realization is setting in that McCain might win


Lovin' being Texican
wow, from the Clinton News Netwok of all places

link is-the-tide-turning

go figure, when the MSN see through the empty suit.

There's a reason Obama has abandoned his "Anytime, anyplace" vow to meet McCain head-to-head. The performance on Saturday night is also why Obama is going back to the well on "I have always opposed this war" message. Too bad that well is dry.


New Member
Washington Post is still totally wet for Obama - another huge fluff piece in there about his campaign today.


New Member
Obama has not been nominated yet! Don't you think the super delegates to the Democract Party convention are not reconsidering and may nominate Shillery? There is something up, I don't think Barry is a lock on the nomination.


NOT Politically Correct!!
NObama's campaign =


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Well-Known Member
Obama has not been nominated yet! Don't you think the super delegates to the Democract Party convention are not reconsidering and may nominate Shillery? There is something up, I don't think Barry is a lock on the nomination.

If they do THAT, they will absolutely lose in November - not because Hillary can't beat McCain, but that they will instantly lose all the excited Obama supporters who will justifiably feel robbed. They'll instantly lose a ton of the black vote. And the youth, who typically stay home on election day but who might have supported Obama, will stay home again.


Super Genius
If they do THAT, they will absolutely lose in November - not because Hillary can't beat McCain, but that they will instantly lose all the excited Obama supporters who will justifiably feel robbed. They'll instantly lose a ton of the black vote. And the youth, who typically stay home on election day but who might have supported Obama, will stay home again.

Forget the election in Nov, I'd be worried about rioting next week...


Oh I see what you're getting at. Can we then presume that McCain might NOT be the nominee? At this point I could almost stomach Bush another four years over McCain or maybe I'm just tired to death of the whole thing.