

Well-Known Member
The grass is growing so thick the mower can hardly get through it and it never dries.
Cutting every 5 days now. Heat and rain sure make it grow, but the beans look good and the corn crops are thriving.
The crabs are finally showing up. The price might even drop a bit.


Just sneakin' around....
The grass is growing so thick the mower can hardly get through it and it never dries.
Cutting every 5 days now. Heat and rain sure make it grow, but the beans look good and the corn crops are thriving.
The crabs are finally showing up. The price might even drop a bit.
I was gone for 10 days, I was very surprised at how green and thick the lawn was when I got back. Took twice as long to cut yesterday just so the tractor didn't clog.


Well-Known Member
I usually cut it at 3 1/2 inches, now I am up to 4 inches in order to get through it and have it look decent.


Just sneakin' around....
Looked like it was clearing a bit, so headed to the store.

Now sitting in the truck waiting for the deluge to let up.


happy to be living
I drove over to SMC this morning in the pouring rain. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of drivers that did not have their headlights on. Why can't auto manufacturers make it so if the windshield wipers are on, the headlights automatically come on? I don't know how many states have it as law but IMHO it is a good and practical law for safety and it should be mandatory.


the poor dad
I drove over to SMC this morning in the pouring rain. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of drivers that did not have their headlights on. Why can't auto manufacturers make it so if the windshield wipers are on, the headlights automatically come on? I don't know how many states have it as law but IMHO it is a good and practical law for safety and it should be mandatory.

🙋🏿‍♂️ Guilty! I am a manual headlight person. Even though my trucks have the auto setting, I keep them on manual, hence I usually forget to turn my headlights on when it rains. My wife's Cadillac automatically turns on the headlights when the wipers are on. But it also automatically turns on the wipers when it starts raining. It is too smart for me.


Just sneakin' around....
I drove over to SMC this morning in the pouring rain. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of drivers that did not have their headlights on. Why can't auto manufacturers make it so if the windshield wipers are on, the headlights automatically come on? I don't know how many states have it as law but IMHO it is a good and practical law for safety and it should be mandatory.
Mine does, and it's a 2014.


Just sneakin' around....
The grass is growing so thick the mower can hardly get through it and it never dries.
Cutting every 5 days now. Heat and rain sure make it grow, but the beans look good and the corn crops are thriving.
The crabs are finally showing up. The price might even drop a bit.
My neighbor is almost OCD about his grass, cuts it often, uses a plug cutter and over-seeds almost every year, had a in-ground sprinkler put in, has a company come to spray stuff once or twice a year.

His front yard is completely brown and dried out.

I do absolutely nothing to my yard, except cut it. It's thicker and greener than ever. Granted, it's summer fescue, but it looks wonderful.


the poor dad
It just keeps going and going and going....

I've had over 2.5" of rain since 5:30 this morning. Checking other weather stations on Wunderground, it seems Dameron gets the blue ribbon again for most rain. In most other places around the county, I'm seeing no more than a half inch. Please someone, anyone, take some of this rain from me!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It just keeps going and going and going....

I've had over 2.5" of rain since 5:30 this morning. Checking other weather stations on Wunderground, it seems Dameron gets the blue ribbon again for most rain. In most other places around the county, I'm seeing no more than a half inch. Please someone, anyone, take some of this rain from me!
Amazing the difference between Dameron and Piney Point. We've got a light rain now that started maybe an hour ago...