Redskins game in Christmas Eve


hollywoman said:
Try getting a parking pass off Ebay. You will have to park in cash only lots, since you don't have a season parking pass. Or take the metro. Allow at least 100.00 for parking and 100.00 for food and other items. 1pm game, leave St. Mary's NLT 9am. To get up the road, find a parking and hike to the game. Wear good walking shoes! Good Luck!!!
:killingme :lmao: :killingme :roflmao: $100 for parking!!!!! $100 for food!!!!


camily said:
You should be ashamed of yourself Tox, this sweet little boy worked his butt off and you want to strip him of his reward.
No, I wasn't talking about stripping or snatching or snitching... I was only trying to help.

camily said:
I just wish his dad wasn't a renob and wanted to take him.

WTF is a renob?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
camily said:
:killingme :lmao: :killingme :roflmao: $100 for parking!!!!! $100 for food!!!!
The last time I went to a Skins game, I spent one-fiddy AND i even brought my own damn chicken from Popeyes!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Did he win a parking pass as well?

camily said:
My son won tickets to the Redskins game on Christmas Eve and I need some advice. It is a 1:00 game. What time should we leave? How much is parking? Where is the best place to park? My husband doesn't want to go (jerk) so my brother-in-law is taking him. I want to make sure they have money for everything but have no idea what to send with him. Is $60 enough for parking, a souvenir and some food? Thanks

$100 is MINIMUM for parking, food etc.

If you don't have a parking pass, you'll likely be heading for the cash lot. There will be signs for that.

I would plan on BEING at the stadium 90 minutes before the game at the bare minimum because you will then spend 1/2 hour getting into the parking lot.

Planning on being there 2 hours or more before game time is for those who pull their hair out sitting in lines.

Add time of they are going to do much tailgating.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

camily said:
Ok, these are season tickets that were donated to his cub scout pack for the top popcorn seller. Do season tickets come with some sort of parking area for them?

whomever owns the tickets has the pass.


Thanks for all the help. I guess I'll be spending a little more than I planned! Oh well, it's for the boy so it's a good cause.
camily said:
Thanks for all the help. I guess I'll be spending a little more than I planned! Oh well, it's for the boy so it's a good cause.
Exactly... and probably a once in a lifetime thing for him... it'll be a special day he'll remember for a long time...:yay:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The last itme I went to a Skins game @ FedEx, I parked at Addison Rd metro (Central Ave West exit off 95) and rode a 10-15min shuttle trip to the stadium. Maybe they still run it? FYI:The last time I went to see the Skins was the year the Ravens won the Super Bowl. :eyebrow:


kwillia said:
Exactly... and probably a once in a lifetime thing for him... it'll be a special day he'll remember for a long time...:yay:
That's what I thought too. Would have been nice if the husband would have realized that and decided it wasn't about him and stepped up to the plate as a father to make the day great for his son. The really sad part is that my son never really considered that as a possibility and started thinking of who could take him besides his dad. I would, but I am a little nervous about going alone and I think it would be a great "male bonding" day for my son. My bro-in-law is a huge Redskins fan and they have no kids so he's really psyched about going so I know they'll have a great time.


Good luck with it. Congrats to the boy, the least of his worries on his special hard earned (postive experience memory to last a lifetime)... should be who is going to take him or worrying about money. Splurge, it'll be worth it in the end. I say send Bro in law up with 200.00 for food, parking and even GAS. It'll be a nice gesture, and your boy will walk away with a memory of a lifetime and this sets such a positive hard work=good reward experience :clap: Hope your son has tons of fun!! WTG!!!


Thanks alot and I think I will do just that! He did work hard and deserves it. They brought the tickets over tonight and he called my bro-in-law and share all the info. It was so cute!!! I'll make sure it is the best for him and that he has memories to last forever!. Thanks for all the positive thoughts.