Religion Of Peace - Mobs Globally


PREMO Member



Well-Known Member
It is coming and we all know it. They do not deny it they tell us what they are after, and we stand around scratching our balls and do nothing.


Well-Known Member
It is coming and we all know it. They do not deny it they tell us what they are after, and we stand around scratching our balls and do nothing.

Some people say Oh! I know a Muslim and he is a fine man, and his ragheaded family are nice people, he runs the local liquor store.
Yes he is a nice man now. Wait until they get enough in this country to have their religion running it and he will cut off your freaking head, and piss down your neck.


PREMO Member

Kentucky man joins ISIS, planned on shooting planes, martyrdom, DOJ says

A Kentucky man, who traveled to Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) group, discussed jihad, martyrdom and shooting at planes, a federal court revealed.

According to a press release from the Department of Justice, 34-year-old Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic left the U.S. for Istanbul in 2014 alongside 2 co-conspirators.

The trio quickly abandoned their proposed itineraries and flew into Gaziantep, Turkey – which is near the Turkey-Syrian border.

Next, they joined ISIS, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

Mirsad Hariz Adem Ramic, a dual U.S.-Bosnian citizen,

yeah I didn't think this guy was an American .. he is Eastern European ... Bosnian are Muslim by default


PREMO Member

Furious lynch mob snatch tourist from a police station and beat him to death then set him on fire after accusing him of desecrating the Koran in Pakistan


A mob in north-western Pakistan has broken into a police station, snatched a man who was held there and then lynched him over allegations that he had desecrated Islam's holy book, the Koran.

The dead man, Mohammad Ismail, was a tourist who had been staying at a hotel in the town when a gang of locals turned on him and accused him of blasphemy.

The attackers also torched the station in Madyan, a town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and burned police vehicles parked there, according to local police officials.

Horrific footage shows the moment the baying crowds swell around their victim, cheering before they torch the man to death.
Photos of the aftermath show overturned and burnt out cars and debris across the street, with concerned locals seen assessing the aftermath of the violent scenes.

an Ex-Muslim friend of mine sent me this yesterday;

All Islamic Areas should be treated with VX Nerve Gas, Including Detroit