Redskins > Eagles


My Sweetest Boy
Cooley false start on the 2 yard line...The pass going to be WIDE open to McCardell.

Shouldn't have come down to that. Defense gave up huge penalties early..essentially giving Eagles their first score and they generally stunk up the place.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
True but, 1st and goal on the 2 and come away with 3. At least we had TD's by WR's this week, that's progress.


Active Member
True but, 1st and goal on the 2 and come away with 3. At least we had TD's by WR's this week, that's progress.

I totally agree with that. I am proud we have progressed BUT We NEED to tackle better!!!! Barber will run circles around us next week if we don't. I know we will play dallas tough, we always do. I don't fault Jason Campbell at all, he and portis had an awesome game. Our defense needs to step up and make some big plays. The eagles should have never made the touch down before the one that won the game. Landry CLEARLY was being held but yet no call. We still have alot of season left, adjustments can be made.