Regime Change in MD. District 29B.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

ylexot said:
Maybe he only spray painted it in some of the papers... :shrug:

:flowers: Got some new info to report. I did a phone interview for a Washington Post reporter yesterday Tuesday and he said the story was only about new candidates for 2006.

The article is to be in the Southern Maryland Extra section of the Washington Post on Thursday tomorrow or might be in the Sunday paper.

Thus the conquest and liberation of District 29B is escalating just fine.

Democrat Website for St. Mary's County right here.

:elaine: ----------------------------- :eyebrow:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:flowers: Got some new info to report. I did a phone interview for a Washington Post reporter yesterday Tuesday and he said the story was only about new candidates for 2006.

The article is to be in the Southern Maryland Extra section of the Washington Post on Thursday tomorrow or might be in the Sunday paper.

Thus the conquest and liberation of District 29B is escalating just fine.

Democrat Website for St. Mary's County right here.

:elaine: ----------------------------- :eyebrow:

You talk about conquest and claim not to be an oligarch? Is that because you believe you will be a dictator? Hail JPC King of the idiots!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
JPC said:
:coffee: Green is a great color. Is that why your post name is no money? as in no green? Money is not evil. What people do with the money is some times wrong but the money is just plain old green.

Remember Scotty and Data drinking some alcohol and it was "green".

I even spray painted the SMC Circuit Court with green spray paint saying "Child Support is legalized Thievery" and "Thou Shalt Not Steal".

The color green really works. :lalala:
And I am personally aquainted with the workers that had to clean your paint off the building. They are paid by the taxpayers and really enjoyed having to spend time cleaning up your mess instead of dealing with emergencies within county facilities. Do you know how much $ you cost the taxpayers in County salaries to clean up your friggin mess? You're an ass.

JPC, Sr.

BS Gal said:
And I am personally aquainted with the workers that had to clean your paint off the building. They are paid by the taxpayers and really enjoyed having to spend time cleaning up your mess instead of dealing with emergencies within county facilities. Do you know how much $ you cost the taxpayers in County salaries to clean up your friggin mess? You're an ass.

:popcorn: I am not an ass.

It was a reasonable act of civil disobediance. It was non violent and no one got hurt and I spent the full time in jail afterwards.

I even went to Annapolis and spray painted red on the Maryland State House saying,
"Thieves of Child Support" and the other post, "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
See I was preaching to them.

Now I am going to Annapolis as a Delegate for District 29B. It is a miracle.

:bigwhoop: ------------------------ :howdy:


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
:popcorn: I am not an ass, i'm a dumb ass.

It was an unreasonable act of ignorangce. It was non violent and no one got hurt and I spent the full time in jail afterwards cuz i couldn't get any time off for good behavior.

I even went to Annapolis and spray painted red on the Maryland State House saying,
"Thieves of Child Support" and the other post, "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
See I was preaching to them.

Now, if I get to Annapolis as a Delegate for District 29B, It will be a miracle.

:bigwhoop: ------------------------ :howdy:




I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:popcorn: I am not an ass.

It was a reasonable act of civil disobediance. It was non violent and no one got hurt and I spent the full time in jail afterwards.

I even went to Annapolis and spray painted red on the Maryland State House saying,
"Thieves of Child Support" and the other post, "Thou Shalt Not Steal".
See I was preaching to them.

Now I am going to Annapolis as a Delegate for District 29B. It is a miracle.

:bigwhoop: ------------------------ :howdy:
OK, you're not an ass, your're a criminal plain and simple..

You deface public property when you don't get your way, somewhat like a 6 year old may think appropriate.. you don't support your own flesh and blood, and I have a feeling that's why you don't have a job.. In your mental state you think you are proving something to the powers that be by not having a job, not having to pay child support is a way to "I'll show them!!!" You're an idiot plain and simple.. more on the simple then the plain.

I live in this district, and I'll do EVERYTHING in my power to ensure you don't go to Annapolis as MY delegate. You represent everything I detest.

Maybe JUST maybe there is justice in the world, and you and Marion Berry can share a cell and become the bestest of buttbuddies.

First I think I'll start by calling the county election commission and see how they feel about you using taxpayer funded material and equipment to try to run for office. Do you have receipts for EVERYTHING of ours that you have used?? How many copies have you made? How many hours have you spend on MY computer in the library? Can you show receipts where you have reimbursed me for the use of my computer, copying machine, fax?

If you have ZERO funds in your election war chest, where did the money come from to pay for the add in the Enterprise? Did you spend more of MY money on that too? I don't support you, I don't want MY money going to help you get elected.


Iron City
JPC said:
:flowers: Got some new info to report. I did a phone interview for a Washington Post reporter yesterday Tuesday and he said the story was only about new candidates for 2006.

