Reality Show - Kimora Simmons


New Member
Its not reality, or at least its not reality for 99.9% of the world. It should be called Ridiculous not Fabulous. Other than being rich I can’t see why she’s on TV. She’s rude, mean, inconsiderate, egotistical, living an over-indulgent life. Her daughters need discipline, they’re rude, spoiled and very bossy. And I really have a problem with her being touted as a “single mother” when she has tons of employees at her beck and call - she would never have to drop/juggle everything if her children get sick.


Football Mom!!!
What chanel/time does it come on? I saw something in a magazine a while back but haven't seen anything else?


New Member
Its not reality, or at least its not reality for 99.9% of the world. It should be called Ridiculous not Fabulous. Other than being rich I can’t see why she’s on TV. She’s rude, mean, inconsiderate, egotistical, living an over-indulgent life. Her daughters need discipline, they’re rude, spoiled and very bossy. And I really have a problem with her being touted as a “single mother” when she has tons of employees at her beck and call - she would never have to drop/juggle everything if her children get sick.
sounds like your jealous:gossip:


New Member
Season 2

Lexigirl - James is my fav too! Glad to see he's on the new season! Have you caught any of the new episodes yet? Um some of those models that tried out for Kimora's fashion show were awful! I could have done a better job at walking! haha