Rebekah Jones Psychopath


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‘Quite literally a psychopath’: NRO’s damning new exposé reveals how far Rebekah Jones went to ruin grad student who questioned her methods

A little over a month ago, National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke put together a thorough and devastating takedown of purported COVID19 “whistleblower” and demonstrably shameless grifter Rebekah Jones.
Needless to say, Jones wasn’t pleased with Cooke for exposing her.

So we can only imagine how she’s feeling now that she’s been even further exposed by Cooke’s National Review colleague Jack Crowe:



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Critics bash media for having elevated Rebekah Jones amid new revelations of her abusive behavior in report

"Rebekah Jones is a monster, and the media lionized her because she plays for the right team," Spectator contributor Stephen Miller wrote. "Rebekah Jones entire power comes from the national and local media who props her up. That's it. Without she's just another social media sociopath. But they built her up and once again refuse to admit their mistake. And it's all because of politics."

Miller continued, "She has the same politics they do. All the way down. It's that simple. She's a psychopath, but she's against DeSantis, so CNN puts her on the air."

"Your frequent reminder that Rebekah Jones is a complete psychopath. Good job, everyone who made her a semi-public figure," Washington Examiner commentator T. Becket Adams wrote.


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Rebekah Jones, Propaganda Tool of the Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party, writing through its propaganda organ, the Global Times, is now using one of the many falsehoods that have been spread by former Florida DOH dashboard designer Rebekah Jones in order to cast aspersions on the integrity of the United States and claim that COVID-19 originated in America, rather than in China. In a piece published this morning, the Chinese government suggests that:1

Florida, a new COVID-19 epicenter of the US where the seven-day average cases rose to a record high of more than 18,000 in early August, is causing public concern due to its serious epidemic situation and the lack of transparency on its early cases – especially in the case of 171 early patients’ data that was deleted and hidden.
People in Florida complained about the hiding of information on early local cases, which are now widely believed to have emerged earlier than the state’s officially reported patients – and even earlier than the virus outbreak in China’s Wuhan.
Further, the Global Times claims that:

the Florida government stayed secretive about its epidemic information. It didn’t explain why there had been a possible local spread of COVID-19 prior to the Wuhan outbreak, or why it deleted the data of the 171 early patients, US media reports said.
Worse still, the government attempted to silence those who wanted to get to the truth. It fired then data analyst Rebekah Jones, who refused to manipulate the data in May 2020, and raided her home later that year.
“State police came to my house and took all my hardware and tech,” Jones wrote on Twitter on December 8, 2020. The police pointed guns at her and her kids, Jones added.


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Florida IG Rejects Conspiracist Rebekah Jones’s ‘Unsubstantiated’ Covid Cover-up Claims

A former dashboard manager at the Florida Department of Health made “unsubstantiated” claims that Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration fired her because she refused to obey her superiors’ instructions to fudge the state’s Covid-19 data, a new investigation has found.

The extensive report from the Health Department’s Office of Inspector General found “insufficient evidence” that Rebekah Jones was ordered to falsify, alter, or misrepresent Covid positivity rates on the state COVID-19 Data and Surveillance dashboard that she helped build.

In December 2020, Jones alleged that former Florida deputy secretary of health Dr. Shamarial Roberson, a reputable chronic-disease epidemiologist, pressured her to “delete cases and deaths” to sugarcoat the state’s handling of the Covid crisis. Jones later backtracked, arguing instead on her now-suspended Twitter account that Roberson “asked me to go into the raw data and manually alter figures.”

The report addressed Jones’s accusations that Roberson, as well as two other state health officials, directed her to restrict access to underlying data that supported what was presented on the dashboard, finding them “exonerated.” The three confirmed that they told Jones to temporarily remove the “data hub” before reactivating it after it was reviewed for accuracy, which the report determined “does not appear to violate law, rule, or policy since the ‘data hub’ was not required to be made available,” and since it was quickly restored unchanged. Another reason the officials took down the section was to prevent private individual health information prohibited from public disclosure from being released.


