Redskins Fans Plan Walkout


Skins fans plan Dallas walkout

Maybe you know [Alan Pohoryles] as the owner of Tommy Joe's in Bethesda. But now, meet him as the founder of RFADS, Redskins Fans Against Daniel Snyder.

Poho's frustration mirrors yours, and I'll get to that in a minute. But in a moment of particular angst before the home game against the Chiefs, he decided to do something, founding this RFADS Facebook group and sending the invitation to about 80 friends. Before the 4 o'clock games were over, he was adding 150 or 200 members an hour. By the start of Sunday Night Football, when Jim Zorn was stripped of his play-calling duties, he had 1,200 members. As I type, he's passed 9,300 members. He figures at this pace, he could have 20,000 members by the Dec. 27 Dallas game, the final home game.

"It just took off, and people were [extremely angry]," Poho told me. "There's definitely something going on. When I started it, I didn't have any of this in mind. But once it took off, I realized that maybe we can make a difference."

Which led to the idea of the walkout. The general concept is that you go to the Dallas game as usual, stand for the national anthem as always, and then split. Watch it from the parking lot. Have a grand old time. Visit that Wendy's that I always stop at on my way home. Just don't sit inside the stadium. He figures if he can get some more publicity and some more members and some more media, it wouldn't be impossible to get 10,000 or 20,000 fans to leave the building.

I have my doubts that fans would spend all that money to walk out of the game; but wouldn't it be something if it really happened?

Would Snydie get the message?


he probably wouldn't care if the tickets are paid for

I heard on WMAL earlier that a lot of fans are saying they refuse to buy anymore Redskins stuff until Snyder is gone and the possibility of ticket sales plummeting next year.

The only way to send this guy the message is to hit him in his checkbook.


I heard on WMAL earlier that a lot of fans are saying they refuse to buy anymore Redskins stuff until Snyder is gone and the possibility of ticket sales plummeting next year.

The only way to send this guy the message is to hit him in his checkbook.

Absolutely, now paying for tickets and walking out might work because they will lose a lot of money from food and drink sales. Who knows, but yep, hit him where it hurts him the most.


Season ticket holders already spent the money.


On the tickets. But, as Bay said, if they leave the stadium no one is buying any of the food and junk. And then there's next year. There will always be those diehards though. They will keep coming back no matter what. It's a sport all of its own for them.


Dancing Up A Storm
I heard about this plan at work today, and it is alive! Another option that they are talking about is to fill the stadium as they, the fans, would normally do - and then move over to the Dallas side of the house - after the initial kickoff! :killingme


I heard about this plan at work today, and it is alive! Another option that they are talking about is to fill the stadium as they, the fans, would normally do - and then move over to the Dallas side of the house - after the initial kickoff! :killingme

There are sides? :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
On the tickets. But, as Bay said, if they leave the stadium no one is buying any of the food and junk. And then there's next year. There will always be those diehards though. They will keep coming back no matter what. It's a sport all of its own for them.

Hey, good for them. It is their entertainment dollar.



New Member
Skins fans plan Dallas walkout

I have my doubts that fans would spend all that money to walk out of the game; but wouldn't it be something if it really happened?

Would Snydie get the message?

And this will make them suck less how?

No money, no pay, no pay or less pay, gets you a team that suxs worst than the one we already have.

You people are pathetic. We could have a team like the Lions, Raiders, Chiefs, Rams, and so on.


They're out to get us
So who's the toy? The frachise or the fans? Or both?

Snyder paid $800 million for his toy (aka the Washington Redskins) and fans are mad because he plays with his toy. It's not like he wants the team to lose, he pays plenty of money each year and tries to make big moves.

How many of you would pay even $100 for an item that you could never use?


A Salute to all on Watch
Snyder paid $800 million for his toy (aka the Washington Redskins) and fans are mad because he plays with his toy. It's not like he wants the team to lose, he pays plenty of money each year and tries to make big moves.

How many of you would pay even $100 for an item that you could never use?

I bought my wife breast implants, now she is my ex :killingme