Redskins Fans thoughts on Gibbs

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Redskins fans wanted Joe Gibbs back now that he has been in D.C. for several years whats your thoughts on him now? I listen to Redskins fans and all I hear is Gibbs must go. 3rd and 7 in the Redzone and you call a draw play?


New Member
Redskins fans wanted Joe Gibbs back now that he has been in D.C. for several years whats your thoughts on him now? I listen to Redskins fans and all I hear is Gibbs must go. 3rd and 7 in the Redzone and you call a draw play?

Is gibbs calling the plays or al sunders... what gets me is why we are happy up by 7 or less in all of our games... I think its better when we go into the 4th quarter loosing and have to fight for everything we get

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Is gibbs calling the plays or al sunders... what gets me is why we are happy up by 7 or less in all of our games... I think its better when we go into the 4th quarter loosing and have to fight for everything we get
From what I hear Gibbs is calling the plays.


I like Gibbs, he's the best we have had since... well Gibbs :shrug: :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sour grapes... unrealistic 'fans'.

The draw play wasn't that bad of a call. Yes, Jason was playing great, especially in the 'red' zone. Yes, getting 7 is better than getting 3. Thing is, if the draw works, it works, but that's not what we do; all of our tendencies are to the safer play and the draw was 'safer'. It made them need more than a field goal.

As for Gibbs, I hope he stays forever. It's gotten to the point where the real fun is in us finding ways to make games close and exciting no matter how much better we are than the other team in terms of coaching experience, numbers of coaches, player expense, player talent and draft position.

Underachieving as art form.

We've built a a defense that is built from the backfield first with 4 #1 picks as starters, then the linebackers and, finally, the D line in terms of importance. No one has ever had success doing this, so, there is a challenge right there. Never mind there perfectly god reasons for this; it's the challenge!

We've built a coaching staff like no other. If you think of every Superbowl winner, ever, it is not too hard to associate them with the head coach as it was HIS team, HIS ideas, HIS leadership that shined along with the players.
The only real exception is the 85 Bears with Ditka and Ryan though that didn't last long. If we ever win anything it will be with the first one where you can't point to who is actually in charge of what. That will be quite the accomplishment!

We've built an offense that is run/pass first in terms of philosophy. Most teams can be thought of as either power or finesse and they build accordingly as to the players; Hog style power blockers or Denver or KC style mobile and agile guys. We do both; we have power guys asked to be agile and agile guys asked to be power. We have an agile running back, so, when we go power, he's too small. When we go agile, it's tough for the linemen to give him what he needs. No one has ever succeeded with such a mixed philosophy. We'll be the first!

No one has given up as many draft picks and gone after players other teams no longer want with quite the zeal we have. If it's shiny, we want it. The odd part is that the people we draft are not only not all that bad, but are, for sure, cheaper and as good, on the whole, for what we go get. Also, if you want to stay and you'll be cheaper than getting a new guy, we don't want you. Winning with this strategery will be a first as well.

So, to watch a young coach struggle and to build our own team and not need a new program every year, that is one way.

Ours way is different.


Relax, it's fedex
I am glad I slept through the afternoon of games yesterday. I read the recap and saw highlights, that was enough for me !


Guest unrealistic 'fans'.

The draw play wasn't that bad of a call. Yes, Jason was playing great, especially in the 'red' zone. Yes, getting 7 is better than getting 3. Thing is, if the draw works, it works, but that's not what we do; all of our tendencies are to the safer play and the draw was 'safer'. It made them need more than a field goal.

As for Gibbs, I hope he stays forever. It's gotten to the point where the real fun is in us finding ways to make games close and exciting no matter how much better we are than the other team in terms of coaching experience, numbers of coaches, player expense, player talent and draft position.

Underachieving as art form.

We've built a a defense that is built from the backfield first with 4 #1 picks as starters, then the linebackers and, finally, the D line in terms of importance. No one has ever had success doing this, so, there is a challenge right there. Never mind there perfectly god reasons for this; it's the challenge!

We've built a coaching staff like no other. If you think of every Superbowl winner, ever, it is not too hard to associate them with the head coach as it was HIS team, HIS ideas, HIS leadership that shined along with the players.
The only real exception is the 85 Bears with Ditka and Ryan though that didn't last long. If we ever win anything it will be with the first one where you can't point to who is actually in charge of what. That will be quite the accomplishment!

We've built an offense that is run/pass first in terms of philosophy. Most teams can be thought of as either power or finesse and they build accordingly as to the players; Hog style power blockers or Denver or KC style mobile and agile guys. We do both; we have power guys asked to be agile and agile guys asked to be power. We have an agile running back, so, when we go power, he's too small. When we go agile, it's tough for the linemen to give him what he needs. No one has ever succeeded with such a mixed philosophy. We'll be the first!

No one has given up as many draft picks and gone after players other teams no longer want with quite the zeal we have. If it's shiny, we want it. The odd part is that the people we draft are not only not all that bad, but are, for sure, cheaper and as good, on the whole, for what we go get. Also, if you want to stay and you'll be cheaper than getting a new guy, we don't want you. Winning with this strategery will be a first as well.

So, to watch a young coach struggle and to build our own team and not need a new program every year, that is one way.

Ours way is different.


Hey Larry (offtopic) you looked a little chilly, I made you a Redskin game day av if you want it :huggy: :huggy:


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Peter Forsberg

New Member unrealistic 'fans'.

