Raven's v Pats???


Channel 4 and 12 have lost signal.... :cussing:

Oh man... that stinks....

My boys have a bunch of friends over and they were watching the game upstairs on a TV connected to our OTA antenna - there is at least a 15 second, maybe a 30 second delay between the plays and what we were seeing on Directv. We would hear the yelling upstairs and have to wait to see the play!


That was a hail Mary play when they didn't need it. :ohwell: And it was that mistake that cost them the game.

They had time... errrr

Disappointed for sure!

Me too, my football season is over, just hope Dallas gets the snot beat out of them tomorrow. Sorry DoWhat, I just can't like Dallas no matter what.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I just always think the team that wins is the better team, but you are right, I think the Raves really should have had this one.

I'm not saying they would have won. Just that they took themselves out of a chance at the end. So, you're right; Baltimore messed up when they couldn't afford to therefore, the better team did win. So, I really don't have a beef with it. If I was a Ravens fan I'd be sick.


I'm not saying they would have won. Just that they took themselves out of a chance at the end. So, you're right; Baltimore messed up when they couldn't afford to therefore, the better team did win. So, I really don't have a beef with it. If I was a Ravens fan I'd be sick.

I am sick, but I hope to get better when I see Dallas lose tomorrow.


Power with Control
I dont watch many games, glad I caught this one, what a battle. A bit more glad, because I grew up in New England :)


I bowl overhand
Didn't expect New England to win this one the way they've been playing the last few weeks.. was surprised to hear before the playoffs started that NE and Seattle were favorites for the Big Game. I wondered if anyone had seen the Pats last 3 or 4 games.

PATS got lucky.. squeaked out a win.. but I still say NOT getting a ring this year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Didn't expect New England to win this one the way they've been playing the last few weeks.. was surprised to hear before the playoffs started that NE and Seattle were favorites for the Big Game. I wondered if anyone had seen the Pats last 3 or 4 games.

PATS got lucky.. squeaked out a win.. but I still say NOT getting a ring this year.

"Favorites" are favored for a reason. They don't always win but, there are reasons they most often do or they wouldn't be the favorites. NE has Brady and Billichick and a pretty good defense. They make adjustments in games. Everyone does but, then, it is execution, the details, whose adjustments turn out better and why. Pats did not get lucky. They made better adjustments and made more plays. Baltimore made an enormous mistake at the end not running the ball on 1st and 5 on the Pats half of field with nearly two minutes to go and NOT wanting to give Brady the ball back. This doesn't mean they would have scored or won but, that was what they needed to do right then and there. They'd been running ALL game.

So, the opponent messes up and the Pats, more often than not, mess up less. That's why they're normally a favorite. :shrug:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Baltimore moved from playing to win into playing not to lose mode. The ravens were doing a good job of running the ball and mixing their plays up. In hindsight they should have stuck to that pattern. I didn't realize it during the game but Baltimore was 1-9 on 3rd down conversions. A high percentage of teams that struggle to make 3rd down conversions will lose.

Lots of shoulda, coulda, woulda, for the ravens in this game.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Baltimore moved from playing to win into playing not to lose mode. The ravens were doing a good job of running the ball and mixing their plays up. In hindsight they should have stuck to that pattern. I didn't realize it during the game but Baltimore was 1-9 on 3rd down conversions. A high percentage of teams that struggle to make 3rd down conversions will lose.

Lots of shoulda, coulda, woulda, for the ravens in this game.

There is an ebb and flow to games, the big momentum, and it could be argued that they were playing to win when Flacco threw that blind pass that was picked by a safety who had to put his sammitch down to catch the ball so, games go how they go and it changes for everybody, Pats, Skins, good and bad. The teams that win more often than not make a play when they gotta have it. That was a mostly great game but, Baltimore became blind, somehow, when it mattered most; 1:55 to burn, on the Pats side of the field, 1st and 5, you run, run, run, even if it takes 3 plays. At worst, you've burned a minute and are now getting close to the end zone. I was thinking at the time the LAST thing they want is to score too fast and give Brady a chance. When he threw it I was like "dumb ass! You score and give them the ball with nearly 2 minutes needing just a field goal to tie!!!!"

Baltimore screwed up when they could not, me thinks.