Redskins draft...

Larry Gude

Strung Out's just about show time.

The conventional wisdom is that we're weakest on the d line. So, can you get a great player at #6? Maybe, but, it seems crazy to draft a lineman that high. He's gonna be a kid. He's gonna command a fortune and I'll bet he won't even start with Golston, Montgomery and Boshetti with a year under their belts. If Joe and Griff are healthy, DT might be a strength of the team. Wynn and Daniels are in that last hurrah part of their careers. Evans stays healthy for 16 games. Maybe Carter steps it up some and DE is at least solid if not spectacular?

We should be set at LB and Fletcher sounds better and better for what we need, a solid vet he can still get it done, to go with a healthy Marcus. Marshall, Holdman, Posey and Campbell give us resilient guys who have been here. McIntosh maybe gets on the field? LB seems like it should be good.

Word is Prielou is healthy, a good cover guy to turn Taylor loose. Doughty's at least been here. With Smoot, Springs and Rogers, maybe we're good at corner?

On D, another safety seems the biggest worry or if Springs leaves, then corner.

On offense, it's all about #17 and how fast he gets with it. With a healthy Portis, Cooley, Moss, maybe Lloyd plays well, Randl El we're pretty good at skill positions. Betts for depth/share the load. Huge hole at left guard. Maybe Yoder fills it, then we need some back ups? #2WR is the biggest question mark in my mind.

Special teams was the lone bright spot.

So, it's either a DB or WR if we keep the 6. That means Landry. You can't spend a 6 on a WR unless you see him as a 1.

So, Landry or trade down?


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
So, it's either a DB or WR if we keep the 6. That means Landry. You can't spend a 6 on a WR unless you see him as a 1.

So, Landry or trade down?
I'd be content with that. I'd also be content with Okoye at 6. If we trade down I'd like to grab Merriweather.

I'll be at Fedex on saturday cheerin' either way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:

...elaboration there, boss?

I just find it tough to draft some kid D lineman at 6, pay him a fortune and he's just a kid who happened to overpower most of the o linemen he played against who are not going to play NFL ball. He won't even start.

We, the NFL in general, have seen numerous high pick WR's as busts. We've seen numerous high pick QB's as busts. Plenty of D lineman busts. RB's. Linebackers. The only position that strikes me as kind of a sure thing when going high is o lineman, though we've certainly seen some busts there as well, and DB's.

Typically, O linemen have the tools because they proved themselves against what are typically the strongest and most aggressive players in college; d linemen. And db's have proven they have the tools because they played against the fastest, wr's, and the most athletic, rb's, in college ball.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...elaboration there, boss?

I just find it tough to draft some kid D lineman at 6, pay him a fortune and he's just a kid who happened to overpower most of the o linemen he played against who are not going to play NFL ball. He won't even start.

We, the NFL in general, have seen numerous high pick WR's as busts. We've seen numerous high pick QB's as busts. Plenty of D lineman busts. RB's. Linebackers. The only position that strikes me as kind of a sure thing when going high is o lineman, though we've certainly seen some busts there as well, and DB's.

Typically, O linemen have the tools because they proved themselves against what are typically the strongest and most aggressive players in college; d linemen. And db's have proven they have the tools because they played against the fastest, wr's, and the most athletic, rb's, in college ball.

Agreed. Goldston panned out last year and he was a late round draft pick.

If I were the Skins I'd add on D-line in the later rounds (D-line and O-line usually go early or late, not in the middle). As they also noted today, the organization doesn't just want to obtain the best players from the draft but from free-agency (obviously) and especially try-out's (I believe they had a pool of 80 players last year). I believe they'll find enough depth to keep us afloat this year.

Landry just seems like the best defensive player to me. Any player can be a bust, Landry included. However, say we do select a D-lineman and he is a bust, what then?<!-- / message --><!-- edit note --><!-- / message -->

Larry Gude

Strung Out

BuddyLee said:
However, say we do select a D-lineman and he is a bust, what then?<!-- / message --><!-- edit note --><!-- / message -->

...that's why I don't like drafting high. I mean, Brian Dawkins was #61, late second round.

Will Shields, a pro bowl guard, late 3rd.

Jason Taylor, 3rd, #71

Jamal Williams, Chargers, run stuffer, supplamental draft.

But then, looking at both Pro Bowl rosters, there are a ton of 1st round picks.


It would seem reasonable that Snyder is gonna try something dramatic like getting Calvin Johnson.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...elaboration there, boss?

The Skins desperately need a D-Line, it will cure the vast majority of their ills. Its my opinion that a successful team, in most cases, has to have a great d-line and not have to depend on stunts and blitzes by the linebackers/d-backs. Too many times over the past few years, the skins haven't been able to put any pressure at all on a quarterback. More pressure means more mistakes by the opposing offense, and with the d-line applying the pressure, there are more guys back able to make plays.

