Random Question...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:

27 and then some. And then add some more again. Then you might have the right number. :lol:

I see. :coffee:


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kris31280 said:
What are the age ranges of people on here?

Or, maybe I should say Hey! I'm new here! Introduce yourself!

I'll go first. My name is Kris. I am a 27 year old single mama to the world's most adorable baby boy (yours is cute too, but mine will always be the cutest to me!) who will be 2 in September. I currently live in Minnesota but will be living in Hollywood, Maryland by August 13th. I am enrolled at the College of Southern Maryland working on an AA in criminal justice, with plans to get my BA in criminal justice and then go to law school where I hope to become a prosecutor. I like to sing, dance, watch movies, watch live bands, go online, and I'm horribly addicted to myspace. I'm a fluffy girl but I have been my whole life so I'm quite ok with it by this point.

It's great to meet everyone!

Welcome! Also a CJ student at CSM. 31 and married with 2 adorable kids. What has made you want to be a prosecuter?

river rat

firstroundko said:
"By virtue of its tail armed with its powerful sting, the Scorpion creates natures ardent for war and active service, which rejoices in plenteous bloodshed and in carnage more than in plunder. When warfare is in abeyance, they find themselves foes to attack, there are those who enjoy mock fights and joust in arms and devote their leisure to the study of war and every pursuit which arises."

Yeah, I agree. I'm a Scorp and I love war, but not so much violence (action and strategy)


Bronwyn said:
Welcome! Also a CJ student at CSM. 31 and married with 2 adorable kids. What has made you want to be a prosecuter?
What's made me want to be a prosecutor? Well I like to argue and I'm kind of a force to be reckoned with. I've got a very strong sense about what I feel to be right and what I feel to be wrong. And mostly because I've seen the gross abuse of power with prosecutors taking on cases that have no business even making it as far as they do to the court room. I want to make the world a better place for my son, and as I'm a single mama I've gotta do a job that brings in the money but also helps me make the world he'll live in after I'm gone a better place.


So, along with some negative karma, I got a question posed to me... and an observation...

Apparently, because I choose to not say "fat" or "chubby" or "obese" or anything else which is constituted as highly negative in today's society, I am immature. Apparently using the term "fluffy" is immature.

I'll tell you why I use fluffy. My grandma had a magnet of a female sheep on her fridge door that said "Ewe's not fat, Ewe's just fluffy!" And I remember that from my earliest childhood memories. It's something that makes me smile and makes me feel close to her again, because she just recently died right before Mother's Day. She was the only one of my grandparents that I was very close to and I look like the spitting image of her and I miss her every single day.

So I'm sorry if my choosing to use the word "fluffy" offends someone, but I will continue to use it and you'll just have to suck it up.


My 401K is now a 201K
49, less than 5'0 tall, fluffy **I prefer to call it voluptuous **....no kids, married 21 yrs., retired 20 yrs. USN, smart, confident and sarcastic :lmao:

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New Member
kris31280 said:
What's made me want to be a prosecutor? Well I like to argue and I'm kind of a force to be reckoned with. I've got a very strong sense about what I feel to be right and what I feel to be wrong. And mostly because I've seen the gross abuse of power with prosecutors taking on cases that have no business even making it as far as they do to the court room. I want to make the world a better place for my son, and as I'm a single mama I've gotta do a job that brings in the money but also helps me make the world he'll live in after I'm gone a better place.
Remember, what you "feel" is right or wrong, is irrelevant in a court of law.


Mikeinsmd said:
Remember, what you "feel" is right or wrong, is irrelevant in a court of law.
Yes and no... it's the prosecutor's choice to bring forth charges and a full trial and to determine what charges they're seeking to go after.

For example, the 2 13 year old boys who smacked a girl on the bum, I'd choose to not prosecute them with criminal sexual conduct.