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🔥 More bad news for Becky. Forbes ran a story last week headlined, “The Curious Case Of Rebekah Jones’ Suspension From Twitter.” Rebekah Jones has been suspended from Twitter, maybe permanently. Apparently, and I know you won’t believe this, she bought most of her followers. So that giant twitter following she had? Fake.

Forbes’ reporter toyed briefly and hopefully with the notion that someone else might have bought Jones’ followers for her in a false flag operation, but that tiny candle of hope quickly flickered out — he seemed to realize it was preposterous nonsense — and he moved on. According to Forbes’ security researcher, it looks like Jones paid a sneaky malware service that surreptitiously forces other user accounts to follow someone — without the account owners’ knowledge.

Why corporate media still wants to protect the thoroughly-discredited fake whistleblower is something I will never understand. I understand the goal of trying to hurt DeSantis, but Jones isn’t hurting DeSantis anymore, if she ever did. And if anything, Jones is now helping DeSantis.

But an even better question is: why is Twitter cracking down on people who use fake followers now, all of a sudden? I’m guessing it has something to do with Elon Musk and his investigation into the quality of Twitter’s user base. It looks like they’re anticipating some bad press when Musk announces the conclusions. “But look, we already started cleaning it up!”



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The liberal media elevated Jones after she claimed to be a “data scientist” who was fired by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for not agreeing to cover up the Sunshine State’s “real” COVID data. She appeared on CNN many times, including being a favorite of Chris Cuomo. Numerous press outlets also gave her credibility, using her “data scientist” title as a way to push the idea that she was a person of authority.

Reality painted a far different picture, though. Jones was actually just a state employee who input data into Florida’s COVID dashboard. She is not a “scientist” and she has never provided an ounce of evidence that she was asked to falsify data. Her whistleblower claims were shot down earlier in 2022, effectively ending her campaign against DeSantis and the state he leads.

By that time, though, Jones had already moved on to her next grift: Running for Congress as a Democrat against GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz. That came to an end on Friday after a judge shut down her campaign.

A Florida judge is disqualifying Rebekah Jones from challenging Rep. Matt Gaetz for his seat in Congress, and the hearing featured some tense moments.
Leon Circuit Court Judge John Cooper from the bench said Jones could not run as a Democrat because she had not been a registered Democrat for 365 days before qualifying as a candidate for Congress.
“I don’t think I can come to any conclusion other than this,” Cooper said. “Jones was not a registered member of the Democratic Party almost two months during this period.”

At question here was whether Jones was a legally registered Democrat for the required amount of time before running in the primary. To be it frankly, she wasn’t, and the judge had no choice but to follow the letter of the law. That means another Democrat will now get the honor of being electorally dragged by Gaetz in November.



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Rebekah Jones Signs Deferred Prosecution Agreement, Admits Guilt, Lies about It, Raises More Money

Rebekah Jones, the disgraced fabulist who was fired from the Florida Department of Health for insubordination and other assorted lunacy, has entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the State of Florida:

Rebekah Jones, a former Florida Department of Health data scientist, on December 7 accepted a plea deal with prosecutors, meaning she will avoid a January 23 trial in Leon County on a felony count of offenses against users of (computers).
According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, “Evidence retrieved from a search warrant (in December 2020) shows that Jones illegally accessed the (FDOH) system sending a message to approximately 1,750 people and downloaded confidential FDOH data and saved it to her devices.”
As a condition of the deferred prosecution agreement, Jones agreed to the following special conditions:
  • Pay $20,000 in investigative fees to Florida Department of Law
  • Enforcement at a rate of $200 per month until paid in full;
  • Perform 150 hours of community services at a minimum rate of 13 hours per month;
  • See a licensed mental health professional for at least one hour per month
  • Admits guilt to the offense(s) charged
  • Pay $100 fee to State Attorney’s Office upon filing of agreement
Jones for a period of 24 months must also abide by other pre-trial intervention conditions, including but not limited to: refrain from violation of any criminal law; work regularly at a lawful occupation; not use intoxicants to excess; submit to and pay for random urinalysis; and report to pre-trial intervention officer each month as directed.

