Recommendations for a severly itchy dog.....


Active Member
My dog is tearing at her skin with scratching. I've been trying to keep her brushed and have been applying a topical spray I got from Pet Smart. They gave her a bath and didn't see any fleas, but she has started digging at her skin again. ..Seems like it might be an allergic reaction.

Any ideas on what I can give her to help relieve this itching would be greatly appreciated!!!!?


Well-Known Member
My dog is tearing at her skin with scratching. I've been trying to keep her brushed and have been applying a topical spray I got from Pet Smart. They gave her a bath and didn't see any fleas, but she has started digging at her skin again. ..Seems like it might be an allergic reaction.

Any ideas on what I can give her to help relieve this itching would be greatly appreciated!!!!?

change her food to a grain free food.


New Member
Put Salmon Oil in her food a couple times a week. My min schnauzer has extremely dry fleas at all. Salmon Oil helps put natural oils into their skin. Benedryl helps too. If it's too bad, I've had to take him to the vet to get a prescription for steroids, which I don't like doing, but that's the worse case scenario. As far as bathing, I tried all the "special" shampoo's.......Head & Shoulders works the best.


New Member
My dog is tearing at her skin with scratching. I've been trying to keep her brushed and have been applying a topical spray I got from Pet Smart. They gave her a bath and didn't see any fleas, but she has started digging at her skin again. ..Seems like it might be an allergic reaction.

Any ideas on what I can give her to help relieve this itching would be greatly appreciated!!!!?

You can try benadryl, but it never seemed to work for us. If you can take her to the vet, they might put her on prednisone to help her out in the short term. I think prednisone is on the $4 list at the larger pharmacies. Someone else mentioned head and shoulders - that or Selsum Blue works well. Otherwise use soap-free shampoo.

Get some fish oil pills, and consider changing food.

Is she losing hair in spots? Does she have a pungent odor? Any brown spots?

She could have a yeast a/o bacterial infection, in which case they would give an anti-fungal or antibiotics
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Jam out with ur clam out
:huggy: I adopted a big ugly Bulldog, you need to come see it.


they are not ugly!!!!!

oh wait.... the do say dogs take after their owners.... j/k :love:

...crazy thing is.... i always pictured you with this type of dog!! :killingme


Well-Known Member
My dog is tearing at her skin with scratching. I've been trying to keep her brushed and have been applying a topical spray I got from Pet Smart. They gave her a bath and didn't see any fleas, but she has started digging at her skin again. ..Seems like it might be an allergic reaction.

Any ideas on what I can give her to help relieve this itching would be greatly appreciated!!!!?

Try fish oil; the gel cap kind. Poke a pinhole in the end of one of them and put it in your dog's food; one a day. Sounds like dry skin.
:shrug: It works for cats.....


In addition to trying Head & Shoulders - try using just conditioner. That eliminates any residue on the hair/skin but doesn't strip the moisture.

You could also opt to try Micro-tek shampoo too. Its online order - I use it ALL the time on my pup - he is a MAJOR allergy sufferer.

Also - when your dog comes in from o/s use a baby wipe and wipe the pads of his feet. This is where they carry alot of the grass/pollen in too.

Changing food is not a bad idea - my pup is now on the kangaroo food from California Naturals (from Peppers Pet Pantry) - they have free samples- that has helped too, cause we think he is allergic to chicken too.

A visit to the vet is probably a great place to start - then you know if its a true allergy or an infection of some type. (at least let them rule out infection/fungus out) If its allergy - its going to be some trial and error.

I wish you well - hope your pup is feeling better soon.




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animal luvr
he is a cute dog has skin allergies but we got under control mostly with change to a different diet plus she gets salmon oil daily..when she is really itchy i give her hydroxyzine (doc gave it to me for her) and it helps her too.