I still don't understand what the big deal is about CRE or the bridge. I have lived in CRE for 3 years now and think its great. I hate it that I have to leave in a few weeks. It's quiet, I have awesome neighbors. Yards...eh...most everybody's yard in CRE is a hill...not much you can do with it. I know there are some problem folks with cars and trash piling up in there yards, but that problem isn't as wide spread as folks wouuld have you believe.
As far as the bridge goes...accidents and backups can happen everywhere. I don't think that that is a big deal either. I moved here from Philly...the traffic problems here are NOTHING compared to what the daily commute there was. And that's what I'm going back to.
I enjoy coming home from work here and hearing absolute quiet. No neighbors, no loud stereo's no highway noise, the airplanes stop flying over on base usually at dusk.
There are ALOT of houses in CRE for sale. You need to look at as many houses here and elsewhere that you can, and pay attention to the neighbors houses and yards as well. If it looks like trouble, knock on some doors and ask other neighbors. I've had several folks knock on my door here asking about the neighborhood. I didn't mind it at all. And you had better believe that I did it before I bought this one. And I bought it even though the neighbor right across the street got some pretty bad reviews. But she provided us with weekly entertainment via red and blue lights, po-po cars parked all over the place, search lights from over head... Oh yea...THAT'S entertainment. But she's gone and I have great folks living in there now. And all is quiet...every night.
Bad neighbors can move in or out right next door at any time, anywhere. Nothing you can do about it.
Here is the website for CRE. Check out the covenants and amenities. 2 Private swimming/bass lakes, 3 private Bay beaches, garden club, sports fields, basketball courts, horseshoe pits/league, airpark, own security with MANY police officers, county and state also living in CRE.