Rebuilding the Redskins...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What a monumental mess. You start thinking about what you would the day the season ends. You look at all the varios places we are totally unsettled;

O line
D line

Then come up with an intelligent, doable strategery to rebuild this team.

1. The O line, to me, is the worst. I trade Samuels, say bye to Thomas, Heyer, Rabach and Williams. Maybe get some decent picks for Chris as he is the only one with any value, at all.

2. I trade Moss and Portis. More picks.

You can't add Jason to that mix as well unless you are willing to simply go with some spare part or kid. You can't trade picks for some name guy nor can you get into top draft position AND fix the O line.

Fletcher can't keep this up much longer. Let him go to a winner to end his career, get some more picks.

Find some way to off load Fat Albert.

My whole goal would be to start building through the draft, lots and lots of 3-6's. But then, there is always the case to be made to bring in the 'right' FA's, whatever 'right' means.

What a mess.


My Sweetest Boy
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Wasted brain energy until Snyder is kidnapped.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
In order of importance to me:

The coaching staff has to be settled first, this team needs individual coaches with a common goal. To achieve this goal an offensive philosophy will have to be envisioned and sought after. Will this be a run first or passing team? West coast, wildcat, wild horses or wishbone :)lol:) offense. After this has been decided then you can go after your:

O line- Years of neglect are (have been) showing and now the piper is getting paid. This line needs to be built through the draft and unsigned free agents (hopefully more bang for the buck). Samuels' health and lack thereof recently is going to have a negative impact on his trade value. MAYBE a 3rd to a desperate team. Rabach may be worth a 3rd also whereas the rest of them will go quietly into the night with memories of having played a game for money. Look at teams like the Broncos, Orton is not a great QB but he's getting the job done b/c of the line play. Fast and mobile or smashmouth juggernaut that has to be decided first.

QB- You have to bring a kid in and get him up to speed with THE system. Preferably somebody with an accurate deep throw and good decision making skills (throw it away or take the sack). The QB for C. Michigan is playing off the hook this year but you don't hear anything about him, maybe a steal in April(?).

WR-Purge the entire corps or at least start our #5 (Marko Mitchell) and sit Kelly and Thomas. Mitchell has nothing to lose by playing and everything to gain whereas those other two are useless because they've been paid. Definitely replace Randle-El and get a #3 that will actually return a punt every once in a while instead of waving to the MetLife blimp.
WR Wish list- 3 receivers - 1 tall strong and somewhat fast
1 speedster with the ability to separate
1 go to possession guy with YAC skills

RB- Trade C Po for whatever we can get and start Betts while we utilize the draft or pick up and unsigned FA and teach Mason how to pass block and keep his young fresh legs.

DEF- FORCE Haynesworth to practice and get into football shape. PERIOD! I would be searching the wires and schools for some secondary help though. Decide what Orakpo is going to be and focus on that skill set.

ST- Get a PK that can consistently put the ball into the end zone on KOs.

Overall- Utilize the draft for its intended team building purpose, bypass over hyped free agents and get a vision for what you want your team to be.

OMG! I'm guilty of Betaposting.:doh:
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They're out to get us
If the Jets can trade for Braylon Edwards, you wonder why the Skins can't pull moves like that. I still think you're all doggin on Portis for no good reason, but considering your team sucks you might as well go back to scratch and get as much value for him as you can.

Campbell isn't a good QB by any means, but he's a decent game manager (low INTs). Honestly, if your offense had a good line and maybe a #1 WR you'd be in business. Then again, you'd probably want to upgrade QB at that point. Cooley, Moss, Portis, and Randel El are a good group to work with but you don't have much else.


Man of Tomorrow
A lot of what you laid out Larry can't be done due to cap ramifications. Trading Portis this offseason I believe would carry with it a 15+ mil salary cap hit. While I agree with the sentiment, its not going to happen with 'The Dan' in charge. The best bet is for Ronnie Mervis to buy the team from him, and restore some sense to the organization.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
A lot of what you laid out Larry can't be done due to cap ramifications. Trading Portis this offseason I believe would carry with it a 15+ mil salary cap hit. While I agree with the sentiment, its not going to happen with 'The Dan' in charge. The best bet is for Ronnie Mervis to buy the team from him, and restore some sense to the organization.

What's the deal with 2010 being "cap free" and how will this affect any trades?:confused:

Ronnie Mervis huh? Slip them some bling instead of cash to stay under cap?:really:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A lot of what you laid out Larry can't be done due to cap ramifications. Trading Portis this offseason I believe would carry with it a 15+ mil salary cap hit. While I agree with the sentiment, its not going to happen with 'The Dan' in charge. The best bet is for Ronnie Mervis to buy the team from him, and restore some sense to the organization.

You know, I've long since come to the conclusion that 'cap' is a malleable term. :lol:


Man of Tomorrow
What's the deal with 2010 being "cap free" and how will this affect any trades?:confused:

Ronnie Mervis huh? Slip them some bling instead of cash to stay under cap?:really:

Yeah, you can actually sign the petition to get him to try and buy the team here.

I'm actually not really sure how the uncapped year would affect trades and such, but it would have a huge bearing on how business is done in the NFL. First and foremost for the players, they would need 6 years vested experience to become free agents, unlike the 4 that is required right now. Also, the top 8 finishers in the playoffs would only be allowed to sign free agents at the rate at which they lose them. Another thing that would affect the players is teams would receive an additional franchise and transistion tag to protect themselves from losing players. Under and uncapped system, the players would lose a lot of the flexibility in movement they enjoy right now.


Man of Tomorrow
You know, I've long since come to the conclusion that 'cap' is a malleable term. :lol:

Its malleable in the sense that you can get guys to renogiate their cap numbers but having them lower their base salary in exchange for raising their guaranteed money (signing bonus) which the team can then spread out over the life of the contract. The problem with that comes in the case of players such as Clinton Portis who will now count over 12 mil against the cap in 2010 and even more the following year. If you were to trade him or cut him, everything that is left on his contract comes due immediately, and is counted as dead cap space. So if the Redskins were to trade him this offseason, essentially 25% of their salary cap would be spent on a player who was no longer on the roster.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
If the Jets can trade for Braylon Edwards, you wonder why the Skins can't pull moves like that. I still think you're all doggin on Portis for no good reason, but considering your team sucks you might as well go back to scratch and get as much value for him as you can.

Campbell isn't a good QB by any means, but he's a decent game manager (low INTs). Honestly, if your offense had a good line and maybe a #1 WR you'd be in business. Then again, you'd probably want to upgrade QB at that point. Cooley, Moss, Portis, and Randel El are a good group to work with but you don't have much else.
Campbell is a good game manager? Hilarious you are.