Redskins v. Seahawks game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Keeping RG in the game was the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. It was obvious from the 2nd quarter he was hurting bad and things just progressed down hill from there. Kyle, Mike, and the medical staff sucked on this call.

It was a good season though.

Incredible season and to let it fall apart right before their eyes like that, especially with a #2 who has already shown he can play, was just unconscionable and an absolute failure of leadership.

On top of that it was sickening to take the guy into a little plywood hut so they could, obviously, shoot him up.

I could see letting him take the opening possession in the third quarter just to see but, that should have been it.

Total failure of leadership.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't get that RG is about that at all.

I said that in response to your earlier post about the idiotic call the Skins staff made in playing him in the first place, both medical and coaches.

But he is still rich, and next year he will be playing every team that will have a years tape for game planning him. No more surprises. Same thing for all the other rookie QBs this year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But he is still rich, and next year he will be playing every team that will have a years tape for game planning him. No more surprises. Same thing for all the other rookie QBs this year.

Yesterday was a great game to compare body types. Robert it ALWAYS going to be more prone to injury than Wilson because III is long and lanky whereas Russel is compact. They both lay it out there and play to win and Robert is a much better passer. Wilson has a hitch in his delivery, nowhere near the velocity and, of course, will have a few more balls knocked down by linemen.

If Griffin is healthy, you can't stop him. He's that talented. He has the whole off season to come to grips with accepting it as his responsibility to protect himself. He's got to give up this 'every last inch' mentality when he runs and the Skins gotta get him some help on the line and some more skill people to throw to. We saw the limits yesterday of Morgan and Hankerson. Hopefully, Davis returns motivated.



R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I said that in response to your earlier post about the idiotic call the Skins staff made in playing him in the first place, both medical and coaches.

But he is still rich, and next year he will be playing every team that will have a years tape for game planning him. No more surprises. Same thing for all the other rookie QBs this year.

Speaking of idiotic calls, who in the name of Hades goes for it on 4th and 14 with over 4 minutes left to play, especially when you're only down 10 points?

It seemed like the whole team just laid down after that debacle.