Religion Of Peace - Mobs Globally


PREMO Member
Well people are lazy, progressives see Islam as a partner to tear down the West and remake society into a Marxist Utopia

Ignoring the fact they will be the 1st ones at best enslaved during the take over or at worst

I posted a picture from the executions in Iraq where 100's were executed, one by one the bodies falling in a river .... even having 12 yr old boys do the killing.
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Well-Known Member
Bring more here so we can get in on the fun.
Yes: Open the borders so they can walk across, better yet fly them in and , send more money to Iran.
Elect them to our Congress, that's a good idea. Let them camp out at our colleges in Soros bought tents.
Let's have Sharia law in Dearborn.

Do we have Islamophobia? Well some of us do. Is it frightening to see what is happening in Europe? Probably.
But it is growing right here too. If you don't have Islamophobia you are freaking stupid.
It's not some crazy phobia, its been earned by Islamic's. They freaking hate anyone who isn't one of them
Hate them back or suffer the consequences, and those consequences are evident ,

It's happening--------------NOW.
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PREMO Member

“The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history”

I would argue the war already is here and has been for decades.

That war certainly is here already in education. You know its in higher ed, but its also in grade schools.

Read this article in The Tablet by Neetu Arnold, someone I knew when she was an undergraduate student at Cornell and who now works at the National Association of Scholars, The Child Soldiers of Ethnic Studies.

“From a young age, more American students are fed anti-Western material funded and distributed by a constellation of dark money, left-wing groups, foreign governments, and even from our own government”




Well-Known Member
More importantly, "Why is Anjem Choudary still alive?"
Why do WE have 4 Muslims in our Congress and if we say anything about it we are Islamophobic.
Well: I am no frightened by Islamists, but I do know their intentions, their book sites their intentions.
It is a matter of time before they breed enough and are imported enough to carry out their plans and anyone in denial of that is a damned fool.
Run them off now before it becomes impossiblle.


Well-Known Member
Please. Do not tell me about your nice Muslim neighbor.
If he is a true Muslim and you are not he wants you dead or as his slave.
If he is not a true Muslim the rest of the Muslim's want him dead too.

Drop all pretense of Islam ,become a Christian, Stop praying 5 times a day to a pedophile and pray to Jesus Christ and I will half way trust him.
Only half way.


PREMO Member