Rather Digs His Hole a Little Deeper



Rather Addresses '60 Minutes' Documents Controversy
By Melanie Hunter
CNSNews.com Deputy Managing Editor
September 10, 2004

(CNSNews.com) - CBS News anchor Dan Rather on Friday's newscast addressed the controversy surrounding the memos at the center of a "60 Minutes" news segment questioning President George W. Bush's National Guard service, which was first reported by CNSNews.com on Sept. 9.

"Today, on the internet and elsewhere, some people, including many who are partisan political operatives, concentrated, not on the key questions of the overall story, but on the documents that were part of the support of the story," said Rather.

"They allege that the documents are fake. Those raising questions about the CBS documents have focused on something called superscript, a key that automatically types a raised 'th.' Critics claim typewriters didn't have that ability in the 1970s, but some models did," he added.

"In fact, other Bush military records already officially released by the White House itself show the same superscript," Rather said, pointing to a document he reported was from 1968.

"Some analysts outside CBS say they believe the typeface on these memos is New Times Roman, which they claim was not available in the 1970s, but the owner of the company that distributes this typing style says it has been available since 1931," Rather said.

Rather said document and handwriting examiner Marcel Matley analyzed the documents in question for CBS News.

"He [Matley] believes they [the documents] are real, but is concerned about exactly what is being examined by some of the people now questioning the documents, because deterioration occurs every time a document is reproduced, and the documents being analyzed outside of CBS have been photocopied, faxed, scanned and downloaded and are far removed from the documents CBS started with, which were also photocopies," Rather said.

At the end of the news segment on the memo controversy, Rather read a statement similar to the one issued by CBS News.

"The '60 Minutes' report was not based solely on the recovered documents, but on a preponderance of evidence including documents that were provided by what we considered to be solid sources and interviews with former officials of the Texas National Guard," Rather said.

"If any definitive evidence to the contrary of our story is found, we will report it. So far there is none," he concluded.

So... what's obvious here? First, he mentions that the Times New Roman typeface was available at the time the letters were written. What he doesn't say is that the typeface was available for printers, not on typewriters. He says that other documents of the time employ superscripting, which is true (you just had to rotate the roller back a little bit and type the letter higher than the others.) What he fails to mention is that when you do that, the superscripted letter will be the same size as the other letters... not a reduced size like is found on his documents (and the way that MS Word does it.)

He also says that "If any definitive evidence to the contrary of our story is found, we will report it. So far there is none." How does one find evidence that an event never happened? Lastly, he fails to admit that the Colonel's family members told him the documents were fakes, and he never bothered to mention that they had told him that during the original story.

Looks like Dan's about to "decide" to retire.
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New Member
Compare Word to original doc:


  • aug1973memo.gif
    15.2 KB · Views: 114
  • aug1973word.gif
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Another feature of typewriter printing is that the bottom of uppercase letters will be a bit offset from the bottom of lowercase letters due to the difference in placement on the arm. All of the letters on the Bush documents have the same position on the paper.


I loved this!


  • clippy.jpg
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  • bobkerry.jpg
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's frustrating to me is that, when the Lewinsky story started coming out, none of the mainstream media dudes (including CBS) would touch it with a 10-foot pole because they said it hadn't been "verified" yet.

I notice that they have no such qualms when it comes to bogus documents about Bush.

Nope, no media bias here.


Dancing Up A Storm
John Francois Kerry: In Pursuit of the Oval Office

Kerry's Pursuit of Demons and Worms

"George W. Bush went to Harvard to get his master's degree in business just as Monsieur Kerry took up his second career sliming the men he had left behind in Vietnam.

He went to Paris — always a congenial destination for a monsieur on the make — to meet with several North Vietnamese officials who thanked him for telling the "truth" about the American soldiers at war. Since Monsieur Kerry was still a commissioned officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve, he probably broke provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice prohibiting contact with the enemy and was thus subject to court-martial.

Monsieur Kerry and his friends just can't leave the Vietnam War alone. If Monsieur Kerry, who opened this can of demons and worms, will ever agree to releasing his complete military records, this could all get verrrry interesting."

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.


I read in the local base paper here in Japan that Dallas Morning News did an article on that guy Straudt. In a nutshell it says they obtained info from Straudt's service record that says he got out of the military before that document was ever written...


