Ready to live life again



well allow me to extend a warm welcome:howdy:
"since everyone else is being a turd":duh:


You're all F'in Mad...
DoWhat said:
May I ask you a personal question?

DoWhat is probably going to ask if you put out on the first date... Some of us are more refined than to ask such a personal question.



pretty black roses
Oz said:
DoWhat is probably going to ask if you put out on the first date... Some of us are more refined than to ask such a personal question.


I thought he would called her chubby :lmao:


pretty black roses
cokebear said:
so do I jump in now and tell dowhat that I do put out on first date :boxing:

Not Dowhat.......there are others that may bite but be careful and not fall into the catapiller trail.....


Lord, I apologize.
There's nothing wrong with aggression, as long as it's put to good use...........