The article is to be in the Southern Maryland Extra section of the Washington Post on Thursday tomorrow or might be in the Sunday paper.

Thus the conquest and liberation of District 29B is escalating just fine.

Democrat Website for St. Mary's County right here.

:elaine: ----------------------------- :eyebrow:

Don't hold your breath, although....nevermind....there is nothing in the online edition of the MD Extra. I have my doubts it will be in the hardcopy edition. :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
First I think I'll start by calling the county election commission and see how they feel about you using taxpayer funded material and equipment to try to run for office. Do you have receipts for EVERYTHING of ours that you have used?? How many copies have you made? How many hours have you spend on MY computer in the library? Can you show receipts where you have reimbursed me for the use of my computer, copying machine, fax?

If you have ZERO funds in your election war chest, where did the money come from to pay for the add in the Enterprise? Did you spend more of MY money on that too? I don't support you, I don't want MY money going to help you get elected.
Fraud, waste, and abuse. He's got being a politicain down before getting elected. No need to elect him now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
Now I am going to Annapolis as a Delegate for District 29B. It is a miracle.
That would be a miracle, alright :lmao:

JPC, don't you listen to any of those naysayers - I think you're the funniest guy on the forums. Some people just have no sense of humor.

Keep up the good work. :yay:
vraiblonde said:
JPC, don't you listen to any of those naysayers - I think you're the funniest guy on the forums. Some people just have no sense of humor.

Keep up the good work. :yay:
I put money on it that JPC is yet another nomo MPD... pretty elaborate setup this time... kudos, nomo...:clap:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

vraiblonde said:
That would be a miracle, alright :lmao:

JPC, don't you listen to any of those naysayers - I think you're the funniest guy on the forums. Some people just have no sense of humor.

Keep up the good work. :yay:

:flowers: Well thank you. I agree with the sense of humor. I find some of the postings hilarious. This is a fun Forum for me. I tell many people about this place and tell them to come join in the fun.

:popcorn: ------------------- :coffee:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:flowers: Well thank you. I agree with the sense of humor. I find some of the postings hilarious. This is a fun Forum for me. I tell many people about this place and tell them to come join in the fun.

:popcorn: ------------------- :coffee:
Well if this place get lots of people like you, it will become inhabited only by the likes of you.

Vrai, that would not be a good thing. See, he doesn't have a job and likely, his friends don't either, and there are only so many computers at the library. The outcome would be that the post count would go down significantly and since most of his people don't have jobs or spendable income (no income except being on the dole), your advertisers would abandoned ship. That would mean no money honey for you. :huggy: You might want to rethink encouraging him.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

ItsBob said:
OK, you're not an ass, your're a criminal plain and simple..

... ... ....

First I think I'll start by calling the county election commission and see how they feel about you using taxpayer funded material and equipment to try to run for office. Do you have receipts for EVERYTHING of ours that you have used?? How many copies have you made? How many hours have you spend on MY computer in the library? Can you show receipts where you have reimbursed me for the use of my computer, copying machine, fax?

:yay: Call up any one you want. I posted in the Newspaper so I have no secrets. Believe it that I am ready for the full election and whatever comes up.

ItsBob said:
If you have ZERO funds in your election war chest, where did the money come from to pay for the add in the Enterprise? Did you spend more of MY money on that too? I don't support you, I don't want MY money going to help you get elected.

:yay: I never said that I have zero funds. See my Campaign Website on the Contribution Page, at bottom left for more detail.

My campaign is to be run through the Primaries for less then or up to $1,000. and I am not requesting contributions from the public.

I am running on the issues alone. And a thousand dollars to get the message out to little District 29B is far enough.

The oligarchy has been paying off my opponent as much as $80,000. for 29B and he is expecting $100,000. They got the election paid up and the puppet representative paid off and I intend to beat the sell-out for less than a grand.

That is the plan. :razz:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

mrweb said:
Don't hold your breath, although....nevermind....there is nothing in the online edition of the MD Extra. I have my doubts it will be in the hardcopy edition. :whistle:

:popcorn: The story did not come out today in the Southern Maryland Extra so maybe this Sunday. The Sunday has more readers anyway so I like it better.

The guy wants me to send him a picture and I do not have one to send. I might have to go buy a digital camera. I do not much like pictures.

:flowers: ---------------------- :bigwhoop:


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
The oligarchy has been paying off my...

That is the plan. :razz:
I think we should take up a collection and buy this MORON a dictionary and a thesaurus so he can learn a different 25 cent word..


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
I think we should take up a collection and buy this MORON a dictionary and a thesaurus so he can learn a different 25 cent word..
And the difference between "then" and "than".

I hope, truly hope, he goes away when he looses the primary. If he doesn't, then I hope everyone ignores him completely so he goes away from boredom.