As is now customary, Jones is lying about what happened. In a post on her blog yesterday, Jones went out of her way to characterize the deal as “a total dismissal . . . for a fee.” It was not. It was a deferred prosecution agreement, of precisely the sort that Jones has entered into repeatedly in her past. The agreement stipulates that Jones is guilty, and that she must admit to that guilt. In addition, Jones is obliged to perform community service, see a licensed mental-health professional, and pay restitution. If she violates any of these conditions within two years, Florida can resume the prosecution.


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The 13-year-old son of a Florida 'whistleblower' who claimed Governor Ron DeSantis' office fabricated Covid-19 statistics during the pandemic was arrested after allegedly threatening a school shooting.

Rebekah Jones took to Twitter on Tuesday night to announce the arrest, which she alleged was personally ordered by DeSantis and carried out by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office.

Jones said her son was taken into custody over memes he had sent in a private group chat which joked about school shootings— including one which made fun of lazy school security guards, and another which joked about being tempted to grab a school security guards' guns.

But a police report released by the Sheriff's office Thursday indicated the motivation for the arrest went beyond the memes, and suggested Jones had played down the gravity of the charges her son faces.


'Autistic' son, 13, of fired Florida health worker who challenged DeSantis' COVID stats is ARRESTED 'for repeatedly threatening to shoot up his school and stab his classmates'



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🔥 Remember Rebekah Jones, the disgraced data entry clerk turned fake whistleblower who became an international marxist celebrity after claiming that Governor DeSantis personally tweaked Florida’s covid data to improve its stats?

Apparently she has a few more legal problems now.

The disgraceful Miami Herald headlined the story like this: “13-Year-Old Son of Rebekah Jones, Whistleblower Who Clashed With DeSantis, Arrested Over Memes.” My gosh! What is this world coming to? The headline obviously implied the notorious criminal Jones and her crime family are being persecuted by police, probably at the personal insistence of the Governor.

But look how the Pensacola News Journal — in the district where Jones lives — headlined the story: “Rebekah Jones’ Son Arrested in Florida After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Up School, Stab Students.”


In its hastily-revised story, the Miami Herald disclosed information that it already had, but had failed to include in its original story about the arrest:

It's unclear whether the deputies were aware of the messages, which were uncovered by a warrant to search [Jones’ son’s] Snapchat account. The messages listed in the warrant involved threats of violence, including attacks on schoolchildren.

Feb. 9: "I want to shoot up the school."

Feb. 12: "If I get a gun I'm gonna shoot up hnms lol" - an apparent reference to Holley Navarre Middle School, which the youth had previously attended.

Feb. 12: "I always keep a knife on me so maybe I'll just stab ppl."

Feb. 12: "I have no hope in getting better, so why not kill the losers at school."

Predictably, Jones informed her followers that Governor DeSantis plotted to have her son arrested for NO REASON:

But then … the Pensacola News Journal reported that JONES VOLUNTARILY TURNED HER SON IN:

SRSO spokeswoman Jillian Durkin said the Sheriff's Office had received reports of a threat from multiple students and that a felony warrant was issued following an investigation of the reports. Durkin said Jones turned her son in to the Sheriff's Office.



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To be precise, yesterday Jones pleaded no contest to a charge of stalking. That means she didn’t admit guilt and based on the document above adjudication was withheld which means this is not considered a conviction the way a trial would be. Nevertheless, she was found guilty and sentenced to one year of probation, a day in jail (time served) and a batterers intervention program. The backstory here is that Jones was accused of revenge porn back in 2020:

News4Jax obtained Jones’ arrest affidavit, which shows that in June 2019, a victim submitted an online report in reference to “revenge porn.” The victim advised he had an injunction against Jones for the past year, which had expired.
The probable cause affidavit alleges that Jones put up a website with naked pictures of him and sent it to his place of employment. Jones was arrested a month later, and as of Wednesday, the case was still in pretrial status. Records show she was formally charged with stalking.

If you’re at all familiar with Jones they you’ve probably already guessed her version of the story is substantially different. Today she wrote a Twitter thread claiming she was the victim of stalking by an ex-boyfriend. She also posted her victim’s name on Twitter today. It seems like this sidesteps the whole point of the stalking punishment she just agreed to but I have no idea if this will lead to any additional legal trouble for her.
