realization is setting in that McCain might win



Yeah and you are so right but does it not say above John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President on the the gop website Republican National Convention 2008 - September 1-4, 2008 "presumed" yes or no?

No not you - I meant to answer Xl - something with the super genius after his name. I did answer you however - DNC doesn't have presumed. Why do they presume anyhow I wonder - everyone knows who the candidates are? I'd be shocked as hell if they said it's Romney, Guiallani (sp?) or that other Republican - what's his name - Lieberman?


New Member
Oh I see what you're getting at. Can we then presume that McCain might NOT be the nominee? At this point I could almost stomach Bush another four years over McCain or maybe I'm just tired to death of the whole thing.

Why are you tired of it? Yes you can presume anything you want but that doesn't make it come to be. Old white hair might drop dead before the end of the gop convention because of his age and that should disqualify him from getting the party nomination. That is why they used the little word Presumed. On the other side the dnc states right on the front page that Barry has the nod of the party with no hesitation. Party politics are not boring listen to both parties and all canidates and choose the nominee who you feel will do the best.


Why are you tired of it? Yes you can presume anything you want but that doesn't make it come to be. Old white hair might drop dead before the end of the gop convention because of his age and that should disqualify him from getting the party nomination. That is why they used the little word Presumed. On the other side the dnc states right on the front page that Barry has the nod of the party with no hesitation. Party politics are not boring listen to both parties and all canidates and choose the nominee who you feel will do the best.

Oh I have been - since before January in fact - which is probably the reason I'm so sick of all of it. I have even watched Fox - as much as I can stomach - which admittedly isn't much. I wish they'd both get back to issues and stop with the attacks, responses, counterattacks. I understand why it is the way it is but I think our country and us voters deserve for BOTH of them to stick to the truth and not half truths - that WOULD be in everyone's best interests - especially after the last eight years. They both claim to love this country - prove it - put the country's needs first and stop the freakin playground stuff.


New Member
No not you - I meant to answer Xl - something with the super genius after his name. I did answer you however - DNC doesn't have presumed. Why do they presume anyhow I wonder - everyone knows who the candidates are? I'd be shocked as hell if they said it's Romney, Guiallani (sp?) or that other Republican - what's his name - Lieberman?

And yes this comuter stuff kicks the crap out of me, that's why I'm retired. Dead/ Presumed dead has a big difference in meaning just because of one word. Retired yes, that's why I am keen on protecting my fixed income from some financial vampire.


Lovin' being Texican
If they do THAT, they will absolutely lose in November - not because Hillary can't beat McCain, but that they will instantly lose all the excited Obama supporters who will justifiably feel robbed. They'll instantly lose a ton of the black vote. And the youth, who typically stay home on election day but who might have supported Obama, will stay home again.

The nation will be involved in a shooting race war by November if Obama doesn't get the nomination. The [protected minority group] of the nation will intimidate them with visions of Watts everywhere.


New Member
The nation will be involved in a shooting race war by November if Obama doesn't get the nomination. The [protected minority group] of the nation will intimidate them with visions of Watts everywhere.

what the f*&% kind of racist BS are you spewing?

jesus freaking keyricetah!!!

and what would the reason be for not giving him the nomination, other than the BS citizenship issue you keep raising, which the dems are ignoring.


Habari Na Mijeldi
McCain's age and bad health will keep him from attending the big O's inauguration. Nonno has spoken.


Lovin' being Texican
what the f*&% kind of racist BS are you spewing?

jesus freaking keyricetah!!!

and what would the reason be for not giving him the nomination, other than the BS citizenship issue you keep raising, which the dems are ignoring.

I have to admit, you're doing a great job quickly logging on and off as your numerous MPDs and posting on all these threads. Too bad you keep forgetting which personality goes with which identity.


NOT Politically Correct!!
McCain's age and bad health will keep him from attending the big O's inauguration. Nonno has spoken.

You're a doctor or can you determine that by lingering around peoples asses??? :eyebrow:
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