Dancing Up A Storm
dustin said:
I read in the local base paper here in Japan that Dallas Morning News did an article on that guy Straudt. In a nutshell it says they obtained info from Straudt's service record that says he got out of the military before that document was ever written...
:yeahthat: This morning on Fox News, at about 8:30, they had on journalist Fred Barnes who basically tied up all the "facts" on this story, saying it looks like one of the biggest hoaxes ever seen in a story of this type.
These memos were supposed to have come from an officers' personal files, which his wife said he never kept at home, who never typed a letter/memo, if he could help it, and one of them was in correspondence(the CYA memo) with another officer who had retired some 18 months prior to the memo being accomplished. That officer was "out of the loop", and would not have had anything to do with that issue at the time.
Barnes says the typewriter that was even thought to have been able to type these memos would have cost nearly $20,000.00, was in fact proven incapable of producing the uniformity in it's type spacing, as these memos display.
He stated that Dan Rather is going to have to "back down" from his position that the documents were/are real.

Dan Rather to the World: "I did not have Times Roman with that Typewriter"
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Asperger's Poster Child
From dcrtv.org's Mailbag:

RE: CBS's Dan Rather scandal... Even though I disagree with the man's politics and his annoying pseudo-folksy slanted news presentation, I'm smart enough to know he would not deliberately put out false information/documents for political purposes and risk the legacy of his long and storied career. C'mon. Think about it. Dan Rather, Morely Safer, Andy Roony. What do these people all have in common? Not only do they rarely use computers, they probably prefer a MANUAL typewriter to an electric one! HAha! To Dan Rather, Photoshop is where he gets his 35mm prints developed! 'Nuff said. -- Joe in Essex (9/15/04)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
From dcrtv.org's Mailbag:
Dan Rather has done this before, with Vietnam vets. Something about how he dug up 4 or 5 guys to say that Vietnam ruined their lives and they came back as schizophrenic drug addicts or something like that. Problem is, the whole thing was a lie. None of those guys' stories were true - and Dan didn't bother to check.

Now we have this intrepid reporter who's been doing this since the Stone Age, yet he can't verify information that a kid fresh out of journalism school has no problem getting hold of.



Dancing Up A Storm
"Terry Bradley's military career was marked by misconduct. In 3 1/2 years of service as an Army artilleryman, Bradley compiled a total of 300 days either AWOL or in confinement. There is no record of large numbers of civilians killed near Bradley's unit, which was stationed outside Saigon during his one-year tour of duty. In the documentary, Rather ackowledges that Bradley had been diagnosed as a paranoid-schizophrenic. (Bradley receives service-connected disability compensation of $1952 a month.)

Yet Rather praised Bradley as a "truth teller."

:ohwell: Doesn't that just give you warm fuzzies all over? POS


Well-Known Member
"Yah, we planted the evidence your Honor, but we stand on our story that he's guilty"

Dear Ghu, how stupid do they think we are?


Active Member
Bruzilla said:
Rather Addresses '60 Minutes' Documents Controversy
By Melanie Hunter
CNSNews.com Deputy Managing Editor
September 10, 2004

"Today, on the internet and elsewhere, some people, including many who are partisan political operatives, concentrated, not on the key questions of the overall story, but on the documents that were part of the support of the story," said Rather.

I've always considered Dan Rather to be a partisan political operative.


The Original Lilly
And in the latest developments the documents have been found to be faxed from a Kinko's in Texas . . . which is convienently only 21 miles away from the home of Bill Burkett. You remember Burkett . . . the guy who "overheard" the conversation that Bush's records were going to be "sanitized" even though his story remains unsubstantiated by others that were there.

If he turns out to be the source it will just be too funny. The guy who insists these documents were destroyed is the one who comes up with them 30 years later!?!?

Rather has egg on his face and at this point I think there is no way for him to recover with any kind of dignity (not that he ever had any).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Dear Ghu, how stupid do they think we are?
They KNOW that a segment of our population is incredibly stupid. And they're hoping the rest of us will be drowned out by them.

I use my nutty grandmother as a barometer. She WANTS to believe that John Kerry is the second coming and George Bush is Hitler. So she will accept any story, no matter how ridiculous, that supports this and reject any story, no matter how credible, that refutes it.

She doesn't believe John Kerry testified to war atrocities before Congress, nor does she believe he was a war protester alongside Hanoi Jane. She says these "stories" are plants by the VRWC. She DOES, however, believe that George Bush dodged the draft, despite the lack of anything to substatiate that claim.

She thinks a woman has a right to abortion. I said, what about partial-birth abortion? She said she'd never heard of this. After I explained it to her, she said that nobody does that and it's just a story Republicans make up to make Democrats look bad.

They WANT to believe. And nothing the news says, or Congress says, or ANYBODY says will deter them.