by how fast they say I should be driving.


Baby blues
It's quite simple really. You don't want to pay the heavy fine - don't excessively speed. :shrug:

As for non-residents not getting the fine...my parents live in VA. I go over there about once a month. Why should I pay for their roads? I'm paying for the roads in the state where I reside. I don't travel on VA roads NEAR enough to warrent me having to help pay for them.
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