Wow, the man has done nothing all year, signed checks like everyone asked for... An the first time someone is pulled, he gets blamed... sounds a little childish to me... If you don't like Dan, thats fine, but seriously... When what-all was going on with Fat Al (not playing, etc), how many times did you blame Danny for that this year? Or was that just Shanny being a hard leader, setting an example?
Snyder's track record speaks for itself. Plenty of evidence of his meddling on the field. This wasn't just "someone" that got pulled. Pulling McNabb in the last 1.5 minutes made no sense at all. I just don’t see Shanahan making such stupid decision on his own.
"Fat Al" was a mistake from day one. I had plenty to say about his lackluster performance, absenteeism, and bloated salary. Snyder, in his typical over ambitiousness to purchase a winning team, failed here as well as in keeping the beat up dinosaur called Portis. Then there is his record-breaking hiring and firing coaches. Geez, I could go on and on.
I don’t like Snyder on so many levels; but the biggest being his smack in the face to the man that made the Redskins great: Jack Kent Cooke. He’s a spoiled fatcat that believes money will rule the day. He’s screwed this team that I love into the ground. But don’t ask me, ask the tens of thousands that joined a special group aimed at getting rid of Snottie. Redskin Fans Against Dan Snyder (RFADS) | Facebook