Busts can happen on ANY player/position out there, I say if its gonna happen, let it happen with them taking a chance on a d-lineman. Sure, you can pick up studs late in the draft but you have to have some talent in picking those guys out, Gibbs and Cerrato aren't gonna find those guys. Where have you gone, Bobby Beatherd?

Football revolves around the lines, O-linemen are typically late bloomers (IMO) and can be found alot easier in the later draft rounds and can be coached into better players. Great defensive linemen are different animals and alot tougher to come by.


Well-Known Member
First off, I'm not a skins fan nor a hater. I know they can't get a QB with their pic and I'm not suggesting trading up to get one, but do you guys really think Cambpell is going to be the QB for their future? :coffee:


Nothing to see here
Dukesdad said:
First off, I'm not a skins fan nor a hater. I know they can't get a QB with their pic and I'm not suggesting trading up to get one, but do you guys really think Cambpell is going to be the QB for their future? :coffee:

This year with him being the starter from the get-go should tell the tale, but who am I to know?? :lol: I wrote a paper for a creative writing class in college back in 78 or 79 about how Theisman would never be a good quarterback after his 1st year as a starter.


Football addict
Dukesdad said:
First off, I'm not a skins fan nor a hater. I know they can't get a QB with their pic and I'm not suggesting trading up to get one, but do you guys really think Cambpell is going to be the QB for their future? :coffee:
All I'm hearing from multiple sources are great things. We'll see for ourselves this season.


No Longer the Kid
Dukesdad said:
First off, I'm not a skins fan nor a hater. I know they can't get a QB with their pic and I'm not suggesting trading up to get one, but do you guys really think Cambpell is going to be the QB for their future? :coffee:

For the future, yes, I believe so, and I don't think this year will be the "Hell Yeah, or he blows" year....

The kid has ALL the tools, now its just if he can control them all at once, and that is what I believe this year is all about, him learning the control :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
This year with him being the starter from the get-go should tell the tale, but who am I to know?? :lol: I wrote a paper for a creative writing class in college back in 78 or 79 about how Theisman would never be a good quarterback after his 1st year as a starter.

...that's funny!

For youngsters; Joe is a great example of 'want to' overcoming raw talent limitations; size, arm strength, speed. He was a great athelete however and had a huge heart. He WANTED to play pro ball, not BE a pro ball player.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's my take...

Dukesdad said:
First off, I'm not a skins fan nor a hater. I know they can't get a QB with their pic and I'm not suggesting trading up to get one, but do you guys really think Cambpell is going to be the QB for their future? :coffee:

...on Campbell; What I saw last year was a guy who loves to compete, to make a play. He'd take the snap, make a read and throw the damn ball. He obviously doesn't have any experience with the speed and complexities of NFL defenses, but, he'd see what he saw and throw it. Calm under fire, looking to make the play.

That sounds like a 'duh' thing when talking about a player, so, I'll elaborate, though that's not really my style.

Some young guys are all heart, like Romo. They're gonna play really hard and try their hardest and look like it and they'll be all excited like they're shocked when something works. Theisman was like that.

Campbell seems to me to exude that he KNOWS he's going to make the play. He has that calm athletic supremacy that Doug Williams had, that you get open, I'll get you the ball thing; not 'let's try this' but 'let's do this.'

Brandon Lloyd should have been shot on the spot for dropping that pass against Tampa Bay; Kids first NFL snap, first pass and it is a 50 yard beauty.
Lloyd doinks it. :buttkick:

Jason seems to me to give the offense life, that a play will get made. We haven't had that in awhile.

I think it's all up to Gibbs; does he let him play or does he try to press him into the mold that he squeezed Brunnel into; don't make mistakes. Do we attack or do we plod?

He brought Saunders in for a reason and that's all there is to this; does he turn them loose?

If we can come up with a decent left guard to replace Doc and a big, possession type receiver you look at a healthy Portis, Cooley, Moss and Randl El, could be a special year. Maybe even Lloyd gets in the spirit of things?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK Mr. Desperate...

otter said:
The Skins desperately need a D-Line, it will cure the vast majority of their ills.

...seeings how you don't trust my man Cedric the Entertainer Golsten to cure all our ills; who do we pick? Looks like we can have any D lineman we want with the possible exception of Adams.

Put it all on the line!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
While we're at it...

...what would be the worst thing to happen today?

Over at Ex skins, there's a thread talking about Brady Quinn. That would be pretty bad. We'd basically have to give up at that point.

otter want's a D line guy and makes a good case, so, I see no reason to expect us to do that. :jameo:

So, nightmare? Give up our #1 plus our #1 next year to move up and get CJ and he trips on the steps coming down from the podium and breaks his neck?
