Regime Change in MD. District 29B.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:elaine: I do not see the value in simple name calling. Being a convict in a rightful cause is a proud position. One must start to ask questions before jumping to judgements. Like why was he in jail?? What made the person a convict? Was it right or wrong? Questions like that is where the truth comes from. Through history there have been many famous and powerful people that have come through the jails.

I was a political prisoner and it was my duty to defy the law and that is what I did and that is why I was in jail and in prison.

Also, in 29B it is me alone that will stand up to the greed and the big business because I am not afraid of them. When one lives in fear of their own government and in fear of their jails then they do live in fear indeed.

:flowers: ------------------ :eyebrow:

Name one law you were convicted of that you didn't break. I know you won't answer this, because you lack the basic courage to admit what you did. I may as well talk to a freakin' wall.


Regime Change in MD

What bothers me about all this talk about moving PAX River out.... is that Cusic seems to think that only the St. Mary's economy, schools, and neighborhoods would be affected.... that's just not so...

Calvert County is home to a significant number of military families. We value our military neighbors... they cherish God, Country and Family. This is a great basis for building community.

Cusic also seems to forget that if the military base were to move, the doctors, dentists, and other health professionals would leave as well. Many family members work in the private sector and they would leave too... There would be no shortage of homes... if the military families left the housing market would be affected.

My dad was a Navy E9 veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.... I have the deepest respect for the military families... their sacrifice is commendable....

Oh... and on the subject of child support... the court does not jail people for not paying child support... the courts jail people for contempt of court....


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:elaine: I do not see the value in simple name calling. Being a convict in a rightful cause is a proud position. One must start to ask questions before jumping to judgements. Like why was he in jail?? What made the person a convict? Was it right or wrong? Questions like that is where the truth comes from.
In your case. Failure to pay child support, failure to comply with a court order, and defacing public property come to mind. It was wrong. Your version of "truth" is only in your head. You work from the "new age truth" of "what is good for me is truth" which has nothing to do with truth.
JPC said:
Through history there have been many famous and powerful people that have come through the jails.

I was a political prisoner and it was my duty to defy the law and that is what I did and that is why I was in jail and in prison.
You are not famous nor powerful nor will you be so. You were never a political prisoner and to claim so is insulting to all those that have been. You defied the law because you are a cheapskate and a deadbeat and you have your selfish best interest at heart rather than a true interest in support of your own child.
JPC said:
Also, in 29B it is me alone that will stand up to the greed and the big business because I am not afraid of them. When one lives in fear of their own government and in fear of their jails then they do live in fear indeed.

:flowers: ------------------ :eyebrow:
So after you loose in the primary, are you going to keep tormenting us with your drivel?


New Member

Please tell us your stance on taxes and education. Or are you just going to reform the child support system and close down the base? As a delegate, you have to have wider range of concerns.

As far as the convict thing, you were convicted of a crime like or not that is what it is. Failure to support your children will go over like a fart in church in the district you are trying to win. The amount of conservative to moderate voters in 29B is very high and they place a high priority on family.


Well-Known Member
mv_princess said:
...Somehow you calling me princess is creeping me out. So stop

When I read his post, I flashed on Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, telling Janet Leigh: "After all, a boy's best friend is his mother.". Eeewwwwww!!!


mv = margaritaville
donbarzini said:
When I read his post, I flashed on Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, telling Janet Leigh: "After all, a boy's best friend is his mother.". Eeewwwwww!!!
I am not sure I know what movie that is from................But somehow reading that made the chills worse........thanks!


Well-Known Member

If you can rent it. The two best lines from horror movies from one of the best actors of our time.


mv = margaritaville
donbarzini said:

If you can rent it. The two best lines from horror movies from one of the best actors of our time.
As soon as I find someone brave to watch it with me..............I will.


mv = margaritaville
Nickel said:
DO NOT get the new version, it's not good at all.
I have heard that..............I want to see it. Just not by myself at my house. So....................When I find someone brave enough to watch it with me, i will be all over it!


Well-Known Member
C'mon people!! Somebody step up and volunteer for princess!! I would, but I'm married, 50yrs old, bald, and 30 lbs overweight. The only thing scarier for her would be JPC in Annapolis!!