The draw play wasn't that bad of a call. Yes, Jason was playing great, especially in the 'red' zone. Yes, getting 7 is better than getting 3. Thing is, if the draw works, it works, but that's not what we do; all of our tendencies are to the safer play and the draw was 'safer'. It made them need more than a field goal.

As for Gibbs, I hope he stays forever. It's gotten to the point where the real fun is in us finding ways to make games close and exciting no matter how much better we are than the other team in terms of coaching experience, numbers of coaches, player expense, player talent and draft position.

Underachieving as art form.

We've built a a defense that is built from the backfield first with 4 #1 picks as starters, then the linebackers and, finally, the D line in terms of importance. No one has ever had success doing this, so, there is a challenge right there. Never mind there perfectly god reasons for this; it's the challenge!

We've built a coaching staff like no other. If you think of every Superbowl winner, ever, it is not too hard to associate them with the head coach as it was HIS team, HIS ideas, HIS leadership that shined along with the players.
The only real exception is the 85 Bears with Ditka and Ryan though that didn't last long. If we ever win anything it will be with the first one where you can't point to who is actually in charge of what. That will be quite the accomplishment!

We've built an offense that is run/pass first in terms of philosophy. Most teams can be thought of as either power or finesse and they build accordingly as to the players; Hog style power blockers or Denver or KC style mobile and agile guys. We do both; we have power guys asked to be agile and agile guys asked to be power. We have an agile running back, so, when we go power, he's too small. When we go agile, it's tough for the linemen to give him what he needs. No one has ever succeeded with such a mixed philosophy. We'll be the first!

No one has given up as many draft picks and gone after players other teams no longer want with quite the zeal we have. If it's shiny, we want it. The odd part is that the people we draft are not only not all that bad, but are, for sure, cheaper and as good, on the whole, for what we go get. Also, if you want to stay and you'll be cheaper than getting a new guy, we don't want you. Winning with this strategery will be a first as well.

So, to watch a young coach struggle and to build our own team and not need a new program every year, that is one way.

Ours way is different.
I disagree 7 yardline is great chance for Play action pass.


New Member
One play did not lose the game against the Eagles. You can debate the 3rd down call ad infinitum. You have the benefit of hindsight. I remember the Cowboys winning a game against Seattle a couple of years ago on a 3rd and long play in the red zone with a Julius Jones draw play. If it worked, everyone would be touting what a genius Joe Gibbs is. Make no mistakes, Al Saunders is NOT calling the plays. Go back and look at what he did in KC with far fewer weapons. Joe Gibbs is calling the shots. The Redskins are an average team, period. I think they've won a couple of games they should've lost and lost this game that they should have won. That's what average teams do. Campbell is going to be fine if the coaching staff is allowed to be patient with him. The defense is overrated and as stated before, too reliant upon its secondary.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I disagree 7 yardline is great chance for Play action pass.

...everyone looks at everyone else's tendencies during the week, except New England who look during the game. There have been plenty of run plays from the 8 that have worked in plenty of situations. I don't like the call myself based on how hot Jason was in close with his earlier td passes. But, that's the reason for the call, maybe they, the lb's, are racing back at the snap trying to help out because of the earlier play calls? Out guess them.

I don't like clever when it comes to football; I prefer doing what you do and make them stop you. They had not stopped Jason all day. Gibbs and his brain trust chose clever on that play and it didn't work. But it is not this terrible call.


New Member
the coaching staff seems like they don't know if they are coming of going... I mean for this week as an example calling a timeout to decide to go for it or to kick it on 4th down. in the first drive of the second half. also the blown time out on the first down and 10.. on that play you just run a play and fix the issue... you don't #### yourself out of all your timeouts in the 3rd quarter.

I was born in 80 so i was young during the Skins heyday. I grew up at the end of gibbs run and when the cowboys were getting good. But sometimes its not good to go back in the past... I will always have respect for what gibbs did but I think he should have stayed in Nascar.


Active Member
the coaching staff seems like they don't know if they are coming of going... I mean for this week as an example calling a timeout to decide to go for it or to kick it on 4th down. in the first drive of the second half. also the blown time out on the first down and 10.. on that play you just run a play and fix the issue... you don't #### yourself out of all your timeouts in the 3rd quarter.

I was born in 80 so i was young during the Skins heyday. I grew up at the end of gibbs run and when the cowboys were getting good. But sometimes its not good to go back in the past... I will always have respect for what gibbs did but I think he should have stayed in Nascar.

I agree. He has gotten too soft in his old age. There is a serious lack of discipline on this team!! There is NO way they should be getting the penalties that they are getting. That comes into play with the coaching staff. Joe Gibbs is past his prime. Why can't we woo Russ Grimm to be our head coach? He's a former redskin and would be a great head coach!


New Member
If he were such a great candidate, he would've been hired by Pittsburgh. Instead, they had to go outside of the organization to find a viable candidate. Be careful what you wish for. The problem in DC is not the coach, it's the little troll that sits in the owner box (and no, I'm not talking about Tom Cruise).


If he were such a great candidate, he would've been hired by Pittsburgh. Instead, they had to go outside of the organization to find a viable candidate. Be careful what you wish for. The problem in DC is not the coach, it's the little troll that sits in the owner box (and no, I'm not talking about Tom Cruise).
