Redskins vs. Synder vs. Gibbs


New Member
What is it with the Redskins? I am by far not a Redskins fan, but I can't figure out what their problem is....

I used to think it was a medling Owner who should have stuck with making millions of dollars, and NOT try running an NFL team like it was a fantasy footbal team. But, when they got Gibbs, I thought this was what they needed to turn things around.

NEWS FLASH: 1 and 4..... I don't think Gibbs was the answer...

What's going on with that team? Are they that bad? Is the Owner a dumb-a$$ or is it going to take several years under Gibbs to win.

Like I said, not a skins fan, just curious what others might be thinking.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There is NOTHING...


You are not a fan. Go away. Gloat somewhere else about our not problems.
It will be fine worse in no time and we will always, ALWAYS Flail for the Redskins. Er...hail. You know, the stuff that falls from the sky...

Go away.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I think it will take a year or so to get the skins turned around. The talent is there (for the most part) for this to be a competitive team in the NFL. I do not want to sound like I am making excuses, so I'll leave it at that.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:

You are not a fan. Go away. Gloat somewhere else about our not problems.
It will be fine worse in no time and we will always, ALWAYS Flail for the Redskins. Er...hail. You know, the stuff that falls from the sky...

Go away.


Not dead yet.
I think that this 1-4 start is encouraging. After all, Gibbs was 0-5 at this point his first time here. Things take time people, no matter how fast we want them to change.

Of course if you wanted to come cheer for my Ravens, I'm sure I could find room on the bandwagon. . . :cheers:


Dancing Up A Storm
tlatchaw said:
I think that this 1-4 start is encouraging. After all, Gibbs was 0-5 at this point his first time here. Things take time people, no matter how fast we want them to change. . :cheers:
I've heard this premise before, as a way of excusing the 'skins play so far this year. But, that's not the way the bugle was blaring, once these fans found out that Joe Gibbs was going to take over the reins of the team again.

He was going to save them from another miserable, disasterous season; playoff bound, of course, and even the SuperBowl was being tossed around.

One man can't do it; they can offer up any number of reasons why the 'skins have lost the last four games. However, the plain truth, the bottom line is, the best conglomeration of finest players, a beloved, revered head coach cannot bring you a winning season if these same players don't play as a unit, don't coverup the ball, play a smart quarterback position and run their routes like they're capable of doing on paper - or in practice.

The Giants and the Cleveland Browns were supposed to be easy victories; it didn't work out that way did it? The Cowboys were supposed to be a tough fought game, but within a reachable victory. Somehow these teams exploited a Redskin weakness, and "stole" the game.

No, this team probably should not be a 1-4 team. But it can't all be from bad breaks, miscalls from the refs, and other various curses.

They'll find the magic, it just may not be this year.


Set Trippin
Bottom line...

Snyder has no patience...period! We need to draft young talent and "DEVELOP" these young players...

How about a general manager?!? WE NEED A GM!!!!!!!!! I miss Bobby Bethard...

I'm too tired for this right now...:yawn:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I disagree.

The Skins could very easily be 5-0 right now. You boy Parcells (and now Coughlin) turned teams around RIGHT away. Remember last year, I think iot was game 2 NY v. Dallas? The Giants were the better team all game long and then the botched kick off and the long pass? Dallas gets the W.

The Giants, the same basic team on the field this year, fell apart for the rest of the year.

Winning breeds winning and losing breeds losing in the NFL. We got off to a great start. We were the better team, by far, against your guys but you got it done and we didn't. Doubt creeps in.

The Dallas game was flat out stolen. From there, the snowball.

I could not make the same argument this time last year or the year before or before. The Skins WERE in total disaray.

I'll grant you; my expectations of winning the SUper Bowl this year MAY have been a tad much but still...



Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
...I disagree.

I could not make the same argument this time last year or the year before or before. The Skins WERE in total disaray.

I'll grant you; my expectations of winning the SUper Bowl this year MAY have been a tad much but still...

Larry, I can agree with most of what you said, however I think a lot of Redskin fans raised their hopes a level or two higher than they should have been, with the anticipation of Joe Gibbs return as Head Coach.

I understand season tickets were absolutely sold out within weeks of the announcement, fans started nodding their heads, like "now we're going to go somewhere!", and in short, expectations went too high.

So, here is where I tie in with what I said I agree with you on: after a great start, the next 4 games were lost for one reason or another, doubt crept in, and I'm not all sure the team believes in itself.

Who can say where they'll go from here? Someone with a crystal ball might know, but I don't.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Mainman basically had it's a complex problem that boils down to this:

1. A meddling owner who is trying to build a team through free-agency instead of building a team through the draft. In a nutshell, he's trying to buy his way to the Superbowl. Won't happen this way. Any team who builds through free agency is doomed to fail.

