Raw Deal

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I guess that cowbell and Jazz incident was another one for the Dem's Gems File :lol:

Oh, yeah. And the puppy from hell. I was mostly deaf and full of puncture marks after that "fun" experience. :razz:

But I tell ya' what, nothing feels better than clanging the biggest, loudest cowbell you can after the Redskins score :yay:

Not if you're sitting about a foot away from said cowbell. :bawl:


jazz lady said:
Oh, yeah. And the puppy from hell. I was mostly deaf and full of puncture marks after that "fun" experience. :razz:

Not if you're sitting about a foot away from said cowbell. :bawl:

I luv ya' :huggy:



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Skins/Cowpukes week 2, I'll be watching (a rerun of 18 Dec 05) at Damon's in LP w/ BL and some others. :larry: :yay:


kom526 said:
Skins/Cowpukes week 2, I'll be watching (a rerun of 18 Dec 05) at Damon's in LP w/ BL and some others. :larry: :yay:

LP, is that LaPlata ?????
Mostly Ravens fans up there !!!!!!!!!


New Member
dems4me said:
I was talking about the upcoming Redskin game with my Dad last night and he brought up a very valid and good point concerning us playing Dallas next week. He pointed out that Monday, maynot be a practice day because we have a game Monday night, then Tuesday will probably be a day off from practice because of the game late Monday, and then the Redskins miss yet ANOTHER practrice day because of having to travel to Dallas. He seems to think there's a Rule or something stating that if you play on a Monday night game, your next game is supposed to be a home game or something like that so you don't miss soo many days of practice. Sounds logical to me. Isn't there an NFL rule or something to this effect? Anyone know off hand? It sounds unfair. :mad: Then again its the Dallas Cowboys, lots of things are unfairly disadvantaged towards us concerning them. Any input?

A year ago, it was explained to me the "typical NFL team" had a week scheduled like this. (Note that this is after playing on a Sunday.)

Monday: Players off. Coaches use Monday to go over the previous day's game tapes / view some tapes of their next opponent.

Tuesday: Players and coaches meetings. More video of upcoming oppenent, finalizing game plan for next game.

Wednesday and Thursday: These are the two big practice days. Also, following Thursday's practice, the "final" injury report is due to the league. This is why you hear many coaches point to who did/didn't practice on Thursday as the availability for the next game.

Friday: Final walkthrough/ light practice. Special teams walkthroughs, etc. (No pads...unless Coach thinks the previous two practices weren't of the quality he would prefer.)

Saturday: Travel day if away. If home game, day off for players (usually) or final walkthroughs (morning only). Coaches meeting for final polish on gameplan.

There is no "rule" about travelling for the next game after a Monday night home game. This just means the Skins will have to compress the Monday and Tuesday schedule into Tuesday / Wednesday morning. Practice in pads Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. (typically) Maybe a light pads workout on Friday morning.

I wouldn't put too much thought into a conspiracy, as Dallas has to play the Sunday before Thanksgiving....and then play four days later on Thanksgiving. Every year.


New Member
Originally Posted by kwillia
Oh great, dems... now you've gone and made me sad... It just hit me that I haven't really sat down and watched a football game since my dad died. I used to get wrapped up in the Skins because he had always been a die-hard Skins fan and I actually enjoyed watching games with him.

It's just not the same anymore.

BS Gal said:
And on the same note, my dad knew I had the football package and loved the Chargers. He was on the west coast and would watch the Chargers play and EVERY FRIGGIN TIME a crucial play would come on, he'd call me and try to chat me up, KNOWING that I was on the edge of my seat. I'm gonna miss him something bad this year. Last year at this time, he was dying. I'm gonna miss him calling and giving me crap during the crucial moments. He'd ask me for a recipe or if I could find an address for him. He was da bomb. RIP daddy.

Both of you have great memories of your dads....what a way to honor their memory...continuing to enjoy the game!!!

I can't watch an Orioles game without good memories of my uncle.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
FireBrand said:
LP, is that LaPlata ?????
Mostly Ravens fans up there !!!!!!!!!
Is there a Damon's in La Plata now?:confused:

The Damon's I'm referring to is in Lexington Park. LP City :lmao:


Football addict
dems4me said:
I was talking about the upcoming Redskin game with my Dad last night and he brought up a very valid and good point concerning us playing Dallas next week. He pointed out that Monday, maynot be a practice day because we have a game Monday night, then Tuesday will probably be a day off from practice because of the game late Monday, and then the Redskins miss yet ANOTHER practrice day because of having to travel to Dallas. He seems to think there's a Rule or something stating that if you play on a Monday night game, your next game is supposed to be a home game or something like that so you don't miss soo many days of practice. Sounds logical to me. Isn't there an NFL rule or something to this effect? Anyone know off hand? It sounds unfair. :mad: Then again its the Dallas Cowboys, lots of things are unfairly disadvantaged towards us concerning them. Any input?
That's what you get in the schedule for going to the playoffs the previous year.