Ravens @ Titans

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Have you noticed they haven't replayed some of these penalties? The illegal contact that gave the Titans a first down (from the far side of the field), the roughing the passer head-to-head?

The Ravens can't afford to give these Titans any first downs on penalties.

...they showed the Sammari illegal contact; good call.


Supper's Ready
FUMBLE!!!!!!!!! Ravens ball!!!

GREAT game so far as they go into halftime. Curious to see second half adjustments. Titans offense seems to have the momentum, but the score still being only 7-7, the Ravens have to be happy about that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

GREAT game so far as they go into halftime. Curious to see second half adjustments. Titans offense seems to have the momentum, but the score still being only 7-7, the Ravens have to be happy about that.

...yeah, the Titans gotta feel like just keep doing what you're doing, abesnt the turnovers. I don't know how B'more can do any more than Flacco has to make a play or two?


Supper's Ready
I don't know,...not much on offensive plays with 7 up. I'm looking for a big defensive play here to change the game.