2. Too high expectations for Gibbs. As soon as it was announced that Gibbs was returning, fans started looking for seats for the Superbowl. A magic wand (Gibbs) was waved over the team and everything would be right with the world and the Skins would make the playoffs. Geez people.....seeing what he has to work with, give the guy a couple seasons to mold & shape the team together. These damn Skin fans wanted a 4-0 season right out of the blocks just because Gibbs was at the helm again!

The Skins need to tell Mr. Snyder to take a hike and leave the personnel decisions to the coach so they can build a team through the draft. Oh wait...Mr. Snyder is the owner.....oh much for building a good team. Never happen under his ownership as long as he sticks to his plan that he's done since buying the team - buy your way to the Superbowl.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Damn Skins fan?

KMA pal.

Snyder haters can enjoy watching him stew in his own juices all they want. Enjoy.

The man is not hesitating at anything to win the Super Bowl. Right or wrong, you'll find plenty of teams in the league willing to trade owners right now.

The NFL is not subjective; you either win or lose and at the end of the year, everyone goes home dissapointed except for one team.

There was and is NO reason to not be exited about Gibbs being back. Penn, I hear you but there is no 'giving' of time to win, they'll do whatever they do and if they win they deserve the credit if not they try again. Either way I'm on board and loving that he's here.

As far as building a team goes I do tend to agree. I love what Philly has done. The Pats. The Giants stay pretty recognizable and of course the Steelers are always the model of consistency.

There are also plenty of team trying to build a team that are going nowhere fast.

And Penn, you're also right, the players are at decsiosn time; either they believe or they don't.


tlatchaw said:
I think that this 1-4 start is encouraging. After all, Gibbs was 0-5 at this point his first time here. Things take time people, no matter how fast we want them to change.

Of course if you wanted to come cheer for my Ravens, I'm sure I could find room on the bandwagon. . . :cheers:

Go Ravens
Go Ravens
Its your birthday

:getdown: :banana: :dude: :banana: :getdown:

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New Member
free agency

Everyone here thinks that buying a team through free-agency isn't going to get you to the Superbowl....

How can that be?

Steinbrener has "fairly" :duh: good success with buying the World Series the past decade or so.... Synder is just trying to be like George.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...I disagree.

The Skins could very easily be 5-0 right now. You boy Parcells (and now Coughlin) turned teams around RIGHT away. Remember last year, I think iot was game 2 NY v. Dallas? The Giants were the better team all game long and then the botched kick off and the long pass? Dallas gets the W.

The Giants, the same basic team on the field this year, fell apart for the rest of the year.

Winning breeds winning and losing breeds losing in the NFL. We got off to a great start. We were the better team, by far, against your guys but you got it done and we didn't. Doubt creeps in.

The Dallas game was flat out stolen. From there, the snowball.

I could not make the same argument this time last year or the year before or before. The Skins WERE in total disaray.

I'll grant you; my expectations of winning the SUper Bowl this year MAY have been a tad much but still...


You are either in denial or delusional. The Redskins suck! They will be lucky to finish 8-8 this year. I like Gibbs but he has no offense they barely squeaked by the Bears.


You're all F'in Mad...
The real question is not with the Owner, or the Coach.

It's easy to point at Snyder, but as Larry said - ask Bengals fans if they would prefer Dan Snyder, or their shoestring-budget owner? Before Maryland did Art Modell's estate planning for him, and then the new partner/now owner came along, the Baltimore Browns or the Cleveland Ravens were in the same boat. Many cities would trade for Dan Snyder.

Joe Gibbs is a proven coach, and eventually will bring the team many wins.

So, how good is Vinnie Cerrato at picking talent? If he's half as good as Bobby B, Gibbs will be a winner next season. Fortunately for him, he gets to fly under the cover of Snyder and Gibbs. But to me, he holds the key to the Redskins fortunes or failures.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As much smoke...

Really going out on a limb there eh I've blown about the Skins, I'm BOUND to be right sooner or later!

Looking pretty good right now, huh?

The timing of our bye will hopefully serve to settle Brunnel down. With Taylor settling in and LaVarr and others coming back from injury this defense will probably not give up more than 10-14 points to anyone the rest of the way thought their true test is the Eagles and the Vikes.

So, it's all about Brunnel at this point. Can he come up with 2 TD drives a week and set up a field goal or two? We can't possibly keep givinh up cheap TD's like we've been.

Next: Packers, Lions, Bengals. That HAS to be 3-0 to make us 5-4.

Then: Eagles, Steelers, Giants, Eagles. Gotta be 3-1, (8-5)

Finsh: 9'ers, Boys, Vikes. 2-1

How's 10-6 sound?